Model a zenith carburetor Note that the Ford Figure 24 illustration above references the undercut/groove alignment with the " Cap Jet hole". Remove two mounting bolts with a 1/2" wrench. They are 1/4-24 UNS thread. A-9500-EX Rebuilt and road tested Zenith Carburetor - READ DETAILS BEFORE ORDERING Rebuilt Carburetor - EXCHANGE- These carburetors are disassembled, cleaned, each jet and orifice flo. Add To Cart. 4. This great site is called Model A Basics - How Things Work on a Model "A" Ford . The Zenith 3 carbs are scarce. 2015 : Reviewer: Joseph Lopez (Montgomery, Texas) Contaminated fuel allowed sediment to clog the Zenith-1 Carburetor on my 1929 Murray Town Car. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Float Details; Model B & 46 Zenith Float Valve Orifice Details; Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Power Jet Circuit; Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Power Jet Tube Instructions; Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Catalog Data; Model B & 46 NOS Zenith Carburetor; Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Upper Casting Variations; For Carburetor Parts for Ford F-2, ZENITH Car & Truck Carburetors, Headlight Assemblies for Ford Model 2 GA Special, Carburetors 2 Cool AirVents & Parts, Headlight Assemblies for 2 011 Mazda 2, Headlights for Mazda 2, Grilles for Mazda 2, Complete Engines for Mazda 2, Hoods for Mazda 2, 2-Post Lift Machines Mar 22, 2015 · I have always had a Zenith carburetor on my 30 coupe. The Zenith 33 Carburetor Series are a downdraft design used on engine Size 30-140 CID. I wonder what performance gain would come from using the Model B's Venturi an jet sizes in the Model A's Zenith? The fuel level (not the float height) in the 1928-31 Model A Zenith carburetor float bowl was originally designed at 5/8" ± 1/32" below the fuel bowl gasket surface, per 1932 Ford Service Bulletins page 9, and 1934 Ford Service Bulletins page 227. Carburetor Full Gasket Kit • Stromberg 81 $12. made the following statement in his restoration manual. Oct 6, 2014 · Zenith Carburetor Identification Model A (1928-31) Hello Ron, I do not seem to be able to post pics on to a PM, I will be posting some here tomorrow, you don't remember me, but I spoke to you at the MARC meet several times here in San Diego, you and a few others that got me more interested in the hobby, I spent the whole week there, --- also a belated congratulations to you on you award for The Place for Model-A Ford Carburetors Are you thinking that you might have a carburetor problem? This guidance should help you investigate and solve the problem. Customers who bought this item also bought Aug 5, 2009 · Wanted to see if anyone knows the proper adjustment for a zenith carb going on a Farmall model A. But I’m not new to carburetors. [4] An enhanced Zenith carburetor was supplied for the Ford Model B, but also popular as a retrofit for the Ford Model A Model A Zenith Carburetor Theory of Operation; Model A & B Zenith Carburetor Jet Sizes & Flow Rates; Model A Zenith Carburetor Numbering; Model A Zenith Carburetor A-9545 Secondary Well Variations; Model A Zenith Carburetor Float Weights; Model A Zenith Carburetor GAV Wrench; For more Model A & B Zenith carburetor web pages, use the Site Search The following parts are included: 13820 gaskets, 13980 adjusting needle, 14020 adj. ˆ Top of Page • Go to Area More Zenith carburetor information on Ford Garage: For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page. A-9590-Z 1928-31 kit 27. A rebuild kit no 1928-1931 Model A should go without! Your carburetor is one of the most important parts of your Model A, and MAC's Auto Parts offers you a kit that contains all the basic parts and gaskets to rebuild it. Currently there are over 100 Zenith Model 33 Carburetor Applications and several Zenith Model 33 Carburetor kit available. ˆ Top of Page • Go to Area Zenith Model A Ford Carburetor Restoration Worksheets These worksheets are evolving as a sequential guide to help Model A Ford owners restore their Zenith carburetors. The float chamber of the carburetor stores a small amount of gasoline, which is gravity-fed from the Model A fuel tank. Floats Carburetor Parts, ZENITH Car & Truck Carburetors, Zenith Fuel Systems Motorcycle & Scooter Carburetors, Ford Model A Cars, Carburetors for Ford Mustang, Car & Truck Carburetors for Ford, 1930 Ford Model A, Ford Model T Cars, Carburetors for Ford F-150, Carburetor Parts for Ford Mustang Feb 25, 2009 · The carb should have either a "Zenith 2" or "Zenith 3" imbedded in the visible side of the bowl. Part Number ZENITH CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT -- All the jets, needles and float valve to overhaul carburetor. 2. Model A Basics Aug 7, 2013 · flooding Zenith carburetor Model A (1928-31) Actually this sounds as though the carbs not getting enough fuel rather than flooding- it sounds as though you're just using up whats in the bowl. If the orifice is too large, the excessive flow will result in: A rich mixture, low mileage, sooty plugs, smell of gas and irregular running. Carburetor series include 20, 23, 28, 228, 32, 62, 63 Vintage instructional movie on maintaining and repairing your Ford Model A. Model B Zenith carburetors use a press-fit brass GAV housing into the iron casting, not a threaded style GAV. Later carbs sometimes have a stamped number, usually on the top part Related Searches. New Zenith Carburetor, Made in the USA. com. In addition to the carburetor used on Model B Fords, there were many other after market carburetors. I need to know how many turns out for the fuel air mixture, idle screw adjustment and so on. Zenith 1310 Model A Float FL2018. 