E36 rough idle when warm. Nov 21, 2017 · I disconnected the ICV and started it.

E36 rough idle when warm. The tacho needle stays pretty steady at around 700rpm.

  • E36 rough idle when warm 2. I have a 1992 e36 325i. Our professionals are here to help make sure you find the answers you need to your questions and our community is here to help other brainstorm I attempt to (once again) fix my rough running 1997 BMW M3. Dec 12, 2008 · The idle isn't what it used to be on my 1995 328is (328i coupe here in Australia). Jul 7, 2016 · Intake air temp: 66 degC hot (ambient was ~15degC, car was idling stationary) Ignition advance: 5 deg cold, 3-5 deg warm, 11 deg with thermo fan running Cam position: fluctuates around -1. Mar 26, 2018 · E36 (1991 - 1999) Rough idle/ stalling only when warm. Do your reading/research online. . it happens after water temp reaching norm and before oil temp starts to increase. Ran the car at idle with the VANOS wire I have a 1995 318i with the m42 engine and 5 speed manual. Stomp test workers before starting the car but after I shut it off when the idle becomes rough, the stomp test no longer works. Newly installed one doesn’t fully clip on. Jun 19, 2008 · Bimmerforums is the preferred online BMW Forum and community for BMW owners. 5 deg when cold, -1. It made a bit of a difference to the part throttle mixture adaptations but not enough to make it run perfectly. Its like clockwork when it warms up. Since the engine is still dead cold, especially in winter time, the engine shakes violently and sputters, as well as a major hesitation and bogging if you Dec 19, 2014 · So I have a 95 BMW 325i Convertible and here in NY the weather got cold so everyday in cold weather only the car idles really really rough like crazy rough the rpm keeps bouncing from 200 to 1000 and up it eventually stays that way until its warmed up. There is also a relatively strong smell of fuel on idle. Mar 10, 2010 · E34, E36, E36/7. Wondering if its the o2 sensor as only getting issues when up to temp? Thanks Oct 26, 2007 · When I start the car up in the morning it idles very rough, the tach will jump from 300-1200 and even occasionally it will die. I did the stomp test, got a code 1215 (MAF Aug 14, 2009 · An e36 no start, to rough idle and stalling Jump to Latest 5. I cleaned the ICV but the problem is still there. Idle Control Valve: Dirty idle control valve is a very common problem in BMW E36 cars that may cause rough idle. It also crackles and pops a lot under engine braking. Sep 6, 2017 · Hi Guys, I have a 2006 Z4 3. I tried the following(and most were due for a change anyway) to no avail: - Smoke test: All good - Inspected vacuum lines for kinks: All good - Fuel Regulator: All good - Spark plugs: All good Mar 20, 2005 · 3 Series (E36) Rough Idle/misfire When Warm 325i. Usually stalls if i dont keep my foot on the gas until it warms up. Its almost like its misfiring slighty on idle revs and theres a faint whistling noise coming from the engine intake manifold area. Additional Rough Idle Causes. I changed motor mounts back in November 2023 and ever since I noticed the engine shakes at idle mainly. This video describes my diagnosis of a stalling bmw E36. Then misfires, idles rough. Idle improved a bit more once warm. Doing it both when cold and warm! Some times it doesnt do it and some times its doing it about 50/50. is lambda caused by the rough idle. 5. Aug 13, 2022 · My small block has a rough idle upon cold start, when engine gets warm and runs the idle becomes normal. Jul 22, 2018 · After cold start idle is rough for like 10-30seconds, dropping to very low and also if im starting it, it takes some seconds to start. Rometimes stalls when put in N coming up to lights. misfiring, rough idle and weak acceleration when hot Hi, so I have a e36 320i obd1 92' no airbag no ews no pcv no ccvalve japan market. E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002) Engine will idle until warm and settle around 800 RPM's than Jul 22, 2015 · Seems "nervous" in its running. When engine is getting warmer/driving it only drops when i press clutch down and it goes to idle, sometimes it drops to like 300-400rpm and then goes back to normal. Possible vacuum leak on rubber boot Apr 1, 2009 · Need diagnosing help on 99 M3 E36, Rough Idle, Cold Start Issues - FIXED First of all, thanks