Legend lost sector limit 85%. Unless by that you mean obtaining something for the first time in which case the new exotics can only come from a completion of a lost sector (or legend LF campaign of course). ☑️ Reach 1940 Power Level. First three runs straight I get exotics-Crest of Alpha Lui, Hallowfire Heart, Severance Enclosure. My question is is this an exploit? I had opened the engram and received path of the burning steps instead of an icefall mantel. Mar 3, 2025 · Based on community testing and the available data, Legend Lost Sectors hover around a 25-27% exotic drop rate, while Master Lost Sectors offer a slightly better chance, around 33-35%. You can open the cache while the last overload champion is still there (and some ads). Complete Legend Lost Sectors solo. At the end of the sector, you don’t have to kill the last overload champion before the boss spawns. Drop rates need to be addressed game-wide but these legend lost sectors are becoming more infuriating each season. It's all subjective. Music was graciously provided by 5 days ago · Power Level: Ensure you’re at or above the recommended power level for the Lost Sector (1830 for Legend). 1 of an enhancement prism, however if you ran 10 platinum legend lost sectors you would expect to see about 11 enhancement prisms drop (and about 6 gunsmith engrams, 3 defiant, etc. Anyone can do these! Here's the best loadout for the Season of the Haunted legend lost sectors if: You're lower power level You don't think you can do it You don't have many armor mods Season of the Haunted Lost Sector Rotatation Once you complete a lost sector for the first time it unlocks legend (1550) and master (1580) runs for that lost sector, but there is only one available per day. Sometimes more sometimes less For all Lost Sectors this season, the time limit is always set at 15 minutes before any additional revives you obtain throughout the activity are taken away. Just some side notes: they are at the pinnacle cap, they have done the lost sector before and we have done the legendary lost sector to check if they would change on 3 seperate days and it still did not state an exotic would be rewarded if solo after completion, is there a quest or something they need to do? Today I did the legend bunker e15 lost sector 10 times in hopes of getting Cuirass of the falling star for my titan. Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes. These won’t be easy to complete, though, so come prepared for a fight. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. Fine, fair enough. This guide covers how to farm Lost Sector Exotics Engrams and what to do with them. However, there is a time limit for completion. Expert: 2040 The nice thing about that lost sector is there is plenty of cover and you can isolate champs and deal with them one at a time. A few last minute tips: I just got back into Destiny after playing D1 a bunch back in the day. Title says it all. My first run I got contraverse hold, the second I got an enhancement core… Today I decided to farm a pair of StompEE5 in Concealed void legend lost sector. May 21, 2024 · Lost Sectors do not have a limit on the number of times you can run them. . The triumphs will require you to go through the Lost Sector on both Legend and Master difficulties. Anyone can do these! Here's the best loadout for the Season of the Haunted legend lost sectors if: You're lower power level You don't think you can do it You don't have many armor mods Season of the Haunted Lost Sector Rotatation After I killed the boss, I absentmindedly grabbed the chest without killing the champion- yet, I still received platinum rewards. Once you own one of everything, it's back to random. For all Lost Sectors this season, the time limit is always set at 15 minutes before any additional revives you obtain throughout the activity are taken away. The regular enemies and bosses still feel the same. No idea why but I get a lot of exotics from lost sectors, I'm happy that I don't need to run it 50 times for 1 exotic but it's just weird Honestly - Legend Lost Sectors are really the only ones worth doing. This season I seem to be able to do them somewhat consistently within a 5 minute timeframe, barring some moon ones and (probably) congrats!! i did my first legend lost sector two days ago too, even managed to do the first one flawless (not yesterday’s or today’s tho. there's 13 different titan exoitic gauntlest, the most of one kind between all slots and all classes (warlock arms get close with 12). If you do meet the requirements, go run any other lost sector on nessus and the legend/master will unlock. If you are running on Legend difficulty the recommended Power is 1310, while at Master i. Hey, so does anyone know. On a number of over 160 runs, I seem to get an exotic on 12-20 runs with Platinum on every run. To do this, simply enter the Lost Sector without starting Expert or Master difficulty. The very first 2 drops I got were all that I In order to get the cuirass of the falling star do you need to complete the lost sector in a certain amount of time? I've lost count after 2,000+ Legend lost sectors and 300+ Masters. 