Fm23 best leagues to load. More and more moves happening to and from MLS these days.
Fm23 best leagues to load There is no best database or setup ideas. The whole view-only league will not create regens in those leagues and, thus not be of much help. If I'm playing out to get newgens, I might load more countries where I want to see players able to develop and play in them. Mar 24, 2024 · Add more playable leagues to FM 2023, which are created with the Football Manager 2023 data editor. Share your best FM 2023 tactics to help fellow managers struggling to create good FM23 tactics. If you’re managing in certain leagues or countries, you’ll have felt the pain of player fatigue at some point in Football Manager. Unless SI dramatically changes the time it takes for games to sim, I don't want to be shackled with a huge database that will bog down the progress of the game. Spain took 7 under 25 to the WC. Dec 23, 2021 · I typically load the big 5 leagues because I prefer doing glory hunter saves and winning every trophy with smaller teams in the top division (However, I do sometimes load obscure leagues if I want a challenge, instead of having millions to spend on young talent). Top. Jun 14, 2023 · The Bundesliga is an exciting league to manage a team in FM23. PSV especially lacks good defenders. Celtic and Rangers in England (Fantasy): This file will add Celtic and Rangers to the Premier League expanding the number of teams in the PL to 22. When polled, nearly half of you said you struggled with this issue in FM23. For my long term FM21 journeyman save, I wanted it to be UK and Ireland based. If you select an absolute minnow like Gibraltar (great place to start actually!) also select some mid-ranking leagues like Slovakia or Bulgaria so you can bridge the gap to the top leagues. germany first league. Nov 14, 2022 · After searching high and low for a complete list of playable leagues in FM23, I created my own! Using the pre-game editor, I also have included the league reputation (0-200) for each playable league, which is good information when you're setting up a lower league save or unemployed journeyman. More than 2495 pictures covering the top 43 leagues. Nov 27, 2023 · The ultimate list of the best wonderkids with our recommendation ratings. Nov 13, 2020 · How many leagues do you load and do you make any view only etc. It's my first time to play FM24, previously I played FM12. Oct 26, 2021 · In preparation for the FM22 Performance Benchmarking Thread i'm looking to find the most typical game setup to use for one of the benchmarks to test. Hope you enjoy!FM23 PRE ORDER DISCOUNT - If you want to save a bit of money when bu It's a fun little league to try out, and you have some historical sides to pick from. The only downside is that long-term once you ascend the hill there is not much of a challenge. Dethrone dominant teams, restore old glories or guide a team to their last step toward victory. 81. The competition here runs on a similar structure and calendar to Europe, with the top two teams qualifying for the CAF Champions League. liga, Holland to keuken division, Italy to serie b, Portugal premier league, Serbia superleague, Spain to 2nd div b, Argentina and brazil first div. Ukraine, Czechia, Slovakia, ect would just be top division + view only below. italy first and second. Any recommendations for lower league clubs with really good facilities to manage in FM23 will be grealty appreciated. We have all kinds May 31, 2023 · Ideally for the best results set your teams training intensity to the same set up as the screenshot shows (located in game under the rest tab). Most "bad" nations like Estonia, Latvia, etc have given me lots of players so far. Instead of just taking over a team in the top division with plenty of cash to spend, below, we’ll look at some of the most fun leagues to manage in. More and more moves happening to and from MLS these days. Old. So what leagues have you found to be the most enjoyable/interesting to play in (and why)? Jan 18, 2023 · Which leagues are the best to load? This years player database is HUGE but obviously dependent on which leagues you use? I normally set up England, Spain, Italy, Germany and Argentina which normally gives me a large pool, but this year it doesn't seem to have many of the wonderkids available, mainly from the European teams. Our selection offers a variety of challenges to test your skills as a football manager. As you already know, English Premier League is the best division in the world. I always use the large database. Most of the other Asian leagues will probably be fairly pointless, I'd just load South Korea, Australia and Japan if you have a database for it. Sort by: Best. The best way to download and apply Football Manager 2023 is when the Steam Workshop support is included for the full release i just bought fm23, what are the best clubs to manage. In theory you could find the databases you want for FM23, load the database you want with all of the leagues etc. Below […] Nov 11, 2022 · Discover the 15 best teams to manage in FM 23. Moreover, you scouting knowledge also stands in the way of it. Your best bet is to try a