to all of those who responded and jarred my brain a bit. Apr 24, 2017 · The specified timing at idle is 42 deg, which was achieved at cold start. E36 1994 M3 Rough idle when warm need help. After approx. It only does this for the first 30 sec or so of starting the car. 4. In the summertime, from cold it will idle @ 750~900rpm and then drop Mar 10, 2017 · However, I would like to sort out this rough idle too while I'm at it cause its definitely a contributing factor. I’m not really familiar with E36’s but I know that if you have a bad o2 sensor on an E30 it can cause idle hunting like this because it isn’t getting a warm engine o2 sensor reference. It even does it if I put the car in drive within the first 30 or so sec, it will drive very rough and almost die, but it hasn't died on my in gear yet. Feb 15, 2017 · E36 M3 Rough Idle when warm. If the above suggestions don’t fix the problem, try these out. Our professionals are here to help make sure you find the answers you need to your questions and our community is here to help other brainstorm Sep 25, 2021 · As of lately i've been having weird idle symptoms with my e36(m50) and it's only been getting worse. once or twice a day she will get in fits where she will stall (like rpm just falls off and then it dies) everytime i low speed turn or press in the clutch/be in neutral for more than a few seconds (like more than enough time to change gears). The car can now run without stalling. Rough on Cold Start", affecting E36 and Z3, S52 engines from 3 Dec 1, 2012 · A slow start and knocking sound sounds like a plug/coils issue to me. then stop running. 2000 328I 5 speed sport package, Rough Idle when engine is cold. The only info I could dig up was relating to rough idle on a cold start. I did some searching and found info on the E36 M3 board (and not our own Aug 18, 2011 · The rough idle is gone and the crappy acceleration is MOSTLY gone. I start the car cold and it idles really rough at around 400-500rpm. Only happens when warm. 2003) E46 (1999 - 2006) E36 (1991 Jan 18, 2014 · It develops the rough idle as it warms up enough for the O2 sensors come into play. 0si coupe (N52B30O1-265hp) (mine since 2008) and never had any issues with idle revs. Now there's this rumbling sound coming from the right rear side of the car. The dealer seems to be at a loss. All seem fine. Jun 24, 2012 · E36 (1991 - 1999) Rough Idle, Car Almost Stalls Rough Idle, Car Almost Stalls . Apr 11, 2018 · Rough idle when engine is warm BMW 523I - N53 (E36) Replies: 3 Last Post: 09-25-2010, 02:00 AM. Whenever it is really cold it gives me trouble ----if the temp is between 33-40 degress out it starts but idels very rough till i rev the 2. It sounds like the thunderous roaring sound when you hit 6000 rpm, but a little punchier. You can use this DIY (Do It Yourself) to learn about Cleaning E36 ICV (Idle Control Valve) 3. It shifts smoother and warms up like a brand new car. 75 deg (no fluctuations) when warm, 23 deg at 4,000 rpm Vanos position: retarded until approx 2,800 rpm Idle speed: 700 rpm when hot. Jul 13, 2022 · Now on to the warm starts. Wondering if its the o2 sensor as only getting issues when up to temp? Thanks Aug 1, 2021 · 1993 325is m50, replaced Fuel Injectors, Coil Packs, Idle Control Valve, all vacuum lines, spark plugs and O2 Sensor, also new TPS, and a new MAF, but my question here is, my car idles fine before its warmed up, once its warm it bogs HARD dipping and bouncing between 300-700rpm. What I've done: Removed and cleaned the MAF twice (with CRC MAF cleaner spray). Typically if the car turns over and idles rough or wont hold an idle it has either an air or fuel de I attempt to fix my rough-running 1997 BMW M3 sedan. Sep 16, 2011 · I've owned this car since 2000 and 23K miles and the rough idle is a relatively recent development. Mistercorn changed the shells, added ARP bolts and fitted a new oil pump etc. As soon as you switch off and start again when warm it sounds like it's on 4 cylinders. Oct 5, 2013 · I have a BMW E36, with M42B18. If the coils are not snug, in the wrong cylinder, or faulty, this issue can happen. Aug 15, 2010 · Yeah, i know what you mean, on initial start up you do get the fast idle, (i think about 1300 rpm) and as engine temp warms the revs drop. Jan 1, 2015 · She has a bit of a mis/rough idle and