804 inch. engines. Zenith side-draft carburetors usually have model numbers that begin with 36, 63, or 161. It will also help eliminate common fuel over-rich issues when running a filter on a stock carb. Register; Log in; Wishlist (0) New Zenith-1 Carburetor 1928-31 $650. org Troubleshooting Chart Model A Ford, Zenith Carburetor Troubleshooting Chart Common Causes Loose fuel line fitting, drain plug, filter strainer, GAV, Passage plugs, etc. Focus on the throttle shaft and plate adjustments. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for individual parts – our all-in-one kit has got you covered. 1928 - 1931. The table above shows the Zenith number for the venturi, jets, and valves specified for both the Model A and B version carburetors. This is the Zenith parts book illustration showing the kit made available to Zenith dealers expressly for modifying the Model B and A (replacement) carburetors for customers. Dec 3, 2011 · Do not paint the inside of the carb, only the outside it is best to use a gas resistant paint, model airplane paint for gas models works great, or you can use lacquer based paint. Purchase a Restored, Zenith Model A Carburetor. Brand new, exact copy of original Zenith-1 carburetor. Guidance is provided on what to look for at swap meets, when you are looking for a Zenith, Model A carburetor to restore or to use as a trade-in. $71. Of all the parts in the Zenith, the jets (which are more accurately called MAC's Antique Auto Parts is pleased to offer you this USA made, air balanced Zenith carburetor for your 1928-1931 Model A Ford. The notes clearly show the meaning of the Zenith 1, 2, and 3 designations found on Model A Ford carburetors. The purpose of the numbers was to identify the manufacturer of the carburetor for quality and 'warranty' reasons, in order that any defective parts from dealers could be properly identified, returned, and credited. I am following the MODEL A FORD MECHANICS HANDBOOK by Les Andrews to clean out the passages. The Zenith 3 was the late "late" 1931 carb. They were manufactured by Zenith, Holley and even Ford themselves, although the Ford version is quite rare. Model A carburetor, Model A Zenith, Model A timing, Model A distributer, Model A research, Model A Parts, Model A Ford, 1928 Model A, 1929 Model A, 1930 Model A, 1931 Model A, 1928 ford Model A, 1929 ford Model A, 1930 ford Model A Zenith down-draft carburetors usually have model numbers that begin with 28, 228, or 63. Later carbs sometimes have a stamped number, usually on the top part 1928-1931 Ford Model A Zenith Carburetor Rebuilt, Tested and Sealed (For: Ford Model A) Opens in a new window or tab. Feb 21, 2018 · I’m new to Model A’s. Side-Draft Carburetors; Side-draft carburetors are mounted on the side of the engine and draw air and fuel sideways into the engine. The inside number is the Zenith assembly number and the outer one is the OEM number. We have been providing the best quality Model A parts available since 1985. Apr 16, 2012 · Zenith carb rebuild Model A (1928-31) The valve on the left is the original style, the one on the right is a newer style with a Viton (think synthetic) tip rather than metal and is supposed to be better. “1928-1931 Ford Zenith Carburetor. I"m in the process of rebuilding the carb but i don"t have an idea on where to set the screw in parts. Replacement carburetor for Ford Model A (1928-1931) 185 to 200 cubic in. S. 00 1928-31 Zenith Carb Float - Best Quality An authentic accessory air cleaner for 1928-31 Model A's. 11. Zenith 61,62, 67, 68, 161 & 267, 1-barrel carburetor rebuild kits and parts. Includes kits, gaskets, needle and seat assemblies, floats, main adjusting needle, and small parts. Model A choke will not hook up, you will need to add a cable type choke set up (A-9700-W). $320. Jan 16, 2018 · There are links below and a very good article of the Zenith Carburetor. Get the best deals for Model a Ford Zenith Carburetor at eBay. 12. $300. CARBURETOR MOUNTING GASKET (EA) 28-33 ZENITH CARBURETOR JET REBUILDING WRENCH W/DOUBLE END (EA) $13. A number of alternatives to the Zenith, Model A Ford carburetor became available for use during the Depression era. Ford Model A Carburetor, new Zenith 13922 Carburetor. you can in theory lap them back together but even then gas and its capillary ways will find a path. The More Information area is available for those that want to learn about carburetor theory, who manufactured them, and how the design evolved. By all means read the information posted on the many of the Model A web sites about rebuilding a zenith carb, they are very helpful. The Place for Model-A Ford Carburetors Carburetor Idle RPM and Idle Air Mixture Adjustment There are two external carburetor adjustments, and they affect only the idle performance. I have dirlled out the brass plugs with a 1/8" drill bit, as stated. May 15, 2018 · Model A Zenith Carburetor Model A (1928-31) generally why they leak is the brass is scored from microparticles of rust dirt rocks what have you. An illustrate restoration book for Zenith carburetors, by Paul Moller. Fits 1928-34 4 cylinders. Various venturi Model-A. This brand new carburetor is NOT test run, you are paying the premium price for the new casting. We offer the complete range of spare parts for these carbs, which are all compatible with the three manufacturers. It was also fitted to most of the 4. x Mike's carburetor repair kit, 4. Gasket Set Zenith - A9502Z. 13. What experiences have any of you had with the non-Zenith carburetors? Bill The Zenith carburetor is mounted on the passenger side of Model A vehicles, clearly visible about mid section of the engine. Jets bllown and checked. Made in USA. It is prudent to look them over carefully to make certain the top and bottom housings are not cracked or broken. A-9447. 00 Model A Zenith Fuel Level: The fuel level