few combinations and see what works best for you. . But that’s not always beneficial to your playing experience. It runs from July to April. Taking second(or even third) tier leagues to the top You don't need to load leagues to have extensive player base from those countries, you can set that independently. Not to mention your budget. with a 4 star game speed rating and no crash dump, game date is 2025. Definitely, one for the future; Laidlaw starts the game performing at a League 2 or League 1 level at best, but he can be tempted away from Easter Road fairly easily, as long as you have the funds to meet Hibs’ demands. Season Schedule v1 - Mike's Best Ever Training Schedule v1. , save your game and convert the file to FM24 with the new save feature. It depends how many playable leagues your system can run at a decent speed. May 30, 2024 · Find successful Football Manager 2023 tactics to download. You could come to a very competitive league with a good youth structure and take on the powerhouse of FCK, while using the likes of FC Midtjylland as an example of what can be done with This is my tutorial on how to find the best lower league players in FM23. 3 days ago · These are the best Goalkeepers in Football Manager 2023 as rated by their current ability. This time, we’ve put a heavy focus on major European leagues and the Américas, as that’s what we know best. The only reason to make other leagues/nations playable is because you want to manage in those leagues/nations. Change the look of FM23 by download a new Football Manager 2023 Skin or update your FM2023 kits, logos, player faces and backgrounds. You'll find suggestions for first, second, and third-division teams around Europe. Currently FM 2023 3d kits covers only leagues from 20 countries . Open comment sort options. Highest rated coaches to get 5 stars in all training areas Depends where you want to manage. Adding players through advanced database settings is a good way to fill out your save without having as large a performance impact as adding leagues. If you don't mind starting in the second division, I would suggest starting with Bursaspor. World's best scout utility returns for FM24. Europe - tricky. There you go, FM 22 Leagues to Load: 1. We recommend Herenveen. We have easily the best GK and defense, 3 great midfielders, the best striker in the league (Santi Gimenez) and great AM's (Ivanusec, Paixao, Stengs). For nations like England, Germany, Italy, ect. For instance the Greek Super League was fun for a couple of years since there are a few competitive teams, and decent money and talent. Q&A. Nov 1, 2022 · Toppling Ajax with any of those teams is the first challenge, but European glory with one of those teams is where you’ll find true satisfaction. I'd load every league. Some people prefer to have leagues from all continents, others just want a snappy game and load or unload leagues as required (you can do this mid-game). Nov 5, 2022 · I load everything I can. Third is how you setup RF (Recruitment Focus). load holland first league. My last fm22 save had a database of 250k+ players loaded. These files let you make more leagues playable in FM24 by adding lower divisions to existing nations, adding entire countries that weren't playable before or creating fictional worlds based on imagined scenarios. Beating them is going to be hard but also highly satisfying. Brazil, Argentina, Mexico are all good leagues to have visible. The best method IMHO is: Choose World Package if you can. Nov 10, 2023 · If you’re playing Football Manager 24, your first inclination when starting a save might be to load as many leagues as possible. i'm talking about fun rebuilds that will take a few years. We are here to help. load france first league. It seems that the trick to faster speed between turns is to have a faster processor. New. Due to the fact that there are only 12 teams in the Superliga, seasons pass very quickly. (Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images) MLS. Genie Scout 24. I always go Austria premier div, England down to league two, France to ligue 2, Germany to 3. Thank you. You can always add leagues in later. Before we dive in, there are a few things you should know. 2. Theory is the cpu process the games/transfers in better detail and I load an advanced database with everyone in as this shouldn't affect the processing speed too much, more searching for players/staff etc. They relegated a while ago due to wrong transfer policies and economic problems. This league has many fallen giants, the biggest of which are listed below. Training Schedules Included. • Few already decent clubs with Legia being on paper league Goliath (very high rated youth academy + shits with money when compared to other clubs in the country). Currently sitting at 27th place in UEFA coefficient in real life so a lot of space to improve the league rating. To answer your question, when selecting your leagues to load on the same screen where you can see your player count and your PC performance level with the stars, there are three options, Playable, View Only and Playable/View Only Below next to each league you load. It is totally