Bazel and cmake. I know that bazel could do it.

Bazel and cmake Is there anyone who has faced this problem in your own projects created a generic, portable way to include libraries within Bazel projects that are built using cmake ? Oct 10, 2019 · The syntax of Bazel is very similar to CMake: it’s very declarative and readable. The chosen approach depends on different properties of the third-party library, e. > Bazel also obviously uses the system compilers and headers. Is it evil to use with Bazel? Is running find over a code base such a scaling problem that build systems really need to avoid it? Nov 17, 2022 · Bazel is the open-source version of Google’s in-house Blaze tool. Some simple things are more complicated than necessary. Sep 4, 2024 · There are more than 25 alternatives to Bazel for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD and Android apps. Bazel scales. so files? What is a good practice here? Mar 5, 2025 · This page contains resources that help you use Bazel with C++ projects. We use CMake here! This collection contains reliable and dead-simple examples to use TensorFlow in C, C++, Go and Python: load a pre-trained model or compile a custom operation with or without CUDA. There is another CMakeLists. The tool tries to generate the CMake that a CMake expert would have written manually, based on best practices for CMake. bzl三种文件,Bazel执行这些文件生成 action graph,执行action来构建项目。 共同点:给用户暴露的编译对象都是target,以及对应的各种编译属性。 在处理大型C++项目的依赖关系时,都很方便。 Modern CMake优点: You don't have to deal with Java with CMake, but Bazel has more straightforward syntax. c. Mar 15, 2023 · Bazel is polyglot — it supports many other languages (such as Python, Rust, Go, Java, etc. However, bazel test will pass all the tests even they should not. 1 or later is required. I want to use it a little bit to make my opinion. 前面文章介绍了 C++编译过程:预处理、编译、汇编、链接,内容比较简单,只要会使用命令行,就能根据文章的内容实践操作,直观的了解编译全过程。一个项目往往不只一两个cpp文件,此时命令行编译的方式就会显得捉… Feb 8, 2011 · CMake 2. C, C++ or Java libraries and/or executables. The is no way to “install” the build executables, libraries and header files onto the system, be it the typically install locations (such as /usr/local/bin , /usr/local/lib , e. Can someone help me with an example or is there any other tools to prebuild a package that build with Cmake into wheel file? Depending on your needs we recommend building using bazel or cmake. Jun 14, 2020 · The package is currently build using cmake. Apr 29, 2022 · Using CMake I can compile just by adding the following line on my CMakeLists. This, and a broad comparison of characteristics of build systems, will be explained in the first chapter. txt which uses some global variables like TYPE_A, TYPE_B. For end users, Drake also offers a CMake build system wrapper that invokes Bazel as a subprocess and maps CMake build options into Bazel build options, so that users can install Drake via standard tools without knowing anything about Bazel. For me Bazel solves the Build Problem much better and makes it easier to make reproducible builds. - tqolf/bazel-like-cmake Tools like Bazel or Nixprovide deterministic build systems that lock down these variables. The crates are rdkafka and paho-mqttt. Remote caching and incremental builds. Like CMake, it has built-in rules to build e. Install Bazel. If you are like me and use tools like Clang, RTags, etc. Dec 4, 2024 · bazel_vs_cmake 首选bazel,然后cmake Bazel是Google开源的,类似于Make、Maven或Gradle的构建和测试工具。它使用可读性强的、高层次的构建语言,支持多种编程语言,以及为多种平台进行交叉编译。 Feb 10, 2022 · Write your own Findccd. This is trivial with CMake, but AFAIK Bazel does not provide such native support. Mar 5, 2025 · The MODULE. For example, I have the stupid_test. cc file: Mar 5, 2019 · I'm converting CMake project to Bazel. cmake Mar 20, 2018 · Naively, we can use a custom cmake rule (add_custom_target or ExternalProject_Add) to invoke bazel build for Bar however we want, produce Bar's build artifacts, declare that the custom cmake rule produces Bar's artifacts, then use them in Foo's cmake. Bazel是Google开源的编译构建工具,以 Monolithic Repository 为理念。 与makefile & CMake不同,Bazel另起炉灶,采用client/server运行模式,为云编译而生。 Bazel工具将编译过程分三个阶段:Load Phase/Analysis Phase/Execution phase。 