Bannerlord increase caravan party size What are the added abilities with the different "Clan Tier" levels? Is this list accurate and comprehensive? - More Companions - More Parties - Increase Party Size for Companions So one of the things I like to do most in this game is fight bandits, but their party size is way too small to keep fighting past having like 20 or 30 men, so is there currently any way to increase bandit party size? At higher clan tiers it gives them a better start because of the increased party size bonus, but doing it earlier would be fine too so they get an early jump on steward, and then by the time you get higher clan tiers, they can all have 100 troops at the very least; not including any perks you give them to increase party size. Steward(yours and your Quarter master), clan tier (and addind extra parties in your army), perks, becoming a noble or king With clan tier 6, 3 parties, king of my realm I can have 320 men party plus 3 more with around 120 men, total of almost 700 soldiers just from my clan. Uplifting Spirit (Leadership skill) - increases party size by 10. For the record, this mod very much is compatible with their fixes, they just are very over-cautious. All other bonuses and statistics affect the party size as usual. 0, but please copy directly from partyTemplates in SandBox\ModuleData\ instead): In your party it doesn't do anything. Meh. Riding - Conroi: increases the current party's party size by 4. Sep 14, 2020 · The role states leadership when selecting it but uses steward. Apr 18, 2020 · Added player caravan size based on tier option. Does anyone know of any by chance that Until I get my first fief, I keep a party of 50 cavalry, or 40 cavalry and 10 fians with 10 horses in inventory. I use this party for caravan raids, it's easy money as mercenary. Apr 1, 2020 · You need to increase your Steward stat. It's a waste of money regardless of which you pick. In this video, I will show you so I'm trying to mould one of my clansmen into a half decent trader and I figured I'd ask. In both cases, any force that considers the caravan a valid target will still chase it until it gets cornered and kill it. that's 200/+. I use different armies for different purposes. You need a caravan leader with Tactics. 8 speed Every goddamn caravan has above 6 speed even bandits have 5. Jun 11, 2024 · Change the Caravan Party Size based on Clan Tier and change Caravan Income to compensate Troop costs. The caravan needs to get attacked 1st and have the units die before you can donate some actual decent troops to it. Reply reply Unlimited PS: (party size) This is the one you want, I haven't use it because with the following mods I don't need it and the armies would cost too much. Theres another one called "Noble Retinue" which increases party size by a further 40 for every clan in your Kingdom (Tier 4 clan +) I can have 350 men in my personal army. 0) - If you activate the cheat and the limit doesn't change in-game, save and load your save, it should refresh the limits and they will change. Been using a mod that gives +100 party size to seemingly every party including caravans, but now they cost something like 1200 a day and earn far… The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. It was that one day my party size was 306 max and the next 300 max. The troops preview is dark when you go to the party and clan tab. I don’t think troop size affects your caravans income and your caravan won’t get attacked by bandits so I think you will be fine. Leading their own party it may effect slightly something they get regarding loot, they have some means that raises trade skill but I don't actually know how it works, it's something the player doesn't have as for the player only things you buy and sell for a profit gain trade, but AI parties do "something", probably just a cheat on their loot tbh. You prob already got the answer but if you use a mod male sure to only set the limit to 1400, while the engine does say 2048 is the actual hard limit for units, you can't set that, because horses count as a unit hence if you have it set at 2048, it will spawn all troops and cause you to go over the limit and hence resulting in a crash, so I think 1400 is a good sweet spot The party size correlation has to be referring to your individual party size not your 4 clan party limit. Really great for catching single lords. This guide on How To Increase Party Size In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord tells you how you can increase your party size so that you're able to carry a lot more troops in your army, alongside your Companions and other useful military tools. Reply reply Party size was normal for stats, at 238 but immediately jumped to 5k after taking the tier 3 leadership perks. But they have different objectives. Members Online Did you know that having more horses (not including pack mounts) will increase your party’s speed The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Otherwise, you have a few options: investing into leadership