minimalistic and only So if I load the leagues but put it on view-only the players (and regens) should load? Because if I put it on view only and (eg) only have the Netherlands actually playable I only get like 8K players loaded. Jan 19, 2023 · The best Non League wonderkid in FM23 has to be George McEachran! This free agent is willing to join Non League teams, but is actually good enough to play in Sky Bet League Two! Some of his best attributes are 14 first touch, 15 natural fitness, and 16 technique! The best Non League wonderkid in FM23 wants a high salary, of up to 2k per week!. There are couple of reasons for that leadership amongst other leagues. Dec 27, 2009 · A guide on a journeyman career The journeyman thread has become one of the most popular on the board and with good reason. Unfortunately the next best teams in the league (KI Klaksvik, Vikingur and HB Torshavn) are still too bad to qualify for ECL or EL through the Playoffs. Below is a list of all the leagues in the Football Manager 2021 database that you might still be interested in for scouting purposes or to create great player lists. no need to load africa just manually look through youll find gems. and then depending on the save I will add the first divisions of algeria, dr congo, egypt, ivory coast, morroco, south africa and tunisia. I like to manage away from the UK so i can drag the mrs on holiday to my "job" so I pick countries that I like to visit. Personally, I would load England, Spain, Germany, Italy and then some smaller leagues. Highest rated coaches to get 5 stars in all training areas Nov 21, 2022 · The ultimate list of the best wonderkids with our recommendation ratings. I also reach the Playoffs of either the CL or EL basically every season but I‘m still the only professional team in the league. If you play champions league teams, you only need leagues and teams, that are relevant for that. The whole economy changes drastically with all leagues. Nov 16, 2020 · - South Korea is one of the best leagues to load - Colombia has 17 clubs with 100+ median PA (for comparison, Greece only has 2) - Argentina Div 2 isn't worth it due to the high number of mediocre clubs in a burgeoning division (worse than South Africa when weighted) If I am playing in England load all leagues and load the 1st and 2nd leagues of all other top 5 leagues, after that i load in all first leagues only of Brazil Colombia Brazil Scandinavia Netherlands Belgium Portugal Austria Switzerland Serbia and turkey, you can also add more leagues like Ukraine Poland or Czech Republic Feb 23, 2023 · One of the best things about Football Manager is the vast number of options available to players when they begin their managerial journeys. Sep 21, 2022 · So if, like me, you have no clue who you want to manage on FM23, we put together a few – well, 23 is more than a few – ideas for clubs to while away your year of virtual management with. Rn we are in 22nd place on the UEFA coeffient ranking. the ones with the most fun build. but some of Nov 24, 2022 · So, if you can’t find the jersey pack of the league you play in the alternatives, you can go back to the first download link. Otherwise, I'm open to any league(s) and any • It could take several season to even enter to conference league (yeah, that's the level we are talking about). Footbe Logo pack is pretty big too. Ive always wanted to load more leagues for a better game experience but game speed stars drop mega fast. Nov 4, 2022 · 10 Best Gaming Laptops for Football Manager 2023. It makes it much more realistic and easier to sell and buy players. Dec 5, 2010 · With all those leagues loaded how long does your season's take?? I load English prem-league2, la liga, bundesliga and serie a and only takes 6-8 hours to complete a season. that might be al you need to load to begin with as you can use the add remove leagues to remove any you've completed/ don't want to play in anymore and add You can't win a champions league from Singapore or Indonesia but you can probably get promoted and build a South African team that can win a champions league within a few seasons. It all depends on what you want with the save and how much you are willing to have your game slowed down. It obviously doesn't add to the simulation like loading leagues but you don't get nearly as many teams with greyed out players and those teams generate youth players. Nov 24, 2019 · Example you could load players from all Tier 1 and Tier 2 European Nations if you wanted without actually making those leagues playable. I then also load the top league of the top nations like France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Holland etc as playable. Nov 8, 2022 · The ultimate list of the best wonderkids with our recommendation ratings. You'd potentially be able to get in half-decent South American regens so Brazil/Argentina might work. I assume it's easier to get a job if you load lots of lower leagues, but that means fewer countries can be loaded- or do you tend to load countries with lower reputations? I have a pretty good pc so I can probably load around 30-50 league while running the game well. World). Although there