研发人员实现workspace/build/. For instance, Bazel uses a content-addressable cache, meaning the same source code and dependencies always result in the same build outputs, even when run on different machines. ” Today, I’m going to change that, and put Bazel head-to-head against CMake. It's the open-source version of Google's internal build tool, Blaze. . 1 · 8. build Dec 19, 2021 · After a lot of research, it turns out that this is kind of possible. cmake is a seamless submodule which aims to mimic the behavior of bazel to simplify the usability of CMake for any mainstream operating systems (Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android, IOS). Cons. It isn’t designed for a specific language in the way that Maven is mainly intended for Java, and CMake is well-suited for C/C++. – Mar 25, 2019 · I am trying to use googletest with bazel and cmake. Here's what Foo's bazel invocation looks like: $ bazel build //somedir/subdir:toplevel_target Oct 30, 2024 · 缩点的原始节点就是在bazel中必须包含在一个Target的文件。 其实一般顶级开源项目的模块划分都很清晰,一般不会出现多个模块之间大规模的互相引用,但是出现后这种判断Cmake项目是否可以逐模块拆分为Bazel的方法非常有效。 Jul 21, 2023 · Is there some mismatch between the protobuf your project is finding and the one TensorflowCC found? You right, it should be in a comment. bazel Source Build BazelCmake is the parent folder and Source subfolder contains the source files. Oct 5, 2021 · This is the first part of a multi-part series which is a deep dive into Ocient’s Bazel-based build system. Bazel allows hermetic toolchains, and uses it for most languages: Java, Python, Go, Rust, Node. : 今日深入探究了现代软件构建工具Bazel和CMake的对比。Bazel,强调了构建速度和可扩展性,特别是在处理大型、多语言项目时展现出其优势。它通过增量构建和缓存机制,确保了重复构建的高效性。另一方面 Jul 23, 2023 · CMake在大型项目上可能会面临一些性能挑战。 4. This find module will have to locate the Bazel-produced artifacts and replicate upstream ccd's interface, including variable and target naming. You can do the same for C++, but Bazel doesn't provide that out-of-the-box. Contribute to Lwelch45/fmt-bazel development by creating an account on GitHub. json file. Please keep in mind that depending on the complexity of the existing Bazel project itself and the limited capabilities of the toolchain you are using, you might not be able to integrate the Bazel project into Zephyr without serious code adaptation or refactoring on the Bazel project side! """This is yet another bazel-to-cmake converter. Because Google’s development environment is unusually large and complex, Bazel offers unusually strong guarantees about the integrity of its builds and unusually low performance overhead in achieving them. The reason why CMake continues to be the best choice is momentum. 复杂性和学习曲线: CMake相对来说比较容易入手,学习曲线较平缓。Bazel的语法和规则更加严格,对于初学者可能会有一定的学习曲线。 选择使用CMake还是Bazel取决于具体项目的需求和团队的偏好。 Feb 15, 2023 · 这些工具都有各自的优缺点,最好用的工具取决于你的具体需求和偏好。以下是它们的简要介绍: Bazel:Bazel 是一个由 Google 开发的构建工具,主要用于构建大型、复杂的软件项目。Bazel 的主要优点包括高速、可扩展性好、构建结果可重复、支持多语言等等。Bazel 适用于大型项目和工程师数量 Jun 13, 2023 · Summary. May 14, 2020 · After converting several libraries to WebAssembly, I can tell you that the isolation Bazel offers is quite nice — no horrible breaking changes when a cmake script has been modified. The 1. Share and Nov 10, 2021 · CMake 是十分出名的开源代码编译管理工具,因为出现的时间比较早,很多项目默认使用 CMake 管理代码编译。Bazel 官方也提供了 Bazel 项目转 CMake 的工具。因为 Bazel 的一些特性,不少项目同时提供了 Bazel 和 CMake 编译文件 Jul 20, 2022 · Below are the various features of Bazel, compared to cmake/make. One of the attractive qualities of Bazel is that it can build code written in a variety of languages. It links to a tutorial, build rules, and other information specific to building C++ projects with Bazel. bazel file, which identifies the directory and its contents as a Bazel workspace and lives at the root of the project's directory structure. Bazel test not working. cloc reports a fair amount of C++ code, even without considering all the third party dependencies that are downloaded from external repos (some of which are quite substantial, like the Bullet physics library). CMake, with its imperative scripting language, often presents challenges for developers due to its verbose and idiosyncratic syntax. Here are the key differences between Bazel and CMake: Build Language and Configuration: Bazel uses a custom domain-specific language (DSL) called Starlark for defining build rules, while CMake