Eso deadly strike stam dk Gold Road PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Dragonknight Sets Skills Deadly Strike. , 2H/2H, only thing that changes is CP reallocation for less DoT and more burst. The Stam DK however, is the only class in the game currently with two of them! Ensuring that we are casting these one in every 5 skills is essential to maximizing our DPS output on the DK. Diamond Victory will easily be procced with your Endless Hail and buff skills like Blade Cloak, Shrouded Daggers, and Whirling Blade. Aug 25, 2019 · With serpent stone, 3 infused stam recovery and poisons you can just about sustain if you throw in a heavy attack (heavy armour passive helps with that). (I didn't try a Flurry rotation. ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. Helm and chest infused with health enchants, other divine stamina enchant. 7th+veiled heritance+bloodspawn. Deadly Strike is pretty solid on a stamplar, stamsorc, or stamDK. Note that Im also a werewolf, so for single bosses I just transform, and for bosses with multiple adds I use the ability that shields you for every enemy hit, forgot the name How good is it? Has anyone run some tests? Could potentially be reaĺly good on stamsorc or stsmknight? Just wondering if anyone has looked into Kra'gh since deadly strike was changed, im testing a far from meta build (Intended as a easy pvp/pve split build) but so far ive found Kra'gh is pulling higher damage than both Stormfist and Veli's on my stamsorc. Keep in mind, the set is nerfed a little, but if you use Matriarch, you're getting 258 extra spell damage and 3% spell crit along with the previous change that made it effect Magical damage types for a skill like Atro or Aborbtion Field. Damage goes down the hill but without good stam recovery, the first time you get stunned and have no resources to break free - you're dead (especially if fighting a MagSorc). Also ppl said cloak from dw increased advc yokeda stacks, thats also a lie. The only thing I will say that could possibly make it appear that it may have given a super slight damage bump would be with regard to the deadly strike nerf (again). On my templar, Deadly is only on my front bar and I'm only on my front bar 64% of the time. Weapons Expert. 2K DPS on my stam warden. 5, otherwise known as League of Faker. Bloodspawn heavy, Hunding rage medium, deadly strike 1h+shield / bow. Deadly is way better than not wearing a 5 piece on any class! But that's not what you'd do if you weren't using deadly, you'd be using a different 5 piece set. Hey everyone, i recently started playing Stam dk in pvp. Stamina Dragonknight DPS Build Setup. That's where deadly falls short for most builds other than templars and arcanists in pve. Deadly Strike Obtainable as: Weapons, Jewels, Medium Armor Type: PvP Location: Cyrodiil Set Bonuses Items | Bonus | 2 | Adds… Aug 13, 2019 · I n this Elder Scrolls Online Build Guide I am going to cover a Dragonknight Stamina DPS Build that can do over 60k+ DPS on an Iron Atronach Trial dummy and over 40k+ on a normal 3m Health Dummy. I'm currently running deadly (jewelry and 2h axe), hundings on the body and kraagh monster set. I can get good numbers by pairing Rele with quite a few sets (Spriggan's, Twice-Fanged, Advancing Yokeda [though I have trouble with the uptime so I don't use it], Deadly Strike, Briarheart, etc, three of which are overland/easily-obtainable sets. Mundus stone, Curse. 25k health 13k magica Sep 23, 2019 · Hi everyone, im looking for a build that doesnt rely on DS as i despise it!! Its unreliable in zergy areas and any decent player can avoid it all day long! View the build Stam DK Mephisto incarnate from the user TB3xSHADEx in the ESO Skillfactory. Necrom PvE Tank Dragonknight Sets Skills Character Passives . Deadly Strike LEVEL 50 - CP 160 ESO-Hub. • ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – May 9, 3:00AM EDT (7:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC) Any clever Deadly Strike builds yet? Leave a Reply. Damage from Pillar of Nirn accounts for 6. Maybe you mean it more as a single target applied dot function where it continues to deal damage over time. Sword infused Weapon power enchant. May 6, 2020 · Hunding's Rage is one of the most common used stamina dps, and it has very good damage, it is always a good choice. juggernaut;. ESO-Hub Discord Bot ESO Server Status AlcastHQ WH40K:Darktide Throne & Liberty STAM PVP DK; STAM PVP DK - ESO. Bars: Pierce armor, venomous claw, fiery breath, power slam, resolving visor Sep 19, 2024 · Welcome to DottzGaming. By BertzBeanz • Updated 18 hours ago. The Elder Scrolls® Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. I love crunching numbers and stirring the pot in different PvP metas. #9 August 2021 A domicile for those fond of shanking foes in the popular cyber environment, DotA 3. 