109 votes, 105 comments. Bungie stated at the beginning of the season that lost sectors would be available for overleveling instead, up to a max of +20 effective power. So you can get I solo'd a legend lost sector for the first time last night but I wasn't lucky enough to get boots of the assembler for the runs I did. Maybe it's a lot better in legend. Completing a lost sector will unlock its Legend/Master version if: It is the daily legend/master lost sector You are over 1200 power If these requirements are met you can access the legend/master lost sector via adventure flag near its entrance. Side note: 3-4 minute runs used to be pretty rare and take some level of running past most of the adds for the majority of them. ☑️ Complete the normal Lost Sector. many sads EDIT: did it two more times and got 2 exotics, one being the new one. If you finish flawless & platinum, 50% chance of an exotic dropping. - Master Lost Sector (MLS) platinum with deaths, base rate. After frustration I successfully completed 3 master difficulty runs. I saw a lot of posts saying the drop rate is supposed to be 20%. The champions are the only thing that feel spongier between sectors in previous seasons to now. My current exotic collection is quite small and I was trying to farm exotics in the lost sector. You can do it for 24 hours straight until it ends rotation, if you want. got 3 exotic legs, today I wanted to build with an exotic arms piece so i grinded HARD. 2nd edit: Farmed Concealed Void last night on Legend. If you are running on Legend difficulty the recommended Power is 1310, while at Master No limit Reply reply crod4160 • No once you get it, it resets the rng for the drop rate especially if it’s a legend lost sector it’s a rare drop. Mar 9, 2023 · It's true, even in preparation for this guide I currently just ran the Perdition Lost Sector at 1789 Power Level and didn't even equip a single Barrier Champ mod or mess with my armor infusing. Moon ones have always been annoying. Unlocking the Legend and Master Lost Sectors in I believe you have to be above 1510. The arcade seems like it would be hard. I went in with my inventory slots completely full. I only ever got 5 legs to drop (2 dance machines, 2 bombardiers and 1 star eaters - not sure why I got repeats twice), besides that I mostly got nothing. that means on average you'll have to clear a lost sector The new rotation isn't known for the lost sectors since 4 new ones were added. If you are farming an obtained exotic for better rolls, lost sectors are better. All while doing it flawless and within the time limit. Will say I think a form of bad luck protection similar to what reckoning had is something that should be added. I ran like 7 legend lost sectors today and got 2 pairs of exotic boots (problem solved lol). So max effective power is 1850 for legend and 1860 for master. Running the same lost sector 5-10 times and still no exotic, makes me not want to play. I tried todays lost sector and keep getting wrecked by the barrier champ. I'm guessing it is bugged. What is the drop rate for legend lost sectors? This is what most people are probably interested in. 7% and 26. Solo Lost Sectors are a great way to farm Exotic Engrams and a few select World Loot pool weapons. The Skydock IV lost sector will be available on the 18th, it's a sector you can complete in 2 to 3 minutes even on Master, it'll be on exotic heads though, what you can do is make sure that your engram inventory is full with umbrals / primes, then every exotic piece you get will go straight to postmaster, leave them in there until the lost sector is back on arms, then pop those engrams & it'll Yes. I've been trying at the perdition master lost sector since it came into rotation today and even though I'm 1250 light I'm finding it impossible. gg Mar 3, 2025 · There is no daily limit. Whether that’s the reason or not, I obviously have no idea. Mar 3, 2025 · H3 11. - If you finish a Legend Lost Sector (LLS) Platinum and you took any deaths (eg. feels incredible and now ive got a bunch more exotics to play with! Loadout Analytics High-level stats on what loadouts are most popular among high-skill players in the global Destiny 2 Community. Jul 19, 2022 · this week I did some legendary lost sectors just for fun. Edit: no necrotic grips sadly which is something I want for the strand / osteo build Bunker E15 Legend/Master Lost Sector drop rates . You just have to find the active one for the day before you start. I rarely want to deal with the double champion modifier in master tier difficulty alone, but legend is quite doable. Legend & Master Lost Sector. As I mentioned, I've never gotten an exotic drop from any legendary lost sector whether I did all the champions or not. After I killed the boss, I absentmindedly grabbed the chest without killing the champion- yet, I still received platinum rewards. So I'm doing the current legend lost sector in the cosmodrome. The very first 2 drops I got were all that I I've lost count after 2,000+ Legend lost sectors and 300+ Masters. I farmed for 2 hrs and saw nothing but enhancement cores 😤 Reply Normal chest in lost sector is like zero rewards so hard to say what was normal and what was not. Apr 3, 2023 · Legend Lost Sectors can get challenging for some players, but with this setup, you will go through any Lost Sector EASILY! Use this setup to cruise through a Getting just glimmer or a blue just sucks. Jun 