are clearly better players that are loan listed in Football Manager, you can see why Mills is one of the best players to loan in FM23. Reply reply • League consists of 18 teams. If you've got a better laptop than mine, I would suggest having more leagues set on 'Playable'. Best. I found out, that loaded leagues are what slows your computer the most, not the player base. When those deals come to an end and the Championship money comes in though (touch wood), the team is all yours to I did find a couple of best youth setup lists, but almost all of them were top division clubs or outside the top 5 leagues. All Europe leagues have the plus that you could compete in continental tournaments and bring big money to your club once you are in the best 3-4 teams of the first league. Put some points on Adaptability on your manager, that should increase the chances of this teams to hire you as I have read. First and most important, it depends from your database setup (what leagues, nations you have load). Choosing the big 5 league nations will give you approximately 35,000 players in 22/23 and this increased by about 3,000 players after a few seasons I’ve posted the initial map charts we found to show hotspots in countries at setup. South Africans always win it. English Premier League. 5 hours of "playing time" in my Football Manager 2023 editor already and that can only mean one thing: the AroundTheGlobe Jan 26, 2023 · British Royal League (Fantasy) - The British Royal League takes the four best-placed teams in the football leagues of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. load mexico normal league. The English Premier League is the best football league in both real life and in FM. Maybe we can establish a real good list in this tread. The game isn't super quick, though the slowdowns don't really bother me. FM25 Best Free Agents. Jan 23, 2021 · Of course, if the above recommendations for some of the best leagues to load into FM 21 didn’t quite meet your expectations, there are plenty of other quality choices available. Recommended Teams to manage in French Ligue 1 – Marseille, Rennes, Saint Etienne, and Lille. Just like Bayern Munich dominating Bundeliga. Aim for around 2. Jun 12, 2009 · just load brazil normal league same for argentina. Jul 12, 2011 · That, and I want you to suggest leagues to load up. True, the majority of national teams are in general on the older side however at the recent world cup England took 5 players under 25 to the world cup some of them are there best players. Search. For Sweden, Norway, Portugal type leagues I'd load the top 2-3 and leave the rest as view only. If you want the NACL final is at the beginning of May and the African is at the end of May, you could load Mexico and Africa, take over a Mexican side in the latter stages in January, win the final in May, quit and try to get the job of an African team in the finals and win 2 in one season! 3 days ago · FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack - 225 new leagues playable - BOHEMIO 2023 FM23 Download posted on Football Manager Databases - Editor Data Files for Football Manager 2023 Artboard 2logo-man Login Register Newsletter FM24 Essentials Blog 1 day ago · Find and download a whole range of Football Manager 2023 Add Ons in our FM23 Downloads Section. Nov 8, 2022 · Football Manager 2023 is live, and here you will find the best FM23 Vanarama National League Free Agents. Preliminary list of top players without contract when starting FM 2025. Only 128 images with super simple designs. Was wondering how many leagues you’d load for a challenging balanced game which runs pretty well (idm if it’s slightly slower) I’m looking to start in lower league England (tier 10 when it’s out) and climbing up and then potentially moving to different countries playing europa/champions league. They might for the top leagues of new countries but anything lower league usually just includes the league structure. Nov 9, 2022 · Argyle are flying in League One on FM23 with their three best players on loan. For example, if you plan to play an English non-league club, I would just load up the top flight leagues for Scotland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany, and likely Italy and Spain as well. Please help. Feb 11, 2025 · The ultimate list of the best wonderkids with our recommendation ratings. As you head through the years and get deeper into competitions, the increasingly tight schedule can become a real issue for your players. If you want a league to confuse you, then the MLS is without a doubt the best league to manage in Football Manager 2023. spain first and second. Depending on which /countries/leagues you want to manage in, you could end up loading over 60,000 players. Starting to finally have the money and reputation to attract decent youth prospects from Eastern European nations, as well as Africa and South America. Nov 8, 2022 · How To Apply Downloaded Football Manager 2023 Formations and Tactics. For more realism, make the big five leagues 'Playable' for more realistic Champions League and other competitions, as you want it to be as competitive as possible. Dec 12, 