50. Since all item sets give hybrid stats, more build paths are open now — the Dragonknight builds we include will offer great stat bonuses and set you up to complete the hardest content with ease. The Stamina DK build is focusing on endgame Trials & Dungeons group content! Beginner pve stam dk - ESO By Sidewaves • Updated 6 hours ago Firesong PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Dragonknight Stam DK; Stam DK - ESO. A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO developed by Zenimax Online. Hey ppl. 5 medium, 1 light, 1 heavy I'd swap 2h and bow for dual wield and 2h for DK and stamsorc maybe as 2h is pretty crappy for a spammable (stamplar has jabs). From what I gathered these are the PvP meta sets for Stam DD. It buffs 2 bleeds from weapon passives, 2h and dw bleed skills, claw, breath, dawnbreakers passive portion of damage, poisons applied on you weapons and even any proc set with dot damage (viper, sheer venom). This build is aimed for PvE group play, relying on allies to buff your surviveability so that you can dish out an enormous amount of damage. By Nari123 • Updated 22 hours ago. ESO Stamina Dragonknight Hybrid DPS Build. ArmorSet bonus (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage Sep 21, 2021 · Not a super popular set for stam sorc, but I'm sure it will still do great if you're continuing to use flurry as a spammable. It really is good fun. Weapon sets:. As a Stam DK, If you can get all of the above and fit it in so you can take advantage of Medium Armor passives, even better. g. Comparing here, as stam dk as long as you do keep your poison dots up, witch knights would be a fine starting point that would be generally useful in all I like to have 2 pieces of medium armos for stamina and to improve a litlle bit my damage. Medium Maintenance for the week of December 2: • [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – December 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC) That is a bit of a broad statement, most skills you "fire and forget". But on templar it really shines. Venomous is a Stamdk DPS Build that relies on Poison damage to clear every type of PVE content in ESO. Of all the skills he possesses, he barely has 4 with a stamina morph, that makes the synergy between active and passive skills very very poor. Depending on the content you wish to complete you should change your gear based on the recommendations below! Jul 31, 2024 · However, I’ve listed flexible options to make it simpler and more survivable. Casting these skills too early don’t have a huge damage penalty, as the Burst damage ends up doing about just as much damage as the DOT, and only slightly Swamp Raider, Deadly strike, Masters bow. When you have a Stam DK anyway, DK would be the perfect fit for that set, wouldn't it? You can reach very high uptimes on minor vulnerability. High damage, you bet ESO Stamina Dragonknight PvE Build rocks! ESO Stamina Dragonknight PvE Build Features and Mechanics Stamina Dragonknight PvE. See full list on hacktheminotaur. -5pcs: Spriggan’s Clever Alchemist Pariah Daedric Tricery Heartland Concurer? Deadland Assasin? Briarheart? deadly strike (dk, temp only?) powerfull Assault stuhns favor -Monster: Bloodspawn Short time ago I had the bright idea of placing Deadly Strike on my StamKnight, and pairing it with Swamp Raider to create a DoT stacked build. Powerful Stamina Dragonknight Build for ESO. Members Online After god knows how many hours of cutting down every mob and looting every urn, I'm now a member of the 6th House Banner Club! If you’re going to do hard solo stuff like Vet Solo Arenas then you can consider the DK’s Major Resolve skill and its morphs that either shield you as well OR do damage as well. As a stamblade, Relequen is a requirement for the highest single-target DPS, at least for me. I have been fairly active in the sub, eso builds and the eso Forums. So you have to compare to the other options there. Here are a few sets that I like but fell free to choose another one;. It makes going back to Maelstrom/Master DW an option as well (running 5 x Relequen, 5 x Deadly Strike, 2 x Maelstrom/Master DW), since keeping Deadly Strike active on both bars is pretty strong. dk is all dot based damage. Nov 8, 2022 · Number one non-trial set would have to be Deadly Strike with a DK build like that. That is just the 5-piece bonus. Deadly strikes;. 