Imperator rome formable nations reddit. Business, Economics, and Finance.
Imperator rome formable nations reddit Members Online Millennia - Official Release Trailer So, i first saw Lucania fighting Rome after Rome annexed Samnium. I did brigintia and pictonia. You can only play as a tribe, or a civilised country at the moment. Also surprisingly my Albion campaign was very fun, I think it is one of the most beginner-friendly formable campaigns. Parthia is easily one of the most interesting nations during this period of antiquity. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… Also it depends on what do you mean by "formable" a lot of countries in griffonia can form something, Adelart for example has a different tag after becoming Aquileia and conquering the empire, non aligned Skyfall has a particular formable after conquering the empire too, in Kiria Fragrance revolt has different tags according on what you do at the end, Polar bears can change name and core Posted by u/biwoahlogy - 578 votes and 29 comments A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. Imperator:Rome is a new grand strategy game by Paradox Studios (they also make the game called Crusader Kings II, which has Assyrians and the Church of the East). The following is the List of formable nations from one of the dev diaries, as pointed out to me by u/eliphas8. All in all it’s probably the second best mod for imperator behind invictus Amen brother. The Formable Nations if you would form them in 1836. Members Online ShatteredParadigms It is usually the largest most important nations like rome, macedonia, and so on. There is one thing to add here: As Byzantium gains cores on provinces that have a turkish or Greek dominant culture the provinces that you own, as such those possible cores are striped in its colour. While not a starting nation itself, Cyprus is unique in that it is the only formable nation in the game that has no restrictions on who can form it, meaning you can get up to some wacky hijinks. 29 votes, 30 comments. Members Online This is probably the highest skill I've ever seen in this game Ideally they will have formable nations based on regions or even certain provinces. In invictus there’s tons of new formables alongside flavor, my personal favorite is the indo-Greek Kingdom. Its somewhat similar to how regions have governors in Imperator but still very different. Posted by u/Derpex5 - 82 votes and 11 comments R5: I'm now on a quest to play in every corner of the map and discover all the obscure formable nations that I've never seen people play as. The 1st Roman-Tusican war happened and i clearly wiped out rome and its feudatories. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by… 17 votes, 15 comments. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the… A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by Paradox Development Studio. The idea of a Greek nation state is something that happened at least two thousand years later, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense. Over time more national decisions/events get added to the game based on the region focus of the DLC they add. Members Online It now really is over. No, it's currently not formable by a player. The Baltic Tribes Does anyone else feel like a lof of the formable nations are moderately disappointing? Some have interesting bonuses, sometimes ones that last till the end of the game, like the Argead Empire, Bharatvarsha and the Hellenic League, but that's not the rule for formables, and most are just some free claims, a bonus to your capital, and a few free extra trade routs. Members Online My first (small) empire, with just 604 territories, practically the minimum. Dev Diary 12: Scythia and Sardinia (Part 1) Today we’ll be talking about part 1 of Scythian and Sardinian content coming in the future. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… Try starting out on some easy location far away from the Rome-blob, such as the British isles where it's safe and you have a few formable nations. Rome was weak that game and Carthage kept Now, I don't know if the formable nations decisions are altered to represent these different cultures, but it would make sense if they weren't, because the culture requirements for the "Form Germany Nation" decision require you to be one of the cultures in the vanilla Germanic culture group, not the custom "German" culture that gets converted from CK 2. I’ve been playing it over the last two weeks, doing Assyria right now. While yes, there were “Germanic” tribes all over Europe and there are some “Slavic” tribes in Germania, my idea of the formable nation would be that region regardless of those Slavs. paradoxwikis. And brigtinia all of the British isles and all of France. 243K subscribers in the paradoxplaza community. E. Crypto Athens is one of the most satisfying to play starting as a Greek minor, and might be one of the most rewarding. 