2024 · From the Premier League to the Swiss Super League, players all have their favourites to manage, While it’s not a perfect calculation, it’s the best I can do with the resources I have. And should I add any small nations (like Syria, Iran and Morroco) for more possible regens? Hi, I am using my low-end laptop for playing FM23 and I wish to include some players that can only be found by selecting medium/large database or specific leagues, I assume I have to create a DDT file for that but how can I make one. This might slow Feb 23, 2023 · On that note, I thought I’d have a look at the smaller, less popular leagues and clubs and compile a guide of some of the more prominent FM23 best youth academies that aren’t the most obvious teams that you’d already know have good academies. But if you play also lower league teams, i advise you to take all leagues. 5 stars? (strong machine). Nov 29, 2022 · The FM23 AroundTheGlobe Megapack We are going into the next round! After I already introduced you to the world of the most bizarre countries in the world with my editor knowledge in FM21 and FM22 (unfortunately not completely), it is now time to do the same in FM23. Feb 18, 2014 · Best leagues to load? Thread starter KieranCFC; Start date Apr 17, 2014; Replies 8 Views 7K Forums. I add all the big leagues, I play in England so all of England and major European ones surrounding. Add playable leagues to FM2023 with our FM 23 league expansions, or conquer FM23 by downloading the best killer tactics for Football Manager 2023. Controversial. Highest rated coaches to get 5 stars in all training areas I want to create a new save with Sutton United from the EFL League Two league. They have one of the best academies in Turkey which produced Ali Akman most recently. Which leagues and countries should I load that will be optimized for my save, but will left the game speed at at least 2. Can also be used for your reserve and youth teams training. Follow @fmscout; 2288 online; TotD: fm24 best coaches; fm24 top bargains; fm24 best players I load the countries I want players to generate from. It is up to you. first place to look is brazil,argentina,mexico Top European leagues down to like Portugal, viewable only Brazil and Argentina for staff, and whichever league I’m playing if not included (currently Greece) I envisage a journeyman like career through these leagues in Europe, and maybe one day try even lower leagues and other continents but Greece is interesting enough for me rn. For example, you could unlock English non-leagues in FM23. This is because they’ve got some exciting young players that if you can keep a hold of, can help you overthrow Bayern Munich as German champions. I usually like to start out with a general idea of where I want to manage and load those leagues appropriately. Here’s how many leagues to load when starting a new save in Football Manager 24. Each Goalkeeper has a perfect gk rating meaning they are naturals at playing as a Goalkeeper. Surely, you can load in a ton of plagerig, but they will not want to play for you that early in the game. They are one of the two teams that ever become champions outside of İstanbul. Football Manager 2014 The leagues that only leagues that will offer you a job are: - Malaysia -Indonesia -Uruguayan 2nd division -India -China -Bulgaria 2nd division On FM23. Nov 10, 2022 · Because there are four more beautiful FM23 logos megapack on this list. FM23 is now available, and if you’re an experienced Football Manager player, you’ll know you need a high-quality gaming laptop if you want to load lots of leagues in your save. fmf Currently sitting fourth on the table with 40 points, only 10 behind the league leaders Arsenal, Newcastle is likely to secure a place in the Champions League and is aiming for further success. Including the national team jerseys which is really important to me because of the 2022 – 2023 world cup . So I'll usually active a decent number of top Euro leagues (Spain, England, France, Germany) and then around the world, I'll do MLS, Mexico, a South American country. Sep 26, 2024 · Here's a complete list of all the league expansions that are available on sortitoutsi for Football Manager 2024. Nov 16, 2020 · - South Korea is one of the best leagues to load - Colombia has 17 clubs with 100+ median PA (for comparison, Greece only has 2) - Argentina Div 2 isn't worth it due to the high number of mediocre clubs in a burgeoning division (worse than South Africa when weighted) Oct 5, 2022 · The Danish league is a really fun league to manage in. jasl_ Aug 27, 2011 · most people seem to start in south africa as it's the only playable african nation so that would be a good one to load, and you'd probably want one from another continent aswell so you can change nation when you need to/ if you chose to. Highest rated coaches to get 5 stars in all training areas The teams in these leagues used to be European powerhouses back in 70s and 80s, and Red Star won the last Champions Cup before it changed to Champions League in 1991. 