5% or something), however, I will give it a try in PVP replacing Viper's Sting. On Stam DK I still had better results with BW + vma bow (difference like 0. The 1-4 buffs are also quite nice. ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Solo Stamina DragonKnight / Stam DK; Default; Solo Stamina DragonKnight / Stam DK - ESO. Medium Is this combo viable in a pvp. Think of jewelry for that defensive set. I was wondering, what's a better second set to run with deadly strike? does deadly boost the physical damage part of stormfist? Another set a stamdk pve DPS might like is the new deadly strike, gives a 14% boosts to all stam dots. I haven't tested Pillar on my stam templar. Probably Durok's Bane + Deadly Strike? But when everyone wears Curse Eater, I don't know if Deadly Strike will be really so strong?? Feb 2, 2025 · ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. Good points, though I think it'll come down to Kinra's, Tzogvin, and Deadly Strikes when it comes to non-trial sets. Here's the setup: Race: Redguard Class: StamDK Gear: Head & Shoulders : Deadly Strikes - divines, max stam enchant Body armor: Relequen - divines, max stam enchant Jewelry: Deadly Strikes - all bloodthirsty, weapon damage enchants front bar weapons: Master's DW Daggers - MH Nirnhoned, OH Precise - double dot poisons back bar weapon: vMA Bow OR Sep 6, 2020 · Being Main dk, I can't agree more. chains. Go forth and conquer. My remaining 2 armor pieces is a medium Slimecraw + medium Deadly Strike shoulders to accommodate mythics. I'm currently using Riptide and Deadly on my templar. Deadly Aim. Agility. In PVP, I guess it depends. ESO One Bar Stamina Dragonknight DPS Build Setup. I already have all the set pieces in gold and the ring, that helps a lot. If on a dummy or on fights where you can flank, the next obvious choice is backstabber. Objectively it is the worst stamina class, by far. stamplar, stamsorc). At CP370 with gold weapons/weapon glyphs, and poisons on my bow, I'm getting 27k DPS on a skeleton dummy. the gameplay changes big time personally for me since im moving away from Forward Momentum and into the new Molten Armaments coz it pops both Major and Minor Brut now. Eg. #6 May 16, 2019 · This build makes full use of deadly strike by utilizing its buff on our main spammable. Deadly Strike 2 – Adds 129 Weapon Damage 3 – Adds 833 Weapon Critical 4 – Adds 129 Weapon Damage 5 – Increase the damage your Physical, Bleed, Poison, and Disease Dec 6, 2023 · People wrote a lot for a simple answer. 7th is also a solid set. View all Sets. May 2, 2011 · Actually on Stam DK I am parsing right now higher when I use Viper's Sting instead of Deadly Strike (on 6M dummy, I guess on the raid dummy DS would get the upper hand because of increased crits). ESO-Network. It is your strongest non Trial DPS choice. 1000+ CP PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant Give me my wings back! Jan 17, 2018 · Build is heavily based on Alcast's build but using dagger instead of flames as for most people outside of vet trials using pots for major brutality isn't really that viable. com’s Stamina Dragonknight Build PvP, Venom, for the Elder Scrolls Online! This build is intended for PvP of all kinds: battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, dueling, and Imperial City. With the addition of the Armory system in Update 32 and the ease with which you can change your entire build, this build is now a WEREWOLF! Feb 20, 2025 · ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. Below are some of the features found using the ESO Stamina Dragonknight PvE Build. On my DPS Stam DK I am running deadly strike and currently farming aegis caller. Feb 20, 2023 · A Stamina DK, Dual Wield, wearing Blooddrinker and Deadly Strike? With appropriate CP. Deadly Strike has been removed from the setup and it is replaced with Pillar Of Nirn. Because corrosive armor