relies on a script-based configuration language using CMakeLists. If True, the cmake and ninja toolchains, calling corresponding preinstalled binaries by name (cmake, ninja) will be registered after 'native_tools_toolchains' without any platform constraints. Nix does not. I have top-level CMakeLists. It works with multiple repositories and user bases in the tens of thousands. Fast if well-written. txt changes you mentioned. Bazel is the recommended build system and the easiest to integrate with. Perl 5. As with CMake, you have to define your target name and declare your sources and dependencies. cmake right? Also, how does CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH work when the files are remote, acquired through http_archive, do you use ~/. Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution. Bazel focuses on essential features for modern software development: High Mar 5, 2025 · This page contains resources that help you use Bazel with C++ projects. 8. Using bazel will give you the best developer experience in addition to faster and cleaner builds. First steps. 1 │ │ ├── CMakeCCompiler. However, it offers integration with other package managers like CMake, making it easier to leverage existing packages. The following resources will help you work with Bazel on C++ projects: Tutorial: Building a C++ project; C++ common use cases; C/C++ rules; Essential Apr 8, 2020 · The cppyy cmake macros mentioned assume that the goal is one python module per project, and that as laziness granularity, the project (as opposed to individual classes) is good enough. Bazel is extensible. cmake. I am using Bazel rust_rules, especially the crate_universe rules to Build Systems: Bazel vs Make Introduction. The folder structure looks like this: BazelCmake WORKSPACE. The default is True. ) — that gives me the opportunity to combine my Python scripts that generate my own weights in one However it also means that every kind of Bazel rule needs specific support in this tool. It's independently written from. The best Bazel alternative is GNU Make, which is both free and Open Source. I want to prebuild this package on my laptop and create a . g. bazel file you will have a build rule to build your Host Code. whl file, such that I can install it on other platform without worrying about building. Report an issue open_in_new View source open_in_new Nightly · 8. Sep 7, 2024 · Welcome to the third and concluding part of the series about dependency and package management in C++ projects in which I’m gonna mostly focus on solutions built into build systems themselves. To start understanding what Bazel is and does, we need to know what build systems are. 6. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo. txt ├── CMakeFiles │ ├── 3. Run: Jun 3, 2023 · I am trying to build a rust crate that uses 2 crates that rely on c libraries using Bazel. Bazel offers a more advanced and scalable solution with better cross-platform support, while Make is simpler and more suitable for smaller projects. Demo with CMake. Every developer out there has CMake installed, and most know how to fix common build problems. Once defined it will almost always just work. I know that bazel could do it. Integrating Bazel with CMake # To integrate Bazel with CMake, we need to create a cmake target in our WORKSPACE file. Mar 15, 2023 · Given different examples, I want to show you why Bazel is possibly the better choice for your C++ projects. Getting Drake. "3. The cmake and clion works perfect as for the test part, it fails where it should fail and passes where it should pass. Bazel evolved out of the need to build internal Google projects reliably and efficiently. you must generate a compile_commands. We talked about this a little bit earlier. 4 Feb 25, 2023 · bazel_vs_cmake 首选bazel,然后cmake Bazel是Google开源的,类似于Make、Maven或Gradle的构建和测试工具。它使用可读性强的、高层次的构建语言,支持多种编程语言,以及为多种平台进行交叉编译。 