5 or 3 stars on the performance star rating. Ideal for dynasty building in a competitive league that's loaded up with exciting talent. I mean that too, but only for a small portion of what added leagues are taking away. FM24 Best Coaches. The FM21 Benchmark thread can be found here My own setup for the beta is as follows- England - All leagues Ireland - All Leagues Scotland - All Lea Load some other leagues in Africa. If you compare the 2 loading players is much faster when comparing the same amount of nations. Nov 15, 2020 · - Loading top 20 nations playable, all the others leagues view-only, international games, games from National-Teams and the games in your league simulated in full detail, with small/medium/big db: This is the start of a balanced world for longer saves. Minimal Logos Download – Size 1MB. On FM22, you can add Iceland to that list. I've got every league running in full detail, as well as a lower league editor file for China. League Packs rarely include real players from said leagues. I’m sure many of us choose to start at one of our favorite clubs playing in the leagues we are most familiar with, whether that be a top club with the biggest transfer budgets or a lower league team with the intention of rising through the divisions. what are the best teams In this video I look at HOW TO SET UP A HUGE DATABASE IN FM23 so you can LOAD ALL PLAYERS IN FOOTBALL MANAGER 2023 and enjoy your save even more! Subscribe How many playable leagues does everyone load? Discussion Share Add a Comment. There’s also a group of really interesting teams to choose from: FC Midtjylland are famed for their scouting and data analysis, and Brondby are a side that have fallen on hard times after being the Aug 16, 2022 · In FM, leagues can be load as playable or view only. umm if you want one other counrty like croatia,norway,denmark your choice. My rule of thumb for the right mix of depth and processing speed is the top 5 leagues (england, italy, spain, france, germany) all with tier 2 loaded, except for the one where i plan to play that has all the way to the bottom loaded. Whether you call it the Conference, Non-League or the National Premier, but one thing is sure, it takes a team with quality and depth to fight your way into the Football League. FM Mobile & Older Versions of FM. The team's versatility, embodied by players like Miguel Almiron, who has produced multiple goals and helped the team reach the Carabao Cup final, makes He’s quick, he’s a great finisher, and he can involve others; Laidlaw can develop into the perfect advanced forward. I don't want psg, liverpool or other good teams. There’s multiple teams that could’ve made this list of the best FM23 save ideas, but RB Leipzig was our choice. Secondly, Scouting Range (eg. I also want Serbia to be the best country in the world. Including all of Europea. So I would suggest setting at least five or six leagues on playable. We also got a great youth setup with a few great talents that could play for the first team (mainly Milambo and Sauer, but there are a few more that are close LOL Im from Melilla, I always manage them on one of my saves, last year I made them get into the champions league, its an amazing but hard save, as we have 0 money, 0 facilities and honestly, a very little fan base even when you can watch the games for 5€ and sometimes even for free, we dont even get 1000 people on the stadium in any game unless we get some big dog on the copa del rey, like Jun 23, 2023 · Mills is wanted by teams in League Two and even League One, which shows what an amazing loan signing he would be for a National League side. Norwich. I'm partial to having the MLS loaded as well. This year I’ll definitely ply with Red Star as I’m from Serbia and they are my team. Oct 27, 2022 · This is definitely a guide suited to someone that doesn’t just want to load up a new save with the best team in Football Manager 2023 and have an easy ride. Here is the smallest FM23 logo pack. Mar 6, 2022 · Just wondering how many leagues people load and FMSCOUT. I'm Portuguese, so I also load up as many tiers as I can in Portugal. Once you play the game starting at the very bottom and struggling to build a reputation as a manager it is very hard to go back to an ‘ordinary’ save. The main parameter in place will be that I will only load a small database of players. The Danish league is a really fun league to manage in. It is the hardest, most challenging, and most money making league. 7. I had the best team in Indonesia by far, with the leagues best 11 being almost all my players and still got stomped by South Korean teams in the QFs every year like 6 Aug 16, 2022 · Because Juventus have the best Serie A squad, and they are dominating the league. The Danish league is an odd one; relatively recent FC Copenhagen dominate the league, while famed teams such as Brondby fall away from the top of the league. I usually manage Liverpool and load all the English leagues as playable. Feb 23, 2023 · Unfortunately, FM23 only allows you to manage one African nation’s league without adding mods, that of South Africa. Here are five leagues you might find interesting to start a save on Football Manager 2023. fot uydwq ucp pyx skxlk unpzwy obtdphe lcbmi qbdkb rguaoab cqpz hsjm zemte awvqo vtn