will boost your party size, and having a good quartermaster will help too. 1. parade. Uplifting Spirit Level 175 is plus 10 to Your party size available will rise naturally as you play the game, because ‘renown’ from tournaments and battles is also needed to level up your clan. Both will increase the related skills of the companion leaders. Both have risks and rewards. Caravan Party Editing? Question Top 1% Rank by size . Im on console and I have found no way of increasing the actually troop size of caravans. It's like 3. When I have fiefs, most of my army is in garrisons in peacetime, and I only keep an honor guard of 10-20 high tier cavalry to keep me safe from bandits and whatnot. Maybe you can keep exploiting this and have infinite parties. Aug 10, 2021 · Caravan size used to be affected by clan level (so it would be 45 by clan level 2, 60 by level 3, etc. This is ineptitude on a large scale. and i looked at scouting perks but they are pretty useless until 250 points. Keep in mind the ultimate leader perks stop working once you join a kingdom. Caravan b. Feb 4, 2014 · For example, if on the second screen you have the Imperial troop tree there with 1 soldier each, except for Imperial Recruits who have 20 soldiers, the party will never take more than 20 Imperial Recruits at the same time in its party, but will otherwise recruit all the other Imperial troops on the list until the party size limit is reached. Other than selling some random boots and body armor I looted, nothing about my party or skills changed. Gives plus 5 increase. No Trading. i start new game party size droppes i played a long game 2 months party size went from 450 to 40 something is happening after the update Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size They disabled caravan size upgrades sadly, you're stuck with 30 and the troop upgrade, I'd grab a caravan mod off nexusmods if you want to change it. * Al Version to Increase Party Size for all Lords; 900 Version for Player Party Size; Version 1. Want to know how to increase the size of your party in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord? Then you have come to the right place. The most recent example is: I had a party size of 308 and I went to Rhotae, won the tournament, sold some extra loot I had. 0. i want to catch caravans but they have 6. #1 Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Apr 20, 2020 · make it a decision on risk vs reward being do i want it to die easily but can make 4x what i would if i made a caravan that could tank all the bandits. 0 has serious graphical screen issues. If you’re worried about invasion, switch project to “Recruit Militia”. 1to1 horses - infantry. Had to revert back to 1. You will need a certain amount of renown to enact these, and you may have to win a vote if you have other nobles in your kingdom: There are a couple kingdom policies that can increase your party size as well as perks from your skill tree that add +5, +10, etc, leadership 275 gives you +1 per level over 250, so hitting 275 gives you +25 right there. But when a party inside the city with zero food goes from 129 soldiers to 165, that is BS. The Steward skill lets you take more as it goes up. Then there is Leader of The Masses at Level 125. Leadership - Leader of Masses - Increased party +5 for each town you control Leadership - Ultimate Leader - +1 party size for every point after 250. It would be cool if I can make it so I can reduce ai party wages, ai food consumption, boost ai morale, and party size. After I left the town I saw "1 troop has deserted your party. Each renown tier lets you take 15 more troops. I believe the first one is at Level 75 Authority. This will increase defender size and it doesn’t cost you anything so you can reduce the garrison. Army c. in Warband it was leadship that increased party size but ive been hearing ppl saying that its steward but i don't see any traits in the steward tree that helps with party size. You can only create a caravan from companions that are in your party I believe. Important details: (usually does not happen since v1. Members Online. The ‘Policies’ tab is found under Kingdom Management (K). New mod file to increase the party limit by 80 or 120, ex: you have 50 What criteria goes into increasing my party size and how can I track it. be/dCQbo9lXIjYMy Full List:Party Size(ps) = Base + Skil Leadership Skill Tree is all about party size increase perks. Oct 31, 2022 · A simple modification that increases the party size by 150. So if you own three towns you will have 15 more troops. 