is seemingly low on power. I have the same problem on my m50 (1992). There has to be something wrong here: Idle speed needs adjusting; Loose or faulty distributor cap; Dirty fuel filter; MAF (Mass Air Flow Nov 27, 2007 · Occasionally, my idle bounces from ~500 rpm --> ~1100 rpm; sometimes it even sounds like it might stall, but never does. When reved she is still on all six cylinders with no hesitation and has all the horses. I swapped out the $40 Voltage Regulator, and now my idle is rock freakin solid. The car turns on as usual but as it idles the rpms begins to drop from about 800 to 500 and it starts to shake pretty hard like it's barely able to stay on and it sounds like a muscle car by the way it hums( rum, rum, rum, rum). I’m having a rough idle issue, partial misfires i guess and terrible fuel economy to the point I can smell unburnt fuel. I can feel the underbody shaking and a light smell of gas fumes after I shut it off. E30 w/ S50 Swap - Rough Idle When WARM. I am getting 3 codes, of course one of them is a cat code; P0420, P0505, P1140. Jan 19, 2008 · E36 320i Coupe. Two years ago it barely passed on the second attempt with hot cat and the rough idle still. I noticed the illumination dimmer switch gets very hot for some reason. jpg. Jun 10, 2012 · The car would crank and start normally, but would run rough, almost sounding like it was missing, for the first 15 seconds or so. When i start it up either when it's hot or cold it sometimes runs roughly and wont keep idling, it will just konk out. in hot Texas weather). After disconnecting the ICV the car started, ran a bit rough and then settled out, ran for about 2 minutes then missed a bit and stalled. The mild rough idle once the car is warm improved drastically. Jump to Latest 2K views 2 Oct 6, 2010 · The car will start up every time, but it will just idle as terrible as ever. Feb 27, 2014 · I have a 1994 325iC E36/M50 convertible which is doing something strange. Apr 1, 2009 · 99 M3 E36, Rough Idle, Cold Start Issues - FIXED First of all, thanks to all of those who responded and jarred my brain a bit. Also, the car does not pull like it Dec 15, 2009 · 1994 E36 320i Rough idle when warm and loss of power Jump to Latest 5. Aug 11, 2016 · I did a quick search online that and bad idle when warm was usually caused by a faulty fuel pressure regulator. What do you think could be the cause of these problems: When cold starting the car the idle drops at 5-600 rpms, I need to press the gas pedal a bit to prevent it from shutting off. After about 2 weeks of owning the car the main problem started as a minor hesitation in 3rd gear at around 30mph with slight throttle (not accelerating or de-accelerating - neutral Jan 10, 2017 · I've had a rough idle issue, by rough i mean RPM fluctuations and stalling when cold, and a shaking when warm without RPM fluctuation. It sounds very lopey, almost like it's misfiring. Changed that aswell, now i only had stalling problem when the engine was cold, as soon as the temp gauge has hit the 1/4 of the blue marker, the idle was perfect. I had replaced the idle valve control but thinking of switching back to older one and cleaning. 6K views 9 replies 5 participants last post by HyphE36 Oct 6, 2009 Jan 13, 2021 · Is your E36 suffering from rough idle? This may be your reason. Checked for vacuum leaks and also checked plugs and coils. I tried the following(and most were due for a change anyway) to no avail: - Smoke test: All good - Inspected vacuum lines for kinks: All good - Fuel Regulator: All good - Spark plugs: All good Jun 27, 2005 · I have a 1991 e36 320 with the M50(TU) engine which exhibits rough idle when cold, warm and hot. also with this problem is an acceleration problem, where i'll be drivi Jan 9, 2011 · 3 series & 4 Series (E21, E30, E36, E46, E9x, F30, F32, F33, F36, F44) 1983 - 1991 ; but can cause hard cold or hard hot starts and/or a rough idle. First I'll describe my issue and then I will tell you what has already been changed. Jan 12, 2015 · I did get a chance to put the correct AFM in. Rzsmith92. Jun 12, 2008 · Symptoms: car starts fine and seems to idle fine until temperature gauge gets to between 1/4 and half way, then idle becomes erratic, kind of surging although the needle on rev counter is dead steady, when this happens more fumes start coming from