May 5, 2022 · It also gained a conan new hello/0. It does what it does well, but it's an all-in system and it requires real investment. I'll try doing it the simple way you mentioned first, and if that doesn't work, following the drake_cmake_external example with the CMakeLists. Bazel maintains agility while handling builds with 100k+ source files. Clearly cmake is not supported as a first-class citizen in Bazel builds. What is the equivalent procedure in Bazel? Something like creating a cc_library that contains a glob of all *. Oct 23, 2024 · I have separate experience with cmake C++, bazel C++ and cargo rust. At first glance Bazel also allows file globbing. Full power of Python available for defining your build. It was designed to optimize the efficiency of software development, supporting multiple languages and platforms, and making it suitable for large-scale, polyglot projects. Feb 3, 2024 · Bazel is an advanced build system that originated from Google’s internal build tool, Blaze. See the CMake instructions for details. Very slow. Can bazel create a target for this package without a top level CMakeList. I've used both before, but I've been frustrated with CMake from some previous projects and wanted to try something different. Now we build a demo application for GMP using CMake or Bazel. In this post, we will explore how to do this. js, etc. Second, I do not know how to find if there is some mismatch between the protobuf and TensorflowCC bazel. To integrate the vcpkg installation with a CMakeLists. Building with bazel (recommended) Bazel is the primary build system for gRPC C++. - iree-org/iree If True, the cmake and ninja toolchains, calling corresponding preinstalled binaries by name (cmake, ninja) will be registered after 'native_tools_toolchains' without any platform constraints. I created the Build folder wh Jul 11, 2023 · For C++, there are many choices related to build systems like Makefile, CMake, Ninja, Bazel, and Scons, to name a few. 1 -m=bazel_lib (and bazel_exe) template in last release, which is a good starting point to try things. on Linux) or a custom install directory. In summary, Bazel and Make differ in their building approach, scalability, cross-platform compatibility, configuration language, parallelization, and dependency management. – drodri Commented May 5, 2022 at 7:41 Dec 16, 2016 · @PaddlePaddle/paddle 这几天重新研究了一下bazel,发现了一些我们可能没有仔细考虑过的问题,以及切换成bazel的代价。 对比CMake与 This tutorial gives you a brief overview on the practical aspects of the Bazel cross-compillation. txt files. Mar 8, 2018 · As far as I’m aware, Bazel does not have the install functionality that build systems such as make and CMake have. Apr 23, 2019 · CMake、Bazel和Gradle是三个常用的构建工具,本文将对它们进行一些优缺点的比较和分析。 CMake. 0. On Windows, Active State Perl has been reported to work, as has MSYS Perl. Sep 28, 2022 · I am trying to build a CMake project using Bazel. 4. [1] CMake Pros. 22. Bazel actions run in individual sandboxes and Bazel tracks every input file of the build, only and always re-running build commands when it needs to. Mar 5, 2025 · Migrating to Bazel Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Feb 25, 2021 · CMake looks for TorchConfig. We aim to generate CMake output that is as idiomatic as possible. Mar 25, 2015 · Bazel Overview. 5 · 7. To translate idiomatically, we translate at a high level. While cmake/make/ninja support incremental builds based on disk caching, Bazel supports first-class remote caching, where (typically) the CI generates the cacheable objects. txt file: find_package(BAR) and get the necessary libraries. Great support for multiple backends (Visual Studio, XCode, etc). SCons Pros. One or more BUILD files, which tell Bazel how to build different parts of the project Jun 28, 2016 · Which suggests that globbing is evil, because of CMake using two phases for builds (cmake and make) and in normal use the user only rerunning the second phase (make). By this I mean the usual suspects: GNU autotools, GNU make and cmake. This post covers the motivation behind transitioning to Bazel and how we manage external dependencies. Requires you to pass your configuration settings on every invocation. 11 or later is required. t. Next, the most used build tool at this time, namely Make, is discussed in more details, together with CMake. May 6, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读975次。本文探讨了CMake和Bazel这两种在C++项目构建中常用的工具,分别介绍了它们的用途(CMake用于描述项目结构和依赖,Bazel则通过BUILD文件),以及各自的特点(CMake适用于各种编译器和操作系统,Bazel强调高效分布式构建)。 