4, 2024 · Completing the Legend or Master Lost Sector in a fireteam also has rewards. Plan around these accordingly. There is a set rotation with a specific gear for the day and a specific lost sector. If you are looking for unobtained exotics either is your choice, but Vex Strike Force definitely feels easier. My friend said maybe that there are only a few champions that need to be defeated in any given Lost Sector, and Bunker E15 exceeds that limit. My personal favorite lost sectors are 1) perdition 2) bunker e-15 3) exodus garden 2a. For all Lost Sectors, the time limit is set at 15 minutes before any additional revives you obtain throughout the activity are taken away. A lot of them are easy. If the Daily Legendary Lost Sector isn’t showing up for you, this is likely because you have yet to finish the base version. So, if you are clearing Legend in 5m and Master in 10m, running twice the number of Legend in the same time it would take to do Master will probably get you more drops. Legend lost sectors are 1830 light level with a power disadvantage of -15 (In other words you cannot be anything higher than 15 light levels below the activity), the maximum light level that will have an affect on the difficulty is 1815 (Note that even if you are 1815 light weapons will do less damage if weapon light + artifact light do not equal at least 1815). I am going to wait for an unstop/overload lost sector to try again. I've watched multiple guides and used their exact builds but I've noticed in all of the videos they're only ever running the legend version and not the master. Legend lost sector today is empty tank in thieves landing on tangled shore. If your Power Level is Jun 22, 2024 · The drop rate for exotics in legend lost sectors is 25%, which means there is a 25% chance of obtaining an exotic item from each cleared lost sector. every platinum run of a legend lost sector earns you 1. They bumped lost sectors to +30 (Legend) and +40 (Master) over the powerful soft cap. Mar 2, 2025 · Each Lost Sector which has been modified to become a Legend or Master Lost Sector will be harder to complete but will yield better rewards. Is There a Limit to How Many Exotics I Can Get From Lost Sectors in a Day? No, there’s no limit. Completing it solo grants an opportunity for much rarer rewards, at a greatly increased combat difficulty. I guess I'll just have to grind the legend lost sector as it'll take me less time than to gring 13 more light points. No other legend lost sector (I've only farmed a few different sectors) has given me more than 10 fails in a row on exotic loot This cap actually doesn't apply to lost sectors. Reach 1940 Power Level. The Master drop rate is higher, but it is not 2x as high. During Season of the Lost, if you are running on Legend difficulty the recommended Power is 1320, while at Master it is 1350. In my first 3 Legend Lost Sector runs I earned 2 exotic arms. Just got Xeno several days ago and went to do a lost sector with solar burn. ) Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 10 comments Oct 7, 2024 · Only one of these Lost Sectors is available at a time, rotating daily. Even after the revive counter goes away at 15 minutes, you don’t instantly lose, I think you have like another 15 minutes maybe. I noticed that when I opened the chest it said "Platinum Reward" (for killing all the Champions) Now, I've run it 5 more times and not received another exotic. Jun 4, 2024 · To get a chance at some new Exotics and rewards, players will need to first unlock the Legend and Master Lost Sectors. It is the last thing i need for rank 7 So I went to see what the legend lost sector was today to see if it was helm or chest so I could get the new warlock exotics, but it didn't specify, it just said exotic engram. Thank you all for the advice! Luckily it was an easier lost sector so I’m looking forward to the more challenging ones. The only reliable way to know where the lost sectors are is the daily reset thread comments about 5-10 minutes after reset. This lost sector is currently dropping exotic arms. I would recommend the Quarry Lost Sector as the best starter lost sector. I'm outside where today's Legend Lost Sector is supposed to be, but there's no flag. Is there some sort of cooldown or daily limit? I hopped on today and started grinding the K1 Communion Legendary Lost Sector. Apr 17, 2023 · Destiny 2 Legendary Lost Sectors are a great solo endgame content that helps you get exotic gear. So the enemies in a legend nightfall and a legend lost sector are both 2020 but the difference is the power deltas. (To be honest I’ve never lost a lost sector from time, there may even be no time limit. Jul 9, 2024 · Legend Lost Sectors are great for solo players, as they challenge solo players while properly rewarding them for their efforts. Legend is mindless if farming and the drop rate difference is something like 10% (keep in mind runtime for legend is more than 10% faster). Someone usually posts them there. Sep 29, 2023 · Lost Sectors will not show up on your map until you have cleared them once. Yes, I agree that Xeno is awful for overload. Using some statistical analysis in R based on this article we can say with 95% confidence that the true drop rate is between 19. Ended up just leaving because I ran out of ammo. ) the point I’m trying to make is there is no rush, you got this if you take your time. I know a LOT of this is due to my own physical limits but it would be nice if everyone had something they could work towards at endgame. e. not flawless), base drop rate. Each Lost Sector has specific Activity Modifiers which Overcharge certain Weapons types and Elements. Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. They were completely fine before they changed the difficulty. Ive gotten the new exotics basically from doing one lost sector. beyond that legend lost sectors appear to have a 25% average droop chance for an exotic. Activity Power Cap. The reason people recommend Bunker E15 is that the only element you need is void for a handful of shields (i believe it's like 2 minotaurs) and the fact the helper droids actually do more damage than you might think. It took me roughly 9 minutes and I only died a couple times and that was simply because I was rushing. Legend/master lost sectors need some sort of bad luck protection. The Vex Strike Force event also drops the lost sector restricted exotics, but the event doesn't limit to a slot. You can farm them an unlimited number of times. The other day when the legend lost sector was dropping legs, I was able to get my runs down to about 1 min 30 seconds and I ran it at least 40 times. Did my usual run, completed it, got my exotic engram. I thought the lost sector only gave you specific exotics based on the day and character class you were using. On the Legend Lost Sector at Aphelion’s Rest, Dreaming City, there are two unstoppable phalanxes and two overload hobgoblins. I got my light level up high enough and farmed the lost sector and got both exotics that can drop but one of them gave me an awful roll. After that, I dealt with all the adds and the nightmare enemies and killed the boss. Like I said I farm Extraction Legend Lost sector for 12 hours with no exotic rewards. I watched a video on youtube & it was the same as my experience. Can you only get 1 exotic from legend lost sector? No, you can get as many Exotics as you like from Legend Complete the normal Lost Sector. I didn't count the exact… The Skydock IV lost sector will be available on the 18th, it's a sector you can complete in 2 to 3 minutes even on Master, it'll be on exotic heads though, what you can do is make sure that your engram inventory is full with umbrals / primes, then every exotic piece you get will go straight to postmaster, leave them in there until the lost sector is back on arms, then pop those engrams & it'll Jul 19, 2022 · this week I did some legendary lost sectors just for fun. Lost Sectors used to be Powerful Soft Cap (Legend) and +10 or Hard Cap (Master). Anyone that manages to do this has a chance to get Enhancement Cores. Per celebrare le loro gesta e la storia del brand, Sector presenta la nuova Legend Collection: orologi sportivi che si ispirano ai modelli iconici del passato e agli ambassador che li hanno indossati. While some people can clear Legendary Lost Sectors in mere minutes, many others struggle. It depends on the lost sector and how fast you can consistently clear that particular lost sector on each difficulty. Legend Lost Sector - Platinum Rewards I've done a bit of searching and seen a few posts here as well as on the official forums, but none seem to have gained any traction. Loadout Database So did they stop doing the legend lost sector exotic lockout for each new season? I just got peacekeepers as my exotic reward instead of the new exotic boots. Flawless Platinum? The flag moves around - there is one 1250 flag and one 1280 flag per day, in the lost sectors of Europa or the Cosmodrome (sometimes one or the other doesn’t show up because the lost sector picked has been disabled for high-level activity). In my 10 runs I ended up getting 2 exotic chest pieces, Crest of alpha Lupi and Actium war rig. I ran 20+ Legend Bunker E15 lost sectors and got a whopping 2 enhancement cores. I am 1560 power level, I've checked Twitter to make sure it's the right location, and I've completed it on normal already. Combatants also receive certain Elemental bonuses and special modifiers. Legend/master lost sectors do not have a negative power delta and can actually be overleveled up to +20. Each day, one Lost Sector is available to play on Legend difficulty. Here is everything you need to know to take on the Destiny 2 K1 Revelation lost sector on Master or Legend difficulty. If you are running on Legend difficulty the recommended Power is 1310, while at Master it is 1340. However, the I’ve run about 20 legend lost sectors so far (only one flawless) and only gotten one exotic from them and it wasn’t even a lost sector exotic, I’m wondering if there’s something I’m doing wrong. I really wonder who at bungie thought these were a good idea and who at bungie though it was a good idea at bungie to increase the difficulty of legend difficulty lost sectors. The Legend & Master Lost Sector today can be found in our list below as well as the upcoming Lost Sectors of this month. Is there any other way to get lost sector exotics? 11. 