7 at max and catches everything. Is there any other way to increase party speed. Part of the mega-nerf that utterly destroyed caravan usefulness from a year ago permanently restricted caravan size to below that of NPC caravans. Time of day matters. Each further level adds 15 troop size increase. Affects both the player's party and AI lords, but not caravans etc. I get that starvation isn't fully implemented. Basically all caravans just die because 30 is the limit right now. Reply reply More replies Top 1% Rank by size Apr 17, 2020 · My own party size went up to 194, which I don't remember it being before. Or use Mod to increase it to 50 caps again or max to 90 cap renown lv6 at max: Increased Custom or Clan Tier based Caravan Party Size for ALL Caravans I had a bug in PS5 where I retired my character and became my sister who was running a trade caravan. The only things i cheated in were attribute points and focus points, no gold, troops, nothing else. But no use against giant parties or sieges. increases party size. tried reloading to an earlier save, using the campaign. 2 I have enough horses, I'm level 30. In Aserai or Khuzait lands, they'll be chased down by fast desert or steppe bandits. Members Online • This mod Include Increase Party size It's Up to, So my party size has jumped up to 289, but I'm barely moving with 217. . And you can increase it even more to your liking through mod menu. 0 mod. it's an effective way to stabilize a newly conquered town while you heal. Improved Garrisons allows you to create "patrols" that can be assigned to support other parties. Steward - Bannerlord: increases personal party size by 2 per owned fief (town/castle). So if that's the case just ignore it because the bigger your party size the better really. But I can't find any mods that edit ai parties. 4. The advanced caravan provides additional footsoldiers. Find a companion with 100+ (the Spice vendor) and put them as your quartermaster. I believe it’s documents, steam, steamapps, modules, and then right click party templates and open with notes and then just change the values I normally do like 30 minimum and 100 max because it increases so if you do more than that you have bands of like 4-500 bandits roaming the map also make sure you alter party templates and not the quest Nov 27, 2024 · Credits and distribution permission. Other 3. - Updated the default settings as follows: - Player only Caravans: No - Clan Tier Based Limits: Yes - Amount of extra Party Slots per Rank: 15 Apr 16, 2020 · Of course, if the attacking party is more than the caravan party size at the time. Apr 10, 2020 · Knowing how to increase your party size in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is important for advancing further. Jun 11, 2024 · This mod change the party size of new Created Caravans based on the Clan Tier. *Where* you form the caravan matters a lot. Not directly but high renown gives tier levels which increase party size. Bandit Party reinforcement logic is based on a function of number of settlements, hideouts, existing party strength, and a good amount of randomization. At the moment the only way seems to be via clan tier? I want to do a run where every lord has a max party size of like 2000, to create some mega-sized historical-like battles and up the stakes of sieges, armies of like 8k troops forming etc. Thing is, he was hiding far from the front (my army was around Poros) and by the time I reached him (Rovalt), then back again to the front (Saneopea), I went from a max Party size of 331 soldiers to 312! Is there something that passively increase my party size while at war? I am my own steward, and moral is at 100 Hi all, I was a big player of Warband and recently dipped into Bannerlord. 3. For main-party it might only be needed to open your "party" tab to refresh the limit. Leader of the Masses (Leadership skill) - increases party size by 5 for each town you control. < > Jan 4, 2022 · For example, if you wanted to increase the size of villager parties so they are less frightened by looters, you would want to copy the entire part of the villager party code (current as of 1. Is there a way to increase the caravan sizes? Because seeing other nobles owning caravans with 50 troops that rarely get attacked seems kind of unfair compared to the shitty 30 man caravan This thread is archived Jul 12, 2022 · Forming a caravan is a matter of starting a conversation with any of the game’s merchants or artisans, which are the faces that appear on screen as soon as you enter any of the game’s cities. Is there a way to increase… The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Check out my Mods: Manage Remote Companions Restore Caravan Size Summarize Cashflow Nov 3, 2022 · Mounted Scouts (Scouting skill) - increases party size by 5. It can also increase caravan income based on several options. The only ways to increase party size is, steward, clan tier and some perks. Other various +5 or +10 party skills Clan level - I think it is +15 per level but it might be more at lower levels You can get 300 easy but over 300 will take time and investment. Lastly, when you own a Kingdom, you can use the Royal Guard policy for an instant +80 to party size. The game says that running caravans will increase your trade level but my companions are running 3 caravans and nothing is happening. 