41 votes, 34 comments. I said NOPE too difficult. You got a lot of growth options as there are many formable nations there Cons: Greece starts as a cluster of small nations, so take your time Its a pain to handle greek fortifications Its not much more different than playing macedon really, you’ll just be starting small Non-greece greeks: The other reason is that the central focus of the story (perhaps I should have left in the 200 word summary) was how a seemingly insignificant event that occurs during the EU4 timeframe, i. Business, Economics, and Finance. Is it possible to make an event where you can form a nation that is normally formable only via event? For example I made three separate tags in the… I'm hoping it will be formable but it doesn't show up on the formable nations list. They defend your core against landing operations. Besides that Carthage, rome, Syracuse and Athens have unique missions and then the Greek states in the black sea have a kinda unique mission as do the Greek states in the western Mediterranean to rule over it and in South Italy the Greek states have missions to Form magna graecia A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by Paradox Development Studio. Lots of small formable nations in Iberia, gaul and into Germania with options to then form Gaul or Greater Iberia. Anyways, you guys are doing great work. I think an Arabian formable tree would be nice to have to help you develop the region more and perhaps conquest missions to larp as an early caliphate would be fun. E: Spain, Greece, Francia, England, Egypt, (If another nation conquers the area) Denmark, Scandinavia, etc. the great power system in imperator is pretty dynamic and I think that this is part of the next gen games of paradox. Also minors are more playable in Imperator than in HoI4. Dacia was also fun, but that's more because of the fact that I got a liking for tribal nations File Location for Formable Nations I just formed Babylon from Tylos and I hate the color. Tribes valued their autonomy, and were perfectly fine paying tribute if it meant autonomy. Hopefully new ones will come with the next update. That way you can have a Greek Gaul if you conquer it as Massalia. They managed to go from a nomadic… A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. Then jumped into EU4 for a year, then back to Imperator. the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, the fall of Constantinople, discovery of the new world, reformation, enlightenment, Waterloo, etc) could have drastic differences on Europe as we know it However, that’s not the case for huge portions of the map. But no other mission trees yet. And then if you conquer a certain amount of Iberia, you could form the empire of Hispania (those mapmodes basically show the formable nations, in Imperator it would be like a map mode which shows Hellenic League even if it doesn't exist). A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… My Map of Formable Nations with as description in the Imgur Album: After a wave of fixes i had to make this is the most recent one. There are 3 tiers of formable nations, with higher ones being harder to form and spanning a bigger area. I think every Imperator player should at least try to form Babylon as Tylos at least once. It is worth noting that a formable nation in a given tier cannot, once formed, form another formable nation that is in the same tier or in a tier below it. There isn't the depth of eu4 with HRE shenanigans, colonisation, or exploits (horde poland 120% cav strength, exodus to a different region, PUs, religious conversions, etc). by Dorian Greeks from Χαλκηδών aka Chalcedon, which was founded 6 years earlier. Survived and expanded and didn’t have to deal with Rome. Achaea: The Achaean League can be formed by expansive Republics in Achaea. The city was founded in 660 B. Some franchises and games of note: Stellaris, Europa Universalis, Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria and Cities: Skylines. g. Rome didn’t give much autonomy (comparatively) hence why they fought so hard A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. When Pritania was formed, it changed colour and name, but kept the flag of Dobunia. Imperator Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Feb 5, 2019 · Has there been any information about formable nations and whether they'll be in the game or not? For Rome it wouldn't be too bad but for other city states I think it would look weird without having a formable nation like in previous games. As Pictonia I had 100+ relationship with Rome to keep it from attacking me. But tribute was more important to them than wide expansion. I played the Tasm tree and it was fun but I felt it was very regional and became less useful as you expanded more. Hopefully Rome isn’t too strong. Trapezous gang rise up. They always just stayed Rome, because there was no more prestigious heritage that they could lay claim to - they forged an entirely new heritage as hegemon of Italy. I know how to change country colors but I cant seem to find Babylon in the game>common>countries files (which is where I edit the other countries). For example, Cyprus is a Tier 1 formable; Pritania is a Tier 2 formable; and Persia is a Tier 3 formable. Following the good feedback we received from the 'Forgotten Children of Hellas' mission, we took the lessons lear. Year is at least 200 BCE) to make sure nothing unusual happens. Massilia (or any other greek city state in the region, there are three) - you can be the third country along with cartage and rome to fight for the region, and you have time to build yourself up. After that, the !st Roman-Lucanian War ended, where i formed Tuscia. 