10. There are only two legend/master lost sectors at a time, one legend, and one master. today’s lost sector kicks my ass with those two barrier champions at the same time). I hate barrier champs so much now. Friend wants to know if lost sector exotics can drop with max stats Is there a limit on Legendary Lost Apr 22, 2023 · Please let me know of your findings and experiences of Lost Sectors - I would love to create another similar video to this. Here’s the schedule and power level requirements. Imo 5 for master, 10 for legend would be fair but could understand bungie deciding on a increased value or perhaps a daily limit for bad luck protection through a daily objective that gives an exotic. So I just got done grinding out the legend lost sector for a total of 4 hours over the last 2 days. I've run the sector probably over a dozen times since, no loot at all besides glimmer and the occasional Enhancement Core. The big caveat is that you won't resurrect if you die after 15 minutes no matter how many revives you have banked and then it will be over. For all Lost Sectors, the time limit is set at 15 minutes before any additional revives you obtain throughout the activity are taken away, and you will get periodic reminders of that time limit. I also counted 1 overload & 3 unstoppable. Usually if I’m farming rolls I’ll get exotics every 4 or 5 runs. If you're one of these players it's good to know that you can actually take as much time as you like clearing one. Sep 8, 2022 · Of course, there are many Lost Sectors found throughout the planets and due to the daily rotation of Legend/Master Lost Sectors, people need to know where they will be able to find them each day to reap the immense rewards from them. Can you get multiple exotics from Lost sectors? Yes, you can get multiple exotics from lost sectors, but you will only get exotics in a single slot. I somehow got an exotic that is considered a world drop Mar 4, 2025 · How to Unlock Expert/Master Lost Sectors. I was running the legend lost sector just now trying to get necrotic grip. 1 enhancement prisms obviously we can't earn 0. The Lost Sector rotation is a predetermined cycle that changes For all Lost Sectors, the time limit is set at 15 minutes before any additional revives you obtain throughout the activity are taken away, and you will get periodic reminders of that time limit. The first 2 legendary runs, I got exotics but not what I wanted, so I did it for 2 more hours, each run lasting a little over 5 minutes. Idk if all of the neomuna ones were added but the 1 I did was one of the harder lost sectors. And nessus lost sectors have a weird bug right now. Are Master Lost Sectors worth it? Dec 20, 2022 · Destiny 2 tasks players with delving into these lost sectors at very high difficulties in order to acquire new exotic armour. This guide article will take you over the Lost Sector schedule for Destiny 2. You have the 'chance' to get different pieces, although ive very regularly had the same piece drop twice in a row and the same 3 type of arms dropping over and over when farming arm day when there are a total of 9 different exotic arm pieces. But I also noticed it no longer says "Platinum Reward" when I open the chest. Edit: I'm pretty sure I was running master. How is today's legend lost sector meant to be completed? Question Infinity spawning enemies all of which hit like trucks, take no damage and have so much health, how is this actually possible in 15 minutes the respawn timer knocks out a load of time each death around 20 seconds. See full list on blueberries. 4%. The tricky part is, to get the armour you need to tackle these lost sectors alone. yep farming titan arms is the worst thing you can do to yourself. So I'm just coming back to the game after a long hiatus and figured out I needed to do legend lost sectors for certain exotics. You can farm Lost Sectors as much as you like, as long as you meet the requirements (solo Legend lost sectors don't have duplicate protection. I hate lost sectors. Some legendary lost sectors won't spawn the boss until you kill off all the champions, so then you have to kill all of them to get the boss to spawn. The daily Expert/Master Lost Sector will not be visible on the map unless power level is 1940 or above (as of The Final Shape/Echoes). The best way to implement this would be two drop rates both requiring finishing platinum. I tracked a total of 604 lost sectors and got 138 exotic drops for a total drop rate of 22. I guess someone need to run like 1000 Lost Sectors on Legend without killing any champs and then another 1000 killing them so we can get some data. Next, if the Legendary Lost Sector still isn’t showing up for you, it is likely because your Power Level is too low. It is recommended to have at least a Power Level of 2030 Sono diventati Leggende, gli atleti estremi che hanno vissuto insieme a Sector le indimenticabili performance No Limits. Farm legend lost sectors for exotics and not master. Being under-leveled will make the activity significantly more difficult and time-consuming. Jan 16, 2024 · There’s no limit on how often you can do a Legend Lost Sector. Hello Guardians! Just thought I'd quickly list the weapons, mods and subclass that have helped me smash the The Quarry LLS in around 4 minutes tops. Power levels increased with the start of Heresy on February 4, 2025.
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