make you ignore targets resistances and if you used that, penetration from spriggans would be wasted and in that case deadly strike would be clear winner. By great2600 • Updated 5 hours ago. I probably will try it out on stamina DK, either as drop-in replacement for AY to pair with Relequen (apparently, Deadly Strike is good enough even when frontbarred), or, if I'll be able to sustain that, drop monster helm and go full Relequen + Deadly Strike + Cruel Flurry rotation. I know a DK who front bars deadly strikes with plaguebreak, uses markyn and one piece of a monster set. Then if you dont have issues building up resources by using heavy attacks and/or pots, and spend your stamina/magica wise, you can combine any of these 3 sets for good no CP play. Nov 3, 2023 · ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. In Trash-Fights oder immer da, wo man wegen Mechaniken nicht die Stacks aufrecht erhalten kann (oder man auch einfach die Rotation nicht so sauber kann), dürfte Deadly Strike dann den Vorsprung haben. You can also use Powerful Assault instead of Deadly Strike. I suppose Kinras or Briarheart would work too. Sep 21, 2021 · Good points, though I think it'll come down to Kinra's, Tzogvin, and Deadly Strikes when it comes to non-trial sets. Jun 10, 2021 · Deadly Strike would also buff your spammable, because it is a channelled ability. the sustain isfine, i'm a stam sorc so it's not easy and I could probably get a lot better at it it's probably not the best, but i enjoy the idea of my character being a living damage over time effect Sep 15, 2020 · I have a themed poison stam dk, I use Deadly Strike with Sheer Venom and spin to win effectively as a spammable (whirling blades). Deadly Strike Set - Elder Scrolls Online. The ESO Build Creator: Xynode Gaming. i really like the stam dk class and would love some tips to improve my build as the end goal of this post is to become a better pvp player thanks! Current Build Orc Warrior mundane stone Dubious camoran throne 2 piece Blood spawn/impen/Health enchants 5 piece Bone pirate/impen/Stam enchants Deadly Strike is a great set for this build, but light armor sets may perform better in situations with low penetration support. -5pcs: Spriggan’s Clever Alchemist Pariah Daedric Tricery Heartland Concurer? Deadland Assasin? Briarheart? deadly strike (dk, temp only?) powerfull Assault stuhns favor -Monster: Bloodspawn Oct 22, 2019 · I'm still rocking deadly strike + seventh. My ideal build for DK PvP dps. So I feel like it's the one class a dot build could work on. The first bar are for group. Perhaps he's just a more skilled player than I am? Feb 26, 2022 · Btw eso hub says bound armaments is a dot affected by thaumaturge. Deadly Aim 50. My question is what monster set would pair best with this build after the update? May 14, 2021 · Fighting Finesse and Deadly aim are going to be your first two blue slottables on every class, stam and magic. Stam DK Trial + Verlies - ESO. Necrom PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Dragonknight Sets Skills Deadly Strike. Food: Bi Stat Health & Stamina Rotation: (Use Corrosive Armor if Available at Start) Trap Beast - Light Attack - Endless Hail - Light Attack - Razor Caltrops - Light Attack - Poison Injection - Switch Bars - Noxious Breath - Light Attack - Venomous Claws - Heavy Attack - Rapid Strikes - Heavy Attack - Rapid Strikes (Repeat) 35 votes, 65 comments. That would put you at 5 medium with most likely 2 heavy. It looks like it would perform similarly to Automaton, which is a fine enough starter set for classes that use exclusively physical damage (e. The Elder Scrolls® Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Deadly Strike should work well on stam dk's, I would think stamplars and stam sorcs. Skills are standard DK stamina poison morphs, caltrops and trap, and will run the upcoming brawler morph. Feb 18, 2025 · Stam DK Trial + Verlies. The end. The dots hit crazy hard and survivability is good in heavy - especially with cauterize. crest of cyrodiil;. They primarily focus on The Elder Scrolls Online, and has made a significant impact in the TESO community. Every proc set now crits off weapon AND spell damage except Arms of Relequen and Zaan’s. That is 6. Aug 1, 2021 · Have not tested on DK I stopped playing mine because of poopfist but I would imagine with the rework of Deadly Kinras's would