Feb 20, 2025 · CMake、Meson 和 Bazel 代表了新一代构建工具,专注于灵活性、速度和可扩展性。 Ninja 和 Tup 专注于速度和效率,适合大型项目。 选择工具时,需根据项目规模、复杂性和需求进行权衡。 3 days ago · EngFlow, the leading build acceleration company created by Bazel engineers and funded by Andreessen Horowitz, firstminute capital and Tiger Global, today announced the acquisition of tipi. Working with Bazel. Write a Bazel build for fcl. bazel run --config=gcc11 //:example Run example with Visual Studio 2022: bazel run --config=vs2022 //:example Run example with macOS: bazel run --config=macos //:example If you want to achieve the same comfort with CMake you will have a hard time. cache/bazel directory? Thank you! Dec 10, 2024 · Got it, thank you! I wasn't aware that I couldn't mix CMake and Bazel, and had just followed the Drake Source Installation documentation that uses Bazel. I made an easy to follow tutorial on GitHub, which demonstrates the manual steps on how one can cross-compile a Bazel project and then link the result into a Zephyr project (CMake-based). 0 version of Bazel has been released at the end of 2019. txt which uses the above variables. The syntax of Bazel is very similar to CMake: it’s very declarative and readable. Bazel is a power-tool designed to provide repeatable builds at scale. json file: A retargetable MLIR-based machine learning compiler and runtime toolkit. Bazel是Google开源的编译构建工具,以 Monolithic Repository 为理念。 与makefile & CMake不同,Bazel另起炉灶,采用client/server运行模式,为云编译而生。 Bazel工具将编译过程分三个阶段:Load Phase/Analysis Phase/Execution phase。 研发人员实现workspace/build/. Overview In this part I’ll have a closer look on meson wraps, cmake’s FetchContent, bazel’s Bazel 是多平台工具。Bazel 可在 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 上运行。Bazel 可以从同一项目为多个平台(包括桌面设备、服务器和移动设备)构建二进制文件和可部署软件包。 Bazel 可扩缩。Bazel 在处理包含 10 万多个源文件的 build 时,能够保持敏捷性。 Using cmake like bazel: cc_library, cc_binary, cc_test and cc_add_dependencies provided. Extensible to your needs: Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Followin $ tree build-cmake/ build-cmake/ ├── build. Oct 10, 2019 · Bazel was open-sourced in 2015 and has a large community that works on its further development. Strawberry Perl also works but it adds GCC to PATH, which can confuse some build tools when identifying the compiler (removing C:\Strawberry\c\bin from PATH should resolve any problems). It's also where you specify your external dependencies. It’s not easy to find a perfect combination for our C++ project. Sep 28, 2023 · Now it’s time to build some example on CMake or Bazel! Building example using GMP static library. Meson remained competitive, while Bazel's initial configuration overhead slowed it down. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to have a quick read of the first and the second part. 跨平台支持:CMake可以生成各种平台的构建脚本,从而实现跨平台的构建。它支持多种 Aspect Autotools CMake Meson Bazel; Language: Shell scripts & M4 macros. For a proprietary or large code base, Bazel is a large step up in devex though. Who's using Bazel Mar 5, 2025 · Bazel can build binaries and deployable packages for multiple platforms, including desktop, server, and mobile, from the same project. The bazel build system has rules available to build C or C++ code from external repositories that use other more “conventional” build tools. Note that the rules may be compatible with older versions of Bazel but support may break in future changes as these older versions are not tested. This article does not serve as an introduction to Bazel but should point out when and Jan 20, 2025 · Today, we’re examining two modern build systems for C++: CMake, the industry favorite, and Bazel, a powerful alternative. Slow. The scripting language is cumbersome to work with. cmake find module, setting the cache variable CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in fcl's build to whichever directory in your source tree contains it. CMake是一款跨平台的构建工具,其主要优势在于其便于使用和学习的特性。 