60+ is fine (One may get caught occasionally) but 100+ is best. The MobileParty's PartyBase size, on the other hand, is really quite tricky, and there isn't a singular value you can modify. Don't forget to equip your companion well because usually they have crap gear. xml regarding bandit troops. enable_party_count 0 and then 1 to see if either would change it. I personally had over 500 troops in my party from over 300 steward skill max clan tier and being a king with a few party size bonuses from polices. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. 7. someone else mentioned how companion parties you have in the field give you extra troops so when i recalled them i lost those perks. Change system to affect parties maximum size instead of changing party templates. Large Town (Garrison) e. fixed taleworlds FillStacks method. So they tend to survive a lot longer in As the title says, I'm wondering how to get a party of like 140-150 men? I seem to remember gaining max party size in m&b Warband for every 10/100 renown I gained? I see several lords running around in Bannerlord with 120+ troops too. Riding - Squires: increases the current party's party size by 2. be/MpdxDFjXwmwIncrease Party Speed or Map Speed - https://youtu. I appreciate any help. There’s also a couple perks: one increase security +5 a day while you are in settlement and another increase loyalty +1 a day the same way. Your clan level also counts but smaller increases. Most size comes The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Updated for Last versions 1. I can find a few mods that allow you to increase your party size, but I can't seem to find any that do so for the AI. Prisoners and wounded slow the party significantly. Party size matters most. and now 295. NOTE: Clan Tier based Caravan Party Size must be after Ralf's Recruiter in the mod manager. Apr 9, 2020 · Bow - Merry Men: increases personal party size by 3. Throwing - Skirmishers: increases personal party size by 5. Apr 17, 2020 · - Added compatibility for Ralf's Recruiter v1. This mod change the party size of new Created Caravans based on the Clan Tier. Reply reply More replies Apr 15, 2023 · The mod by default increases the size of bandit parties by 50%, 100%, a lot, insane and might crash the game. ). You can't even replace the units the caravan hire. It can also increase caravan income based on several options This mod is inspired by Clan Tier based Caravan Party Size by Grant2600 The easiest way to increase troop cap is by increasing your clan level. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file Apr 17, 2020 · I have not tested it but have you tried to create a party for one companion, then give them better troops and only after create a caravan with that companion? In theory that should work. " Checked and my party size dropped to 302. MOD COMPATIBILLITY! Mar 2, 2021 · - Max troops limit is 10000 for clan parties and main party. Think the limit is 999 for a single party, and that it applies for all your clan. Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Steward isn't necessary, since they have a fixed party size. Level 1 at 50 renown adds 25, plus a companion slot. 120 Steward should raise your party size by ~20-30 troops which is quite a lot at low clan ranks. I've gotten my head around a few newer features (smithing for example), but now am at the point of having 5/5 companions plus my brother, and want to see what this forming caravans/parties are all about. Nov 10, 2022 · Riding: At the skill of 75, Riding increases party size by 2. It just random goes up time to time and it’s kinda annoying not knowing when… You may get lucky and find one with a skill of around 120 and you can make him your party Quartermaster. Can recruit them at any settlement you visit. Mar 30, 2020 · A bigger party size means more troops and bigger battles. At 175, it increases party size by 15; Bow: At 150, your party size is increased by 3; Throwing: At 100, your party size increases by 5; Trade: Reaching 275 in the skill increases party size by 15; Bannerlord Perks While skills increase the party size, perks can do so too in Bannerlord. When you get to mid game there will be 800+ armies fighting all the time. 2. 0 up till the latest release, Possible earlier as well How the mod work: The mod changes the values in partyTemplates. As for Caravan and shops, they're okay when you have money to spare, but they don't bring in enough to be necessary and to me, it always makes sense to save up to build a better party to fight lords (buying warhorses and such) rather then to make caravans or shops early. Best & Worst Policies - https://youtu. 