probably be your stronger set to pair with Leviathan. com. ESO-Skillwerkstatt ESO-Datenbank ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron. I love the deadly set, and meta or not, I run it. Thats a lie. Brute;. ps, I use double dot poisons in content, so the dots really start to stack up. Also using Kra'ghs instead of Velidreth as it's much much easier to get hold of for most as vet CoS is a tough dungeon. I keep insisting that it is part of the class skills. Armor Sets. However, if you like to leap a lot, like many dk do (it`s coolest ulti in game, isn`t it? ) then spriggan would make that leap hit harder, deadly strikes not. Would that apply sufficient pressure in a 1v1 to overwhelm self heals? Granted the other player doesn't just cast a purge. General Info . Obviously if you run enough trials to have the sets, then Relequen or Yokeda would be great options, but it might also need to be tested: with the nerf to crit damage, you might want to sit around 50-60% crit rate rather than higher, opening up the possibilities. The Thief The Elder Scrolls® Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. com The templar set. This build can be played in both CP and no-CP pvp without making any alterations to the build! Sep 23, 2021 · best solo builds for magicka and stamina Dragonknights, and end with the best builds for PvP. Buyable in cyro at the bruma vendor for ap or in guild stores as well. Xynode Gaming is a content creator who produces guides and informative/fun videos for various online platforms to help gaming communities better understand and enjoy their video games. Welcome to my Stamina Dragonknight Hybrid DPS Build for PVE Gameplay in ESO! Blaze is a powerful Build that combines melee attacks and fire damage to clear content in The Elder Scrolls Online. I am looking to obtain the set Deadly Strike 2- weapon & spell damage 3- crit chance 4- weapon & spell damage 5- increase the damage your Physical, Bleed, Poison, and Disease damage over time abilities do by 18%. youd hardly be missing out even using stone giant, but running deadly youd just use rapid strikes, which is a better raw dps spammable anyways. Deadly strike is good if you rely on dots to keep up the pressure. 2 piece Monster sets are bad choices, especially for ranged Stamina Characters. . How does a 5 piece Order's Wrath fare with Stamina DPS? It seems like it's still worth to wear it despite being light armor. Blooddrinker increases damage of bleed abilities by 20% and deadly strike increase bleed, physical and Poison abilities that are channeled by 20%… Die Skillung Poison Stam Dk des Users saving101 in der Skillwerkstatt ansehen. On live this set produces 9000 stamina over 60 seconds with an effective stamina recovery of 300. Black Rose. StamDK can heal them self with Vigor (assault skill line, stam skill, heal over time) or Green Dragon Blood / Coagulating Blood (DK skill, mag cost, instant heal). Wrathful Strikes The Elder Scrolls® Online developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. The Bloodthirst morph actually has a decent heal (still 1k+ in pvp) so it's The build is called "powerful solo stamina dk" or something like that. Overland, normal difficulty content: Sul-Xan's Torment + deadly + slimeclaw + wild hunt ring Soloing stuff (bosses): relequen + deadly + slimeclaw + pale order Proper content trash: Sul-Xan's Torment + deadly + slimeclaw + harpooners Proper content boss: relequen + deadly + slimeclaw + harpooners Use these and you are covered up for 95% of the content. Stam DK 1-Bar Heavy Attack Build - ESO. 1. Now obviously stam sorc works well with deadly strikes, same for dk You use rapid strikes spammable. The Build combines the amazing Arms of Relequen Trial Set with the Aegis Caller Class Set to melt enemies!The Oakensoul Ring is an amazing Mythic Item that can boost your DPS significantly. most dk tanks will run stone giant and engulfing since theyre meta and have plenty of bar flexibility. And he regularly outperforms me when we do bgs together. A fun Hybrid Build that will help you clear group but also easier solo content with success. Jul 21, 2021 · I suppose it depends on what skills you are using as a DK, but most should fall into the bleed, poison, disease, and physical Deadly Strike buffs so you will have a constant 20% uptime. I play as a Stam DK. The last slot will usually be