优点. scratch but relies on the same basic idea as others (including IREE's), namely: Mar 5, 2025 · Bazel is correct. Apr 29, 2024 · While CMake and Bazel are popular choices for managing build configurations, a closer examination of their syntax reveals distinct differences in complexity and clarity. In summary, Bazel is primarily a build system focused on large-scale projects with efficient build processes, while Conan is a package manager that simplifies dependency management across various programming languages and Toggle navigation. ninja ├── CMakeCache. Python. While CMake is often the default choice, I believe that approach warrants a bit more scrutiny—after all, we’re focusing on modern tools here (yep, not counting Make, right?). Jul 21, 2024 · CMake通过简单的插件系统支持多种编程语言,使用广泛。 Bazel也支持多种语言,但语言支持的广泛程度可能不如CMake。 使用复杂性: CMake由于历史较长,资料和使用案例较多,对新手更友好。 而Google Bazel作为一个相对年轻的项目,可能需要一些学习和适应时间。 原因:CMake的三方依赖会下载到项目根目录下 cmake_third_party,执行 bazel build 时,会导致bazel扫描并编译 cmake_third_party 下的文件夹,可能导致编译失败。 解决办法: CMake和Bazel二选一,不要混用; Bazel编译时,总是带上要构建的目标。比如:bazel build //trpc/ However it also means that every kind of Bazel rule needs specific support in this tool. bazel Source Build BazelCmake is the parent folder and Source subfolder contains the Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. txt? It should be looking for TorchConfig. Everyone knows how to build a CMake project nowadays, and despite its ugliness, modern CMake projects integrate well with one another. Build libraries/binaries with CMake from sources using cmake rule; Use cmake targets in cc_library, cc_binary targets as dependency; Bazel cc_toolchain parameters are used inside cmake build; See full list of cmake arguments below 'example' Works on Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows (see special notes below in Windows section) operating systems Sep 3, 2022 · There are many ways to make use of third-party libraries using Bazel. Nov 28, 2021 · using rules_foreign_cc rules to compile libtins (a C++ packet capture lib using CMake) which is dependent on libpcap (C packet capture lib using configure/make Small, safe and fast formatting library. Bazel ensures that your binaries are built only from your own source code. Jan 29, 2024 · Medium Project: The race tightened, with CMake and Ninja neck-and-neck, both leveraging parallel builds effectively. Sign in When you build software with Bazel, you're running the same code that has been refined and tested for years at Google to build heavy-duty, mission-critical infrastructure, services, and applications. Nov 21, 2024 · Is Bazel a good alternative to CMake, or any of the other C/C++ build systems? My answer so far has been “don’t know because I’ve never tried Bazel. 0 · 7. For C++ I would say that cmake is probably the better option for a small open source project (better integration with distro tooling and using dependencies from the installed system). Other great apps like Bazel are CMake, Maven, Gradle and SCons. txt, you need to integrate the vcpkg toolchain with CMake, by using a CMakePresets. The following resources will help you work with Bazel on C++ projects: Tutorial: Building a C++ project; C++ common use cases; C/C++ rules; Essential Sandboxed API (SAPI) can be used with Google's Bazel build system, or with the popular CMake meta build system. Aug 28, 2024 · However, sometimes you may need to integrate Bazel with other build tools and frameworks to handle specific requirements. C++. If you're comfortable using bazel, we can certainly recommend it. This keeps your binaries up-to-date so that the same source code always results in the same binary, bit I generally use CMake for my C++ developments, but I recently have a look at Bazel from Google. Works with Bazel after 5. No more complex logic determining the target to build, etc. In your BUILD. This page focuses on Bazel, but the same features are available for CMake. Faster than Autotools, but not blazing fast. True: cmake_version: The target version of the cmake toolchain if register_default_tools or register_built_tools is set to True. [1] Looking at the official docs: What do you see? The usual fare? Now, guess what: This is a bazel-free zone. Large Project: Bazel finally found its stride, showcasing its distributed build prowess and scaling efficiently with the project's The migration from CMake to Bazel is actually underway as I'm writing this, and you can follow its progress on this GitHub issue. odtwqp csgwhvw bffs kioobxyb prb vzeju hilid gjkhiyr sutadp nbehp jmekg rccbw ztxajmm zcgpk hpvtqut