3 and my army has around 5. I don't want to go all in cav. Also the characters in encyclopedia are dark Look for bannerlord tweaks on nexus, it has a tweak to slight increase party size but you can edit it's config file to the value you want. Compatible versions: The mod works on 1. A party of 200 horse archers moves with 5. In the Vlandia/Battania/Sturgian lands, they have to avoid the *much* slower mountain/forest/sea bandits/raiders. And the cost of recruiting vassals is going to be anywhere from 200k-1mill so its probably not going to change that massively. i (and/or my in-party companions) usually have this and the other waiting in settlement buffs - the -50% troop wage, +5 security, +50% healing. Castle (Garrison) d. This is done through gaining renown, so keep fighting battles, winning tourneys, etc. Nov 6, 2022 · Once you’ve become the ruler of a faction, you can also increase party size through certain policies. Hey everyone, let me describe my problem and my question for somebody here that knows more than me: Basically, my game seems weirdly depopulated after about 2 years of in-game time. Jul 19, 2020 · With this mod you can increase your party size to 200 or 300 or 500 or increase the party limit for your clan by 80 or 120 or 900 Version 1. Which increases your party size by 5 for every Town you own. Posted by u/Comprehensive_Ad8313 - 2 votes and 1 comment Besieged parties with *no food* should NOT be able to increase their party size. Nothing changed. I have mostly balanced army a little bit heavy on infantry. This is directly tied to your party size. It slows down the caravan considerably. The trade-off with this is that your main character will not gain as much Steward skill over time because the companion is fulfilling that role. Authority (Leadership skill) - increases party size by 5. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. Title says it all I need to increase my party size as fast as possible been stuck at 97 troops for a while and I need 100 to finish the banner quest Archived post. This works, then it shows a new bonus to your party size run down that reads "Additional size from extra party cheat", which disappears on reload. No. Restores clan tier bonuses to caravan size removed in a previous version of the game. Apr 5, 2020 · You pay their significant wages, and have the right to take / collect their troops for your own party. They should also (unknown if working) generate renown and relations for your clan. This guide will help you understand how to raise your party size quickly. Mar 30, 2020 · Intelligence – Steward (100): Bannerlord – +2 party size for each fief that you own Intelligence – Steward (150): Swords As Tribute – +10 party size for every vassal so i made a mod for people (Like me) who hate early game small party size or if you are crazy warlord who command big army too loot and raze every village and city The mod has 6 versions and 2 functions: Set your party size for either 200 , 300 or 500 or increase your limit by 80 or 120 last one to increase all lords by 100 I'd like to have large more drawn out battles. So a party of 20 infantry can have 20 mules and 20 saddle horses without penalty, but a party of 20 cavalry with the same baggage train will have a large herd penalty because they're not "riding" the saddle horses like the infantry would. Apr 18, 2020 · Community Patch shuts off it's party size fixes when it detects any other mod has touched the same Methods it patches, even if those patches are compatible. Jan 15, 2025 · Riding: At the skill of 75, Riding increases party size by 2. I’m rocking right now with 300+ in my own personal party, my quartermaster alone bags me +65 guys Nov 6, 2022 · A simple modification that increases the party size by 50. Sep 12, 2020 · Caravans will still start with 30 men, but will recruit more troops as they traverse the world map. 'Dispatched' - Is that Quests? If not, what does it mean? How does it function? 4. Sep 6, 2020 · It's probably like that for balance, but you can pay the caravan master some extra money to get better troops for the caravan, and there is a perk in the Trade skill called "Insurance Plans" which gives it about 10 extra elite troops in addition to refunding 5000 gold when it dies, very useful imo Its in the graphics settings you can choose either performance that runs at 60fps but has a cap of only 500 men on the battlefield (250v250) or fidelity that runs at 30fps but can have up to 1000 men of the battlefield not sure if you can put it on fidelity in old gen consoles. Now imagine having all of your family have max party size and getting them in an army, just 3 or 4 and you'll have at least 1950 to 2600 just from your clan alone, truly a one-clan army. When you rescue your family, make your brother quartermaster and that should boost the party size. 0 because 1. What a horror show. a. My parties after said 5/4 and her trade caravan had become a leaderless party I made somebody leader and was able to run 4 other parties besides my own. Does the game… - Download bannerlord Cheat mod - In kaoses tweaks mod ingame, set the hero party size bonus to 5% exactly - Exit the game, open Kaoses tweaks config file in Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\ModSettings\Global\KaosesTweaks - Find these 2 areas at line 115 and 116 "ProductionTweakEnabled": true, Culture and a lot of perks impact speed. My Little Warband: to create your own troop tree. Talent Magnet (Leadership skill) - increases party size by 10. 5. mryqh taxwdmi cpixc mhxqa zhe dcgh xdu lutw mhfh rkdxn iiqd xhfgw gphmyt kxjwjpp qzzdx