Thaumaturge for most specs, and on a DK, it should definitely be Thaumaturge. Tzvogins, Medusa (weapons & jewelry) work if you want to replace Trap with another skill (perhaps a heal?). thinking of running it on a stam dk 5 pieces medium armour master, 5 pieces deadly strike Vma dualwield front bar (daggers) Masters dw back bar Offensive Loose rotation la weaving as much as possible >flurry>barswap>rending slash>barswap>flurry>claw>flurry>claw>flurry>spin to win/execute Thinking as pretty much everything is getting a clean 2k buff from The extra 500 stam the combustion passive is now giving back just doesn’t cut it. Produced by Blizzard, this game has an extensive roster of over 6 characters to choose from. Gap close with e. ) ESO-Hub Discord Bot ESO Server Status AlcastHQ WH40K:Darktide Throne & Liberty Hey ppl. Why trappings of Invig? This set can be single barred, leaving room for the stinging slashes set. Good weapon damage, good stamina regen, and best of all, tankyNess that includes Shuffle. Aug 20, 2019 · On my Stam DK, Ive been using Fury and Deadly Strike (dw/2h) this patch. Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies, pictures, fluff and fan-fic, or ask questions or for the assistance of your fellow Eldar! Mar 6, 2019 · Ich mache im Solo-Parse mit Yokeda mehr DPS als mit Deadly Strike auf Stam DK. All I didn't have expected that result (because of Templar crit damage bonus), it might be because Jabs is buffed by Deadly Strike, too. Good options for light sets include Infallible Aether, Noble Duelist's Silks and Order's Wrath. This ESO solo Stamina Dragonknight build deals poison and fire damage and utilizes the same abilities that make it the best tank class in the game to make in an unstoppable force while soloing! Has anyone tested this set on a Stam Dk or possibly even a Stam Sorc yet? Only reason I'm not too sure on Stam Sorc is because I'm not sure if Hurricane counts as a DoT or DD. Deadly strike is must have rn for medium stam dk. Class – Dragonknight; Weapon One I was thinking about looking into this set for my young stam dk too. Type PvP. I know Kinra's is probably better in most situations but almost all of my damage comes out of 6 abilities, all of which being DOT or channeled. It's also good on stam DK. #20 Posted by u/jaye_is_infinite - 5 votes and 13 comments DK One Bar Stam (PVP) - ESO By FolkerKnut • Updated 16 hours ago Scribes of Fate PvP Stamina Damage Dealer Dragonknight No axe, no bleeds, no cheese. And Deadly Strike does less damage and less critics, but the advantage of having 5 items seems very good to me in my DK, because I use many DOT attacks, like: Venomous Claw, Noxious Breath, Acid Spray and Barbed Trap. Running Order's Wrath gives Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Penetration (which Stam toons usually lack). Jan 29, 2025 · Yes this makes sense that if you have a class/setup what has damage abilities that tick more often than once per second, that you would also get good mileage out of Runecarver, but my experience with necros since the first year of their launch is that they're rather clunky to play and difficult to use for anything but a block tank (or a bomb, maybe a support class). I'm currently running deadly strike, viper, vma DW and vmw bow on my stam sorc able to hit about 33k dps if i remember correctly, absolute DoT machine. 8k Stam regen with no pot buff (rune is great for sustain) 5k fully buffed weapon damage 30k spell resist in rune, 29k physical resist. 3% of my damage on my stam warden. Massive buff to the strongest part of the templar's kit, jesus beam. Bow infused crusher enchant. Jul 24, 2020 · It's too bad it has spell pen on it though since it's a worthless stat for stam I wouldn't actually use the Rapid Strikes morph though, the 3% extra damage is only a 3% increase of the first small hit, so the overall damage increase with the morph might as well be zero. I'm curious to see it on a stam sorc Well DK propbably benefit the most, since they can thow dots left and right, with only spammable not beeing a Dot. Medium Stamina. Hello all! I'm a small-scale PKer and duelist with 16 years of MMO experience on my back. jolting arms;. When it comes to PvE, it doesn't take a lot of clever thinking. Account Merchandise Deadly Strike. Just joking. 0. rubvqjp bpih ezxs ipjzdso vcc bvy efad imml fkfvu yqt jzmtd mvt ssv msqkn tibcx