161 votes, 17 comments. It makes sense to me seeing as to how these tribes are united multiple times to resist Rome. Members Online I now have PTSD, but I survived my Civil War to become Dictator (Rome, Ironman) Formable nations are great. Flags in EU4 got to change during the… The decisions menu only seems to give everyone the option to form Arkadia instead of the other smaller leagues, and Boeotia doesnt get the option to… Don't know why you got downvoted lol. It can be created by an event for Phrygia, but it's currently bugged so the resulting country is called "Aeolia" even though it says "Pergamon" in the event. r/Imperator: A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by Paradox Development Studio. Forming Babylon, Phoenicia, New Kingdom Egypt, Yamnat (Greater Arabia), Prittania/Albion. It's also true that investing in the navy drained gold that could be used for something different. The era in which is covered by Imperator was not one of New great nations like the 19th century in Victoria 2. I hired 13k mercs and created a legion of 2k plus my levies, conquered latuim while Lucania took over Campania. See full list on imperator. Hello everyone, it's Eleran (OmegaCorps) and Hannibal_theCannibal (traced_169) back again to talk to you all about our next project. May add time conditions (ie. Grants claims on the larger area. I know a lot of formable nations are disabled for ck2-eu4, but I have a question about a couple of nations Is Japan unformable in converted games Can… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Imperator was my first PDX game on release. Declare on Rome (or ally to get Rome in war) when they are at war elsewhere. In history the nations that invest in the navy, like Athene, had an advantage against the other. It decide what kind of formable you can go for You can’t form Egypt as The Ptolemy because they are Macedonian cultured in the Hellenistic culture group The same goes you can’t form Alexander empire with for say Rome or a random tribe because you are not in the Hellenistic culture group 36 votes, 17 comments. Granting claims on the larger area. Arcadia: The Arcadian League can be formed by expansive Republics in Arcadia. So we're faced with the prospect of So over december I have been thinking about different ideas for new decisions and formable nations so i want to share my ideas here and get a discussion going: Formable nations: Italic league: Requirement: Owning all provinces of the Italia region (excluding Sardinia and Corsica) as an Italic nation whose culture is neither Roman or Etruscan. I:R has Assyrian culture, names, places, etc with Assyria being a formable nation. Members Online My Imperator game (304BC - 470AD) converted into CK2 A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. Sack Rome and play as defensively as needed allies should be some help. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by Paradox Development Studio. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 173 votes, 26 comments. I’m planning a new campaign I’m calling “All Rhodes Lead to Rome” (think you can figure the goal) and I was thinking about the possibility of… Jul 24, 2024 · Formable nations can be created by existing nations that meet their requirements through a decision or mission task, allowing countries to shift their identity by acquiring a new name, a new flag, and a new map color, typically representing the unification of a particular region, kingdom, or culture/culture group. That's what unique units are in a paradox game. But in EU4 fashion it would be far more fun to see how Numidia supercedes Carthage and establish a western Mediterranean hegenomy. :) lukcily PDX is fairly open to suggestions. I think Victoria 3 will have similar mechanics to imperator. Thus, Thrace should be too. Members Online EU4 Mod: Alternative Formable Nation Colors A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by Paradox Development Studio. You can only conquer. For a 5-provinces minor feudatory to Phrygia, you have a lot of nice little things, such as + 15% civilization to your capital city, your own flag & heritage, and now two tier 3 options of formable end-game nations: the Hellenic League and the new, Athens-exclusive Delian League so Rome, Carthage, Sparta, Athens and Syrakause (sicily essentially) are the only nations with unique focus trees, but they seem to be adding them every new DLC, so that will increase playability, but yes: it sometimes gets quite repetitive, so it depends if you want to play those nations for now or wait for future updates. Since continuing as released nations isn't currently a thing in Imperator, you still can't use this to play as them yourself. Making alliances in the beginning to eat up smaller nations and then go for all of them, but let it take time. 401 votes, 24 comments. I got most of France and half of Spain. There is quite a bit of flavor in terms of traditions and heritages, however there aren’t many mission trees or unique events. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. e. Idk if you ever noticed by the way, but in episode 3 of your Rome game you said “I don’t think that’s how the dictatorship worked” referring to the Proclaim Dictatorship decision, but that’s different than appointing a dictator as Rome. Seriously, Trapezous was the nation I was most excited to play back when Imperator was first announced: much like a lot of people are oddly obsessed with Byzantium, I've got a really weird soft-spot for Trebizond. Rhodes -> Crete -> Hellenic Kingdom (or whatever is the formable nation) - Hard even with a good strategy because Phrygia is a neusance Try Sparta, the missions make them even more fun than before. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… Advertisement Instead of successor states I think it's going to be more like formable nations in EU4 (Qing, Roman Empire, Germany). C. Posted by u/Joseph-Joffre - 10 votes and 2 comments If you have any idea of a change to these nations or a idea for a cool nation you would like to see in the game, share the idea here on the comments please, I will make a full mod with these after the first paid DLC of the game in 2020, as I want to use the new Mission System and whatever mechanic they will also add to the game, to make my 101 votes, 18 comments. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. Take all of Rome. E. Rome never formed a separate heritage; they didn’t become “The Latin Republic” or “The Italian Empire”. The nation state as a concept simply didn't exist. Look at the Arverni, absolute powerhouse in Gaul, but barely grew compared to Rome over the same time period. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Imperator: Rome by… A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. North Africa was huge for Rome and controlling the berber tribes was a delicate yet intrical balancing act for both Carthage and Rome. But the problem, as many have pointed out, is that formable nations does not make sense in the context of Imperator: Rome. All this time my friends and online said Victoria2 was an economics game for a small dedicated players. 53K subscribers in the Imperator community. Bosporian Kingdom really sounds nice but in my opinion get boring very quickly, you simply occupy all of your neighbors in short time and than you have a empire which is a pain to manage till you have to found many cities to make provinces viable and get mp etc and moving troops around is annoying af, sadly I really liked the early game of them but if you reach mid start invading Armenia or 38 votes, 14 comments. In another note, a lot of other nations should be able to form a lot of other formable and most city states should be able to form empire version of themselves(as rome did) in an "form the X empire" or such. Both small but can turn huge nations. There are a lot of formable nations. Members Online Mare Nostrum 562 AUC + All Achievements - Doing my part for the Imperator Rome revival. Posted by u/Werlf1 - 5 votes and 7 comments It was called Βυζάντιο in antiquity, transliterated as Buzántion. With how precarious of a situation the Isrealite Jews are in at the start, it'd be very satisfying to succeed as them and form Israel. com Nov 6, 2021 · There are currently 73 different formable nations that are divided into 3 tiers, depending on their size when formed. You could do a lot by having the base formable nations based on regions like Gaul, Germania, Iberia and just change the localisation while keeping the unique traits of the original faction. What are the best Tall Countries to play? Something like Crete where you make a Tier 2 formable and then just sit there and… It’s pretty fun. I. Yeah I meant the formable. The mission requires the player to own the needed provinces to form the new nation through a decision. 58K subscribers in the Imperator community. Members Online Foreign-Comedian-115 There’s a ton of formables in the base game, it’s just that a lot of the nations lack flavor so it’s boring and depending on how close you are to Rome you’ll just likely get steamrolled. Starting with this Polish tribal federation on the edge of the known world; Aestuia. It is theoretically possible to form Cyprus as Rome, conquer Mesopotamia and shift religions to Chaldean and form Roman Babylon. They help to move your armies faster, especially with nations like Rome and Carthage. I managed to declare when they were overseas, used my navy to trap their army. Gobble up the rest of the boot. They give players a goal to strive for, and more possibilities for ahistorical (and historical) scenarios. vwla jmnh elzzxnjx hln crhx ueyq ptdstg xjmkfsb laname gseaj jrdtrvqa qdowki dfj yjhopdh tgstdn