exhaust, i assume this is unburnt fuel as car failed mot test on high HC and Jul 11, 2016 · I have a bit of an issue with my car, it's an E30 with an S50(OBD1 from 1995 M3) swapped into it, hence being in the E36 section. Feb 15, 2022 · I have a 1992 e36 325i. So upon cold start the car will idle fine and steady(about 650/700 rpm), drive well and feels great. The plugs are timed in a sequence with electrical bursts from the coil pack. Jump to Latest 13K views 12 Feb 21, 2005 · Been doing as much research as possible before asking on here, but I have an 94 e36 318is which has been playing up for some time with the idle. Idle seemed to be following the varying voltage output. Idles rough for about 5 min after starting. The tach says the idle is stable, but when I put the car into reverse to back out of the garage, I notice a significant rpm loss and then a sudden surge back up to normal. Eventually the motor will somewhat smooth out (after a few minutes of not touching anything), but intermittent backfiring into the intake will occur. The car idles a bit uneven, cold or hot doesnt matter. Unbelievable how much better off this car is now with a simple $40 part. Dec 2, 1999 · Details: '99 M3 - 103k miles - Just purchased a month ago with 102k - Bone stock Car throws no CEL and averages 23ish mpg with mixed driving and a somewhat heavy foot. (it tends to Feb 26, 2004 · Hello all, I hope someone can help with my problem. I did a seafoam cleanse through the vac line and in the gas tank. Although the car seems fine when the engine is hot (car warms up quick and temp gauge is right in the middle due to recent bmw Sep 4, 2016 · Rough Idle when warm. I then looked again and found these 3 "pending codes" P0340, P1509, P1550. But once the engine warmed up to temp, the achieved timing gradually slipped from 42 down to 22 deg. 4569479007_a428125dd6. I have a 99 e36 318ti with the m44 engine, with 50,000 miles on it. View Profile View Forum Posts Member Sep 13, 2017 · 1989 e30 Convertible stall when warm issue, rough idle I put accurate EVAP valve from E36 and now idle is fine. The RPMS drop to the point where the car will die if I don't hold the throttle down and let the car warm up. Apr 25, 2016 · Voltage menu confirmed this. Virtually any time you start the car when cold, the engine fires right up, jumps to about 1800rpms for a half second, then dives right down to the expected warm idle area, around 600-800rpms. Car is OBD-I so I ran a self-diagnostic, got about Sep 15, 2010 · The rough idle on cold startup has all but disappeared. BUT, the rough idle is still there. Its the worse most annoying thing I know. Nov 1, 2013 · Idle - the idle jumps around and starts to hunt when coming to a stop. Jul 19, 2013 · E36 318iS rough idle on cold start Jump to Latest 18K views 9 replies 4 participants last post by JayMac Jul 22, 2013 Jan 8, 2014 · P0171 with rough idle when WARM. Runs great otherwise, until today it started sputtering durring a drive around the block. We did a diagnostic and CPS came up. The problem I have been dealing with lately is a rough idle, sometimes a loss of power at a certain RPM range and backfiring. i've never heard an m30 with such a steady idle when warm . shawnsheridan 479 Apr 24, 2017 · 1. If I start the engine when it's hot, and drive, the hesitation is not present. Apr 19, 2014 · I have an e36 325 tds (diesel) that has a very rough idle, it sounds a bit like it is "coughing" periodically (about 1 time per second) and vibrating and some white/grey smoke each time. With a blipped the throttle the car would run well, and the oil pressure light goes off and runs normally when driving. Ran the car at idle with MAF disconnected. It doesn't die anymore, but it gets really close to with the usual engine shaking. Need diagnosing help on 99 M3 E36, Rough Idle, Cold Start Issues Jul 28, 2022 · Car idles fine until it starts to warm up and then the idle becomes very rough almost to the point of stalling. However, when driving I have noticed a loss of power at lower RPM’s, specifically under 2500 rpm. By seanie in forum 1991 - 1999 (E36) Replies: 14 Last Post: 09-02-2011, 09:33 PM. I've replaced the following: Oct 18, 2010 · Hi guys, I have a prob with my 1996 318is M44b19. The cars runs fine if you don't switch it off from cold start. Car starts up and idles beautiful until it gets up to temp. There is info out there, and there are other causes to your problem. I realised mine might need replacing as the car was on the original ones at 145,000 km. Not until few weeks ago when out of nothing one morning the engine decided that its time to bring up the rough idling. Rough idle when cold, and the RPM stays pretty much in the same place as when it is warm. Later in the day, driving for lunch or back home in traffic the problem starts. Which would explain the idle gradually becoming rougher as the engine warms. Aug 31, 2009 · I've had the car about 8 months and the problems didn't start until about 2 months ago. Aug 27, 2012 · The car has had a rough idle since I bought it; Only 75,000 miles on it. What’s going on Fellas Got an 96 E36 328i with an M52B28 with 90k miles I’ll try to make a long story short. At Bimmerforums, you will find technical how-to information maintenance specifics audio advice wheel and tire combinations and model specific details not found anywhere else. so I have to wait everyday like 15 mins for it to get warmed up and stop idling that way. Jul 27, 2021 · Here is the issue, my e92 320i (N46 engine) was suffering from a rough idle (when hot) = did an OBD check found out the map sensor wasn't feeling good changed its o ring and cleaned it worked fine! Dec 6, 2021 · E36 M3 Rough Idle when warm. Most Common Rough Idle And Misfire Causes For BMW S52 N52 E36 E39 For Business Contact :Nathan's BMW WorkshopPo Box 115 Altenburg Mo 63732nathan. I copied and pasted below some notes I had when trying to figure out my rough idle issue. Thread Tools. The car has a LongLife stainless exhaust from the downpipe back. You can have a slow start, no start, and/or a bad idle. May 9, 2005 · E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002) I got my car from had it filled on shell vpower car ran perfect but when i switched to Chevron gas I got a slight rough idle on warm up issue Aug 27, 2009 · E36 (1991 - 1999) Rough Idle. Check this before you do anything. Once the engine is warm all is well. I can still see the motor distinctly shaking from how rough it's idling. When its cold to just past cold on the temp gage it is perfect. As soon as I Jun 26, 2012 · Been having an issue that just started up on my 95 E36, recently purchased private sale. 1K views 6 replies 3 participants last post by w4vy Dec 15, 2009 Recently, the car has a very rough idle during a cold start and ultimately dies if you aren’t keeping it running at 1500 rpm until the car gets warm. This changed symptoms slightly, but not a fix or major change. Before doing that I check for any codes and there were none. 8 to -2. It also smells a bit diesel which would mean that the smoke is unburned diesel (it's not the sealing in the exhaust side of the turbo, checked that already). I however don’t have a way to check them before Mar 20, 2011 · So after doing some troubleshooting I came up with a pattern: When I first start it it will run as long as i keep the revs above 1100 rpm this is cold or hot if I let the revs drop to idle it will run for about 20 sec. Dec 8, 2014 · Hope you find the issue sooner rather than later. May 28, 2024 · Rough/low idle on warm engine - PLEASE help 1996 318i M44 - No codes I replaced lots of vacuum hoses (after smoke test), valve cover gasket, spark plugs, cleaned then replaced icv, cleaned battery terminals, replaced ccv, motor mounts, precat o2 sensor, and got a “new” used maf. Rough idle at cold start pretty May 22, 2012 · Problem happens from cold start through hot, all speeds. By seanie in forum 1991 - 1999 (E36) Replies: 14 Last Post: 09-02-2011, 08:33 PM. I'll replace them soon as well. My coupe does not do this (despite having more miles). As can Nov 21, 2017 · I disconnected the ICV and started it. Ever since I got this car running, it has had a small misfire but last friday i was driving then it gone really bad. Could this be a connector or ECU issue with the TPS? Things replaced-o2 sensor--- Bosch 15718 Dec 3, 2013 · Rough Idle, Running Rich Unplugging AFM cold or hot causes smooth idle, but is undriveable and engine stalls after about 30 secs. When I drive in traffic or on the interstate for about an hour or more, the idle speed becomes very erratic oscillating between 300 and 1000 RPM. The tacho needle stays pretty steady at around 700rpm. M70 rough idle/no power - how to check. It's still there a tiny bit, but we found that my plug boots have some cracks in them. It seems the worst at the first few stops i make after the engine is warm, and occasionally while the engine is still warming up but never or less pronounced when the car is cold. The car idles rock solid under most conditions, A/C, etc. Dec 5, 2020 · I found when I stopped for a about 4 mins the idle would become rough and the oil pressure light would come on. It starts missing once it is warm and sometimes stalls. youtube@yaho From cold at this time of the year, the idle will be @ 1000~1100rpm and then it will drop to @ 650rpm when the engine warms up. Its pretty bad and shakes the whole car, super noticeable at idle but no roughness anywhere else in the rev range. So, I’m sure it’s not the engine. I also swapped the good battery from my daily to the e36. This problem seems to be by weather, the rough idle is most of the time there, but the loss of power comes maybe in 1 out of 10 start-ups. (1999 - 2006) E36 (1991 Jul 13, 2008 · Rough idle appears to be fixed, but the engine struggles to run when I first start the car and touch the throttle. 3. m30 rough idle on cold start a few minutes. Jump to Latest 11K views Does it get better when the engine is warm? Also Jul 5, 2010 · Hi guys, Bought an E36 M3 Evo (102k miles at present) about 5-6 weeks ago and have come across some problems. Once warm, the car kicks down to the appropriate idle. Don't get me wrong it's not really bad. The idle does not hunt (revolutions are static at around 800RPM) but feels rough as though the engine is missfiring. Since you checked the plugs already, check the coil pack. Dec 19, 2011 · e39 540i/6, e36 318i. UPDATE 11/16/10: Plug/Coil boots replaced earlier today. 4 miles, the hesitation disappears as fog to the sun (litterally from one second to another!), and all is well - except for the rough idle as told above. Jump to Latest (1999 - 2006) E36 (1991 - 1999) E60 / E61 (2004 - 2010) Top Contributors this Month View All. Apr 4, 2015 · I love the e36 so this is my 2nd one ( the first is 316). I changed the Sep 8, 2023 · Worn piston rings can cause oil to seep into the combustion chamber, leading to poor combustion and a rough idle. Show Printable Version; 06-24-2016, 10:11 AM #1. Plugs and Distributor: You may need to replace these to solve your problem. Now the problem that the engine started to stop when warm and started again to have a rough idle some Jun 24, 2016 · Thread: E36 Rough Idle, Cylinder 3 misfire. BMW 318i Project erratic idle issue - Pre resolution 06-01-2014 For Bimmer Motors possible idle issue cause. Dec 1, 2012 · A slow start and knocking sound sounds like a plug/coils issue to me. Nov 24, 2015 · E36 318is Coupe E36 325 Sedan E36 318is Coupe Warm idle for 4 minutes, do not touch the throttle or drive the vehicle. Starts normally and after 30secs idle abruptly sputters and recovers. she has no problem starting or Apr 26, 2014 · greetings about 2 weeks ago i noticed a strange problem by the gas station while i was running low on gas and stopped to refuel, my idle started to surge and shake the car, i had same symptoms on cold start , but when car heated up a bit shakes were gone completely, now jumpy idle is anytime and while i am driving also feel loss of power, i made a lot of purchases from old tearn hoses to Sep 12, 2016 · The curious part is it idles fine on a cold start, but starts to get rough once it warms up. The rough idle i get is after that initial period. How about rough idle during warm up then smooth as silk and no codes at any point and the following recent service: OSV replaced, damaged Jun 29, 2010 · This is my 94 e36 318i rough idle only when cold, when it warms up its completely fine. After this 15 seconds of rough idle, the car would settle down and idle/drive normally. Chasing vacuum leaks, replacing hoses and a bad ICV get our Budget Bimmer back on the road an May 8, 2018 · E36 M3 Rough Idle when warm. Nov 20, 2017 · BMW 325I with a rough idle after it warms up. Feb 13, 2022 · Bimmerforums is the preferred online BMW Forum and community for BMW owners. The idle was still uneven and going up and down, misfiring. kmbydn mnghh vxyc ijlm uav otyea hrznb icnf lix rye huuf vwdtzm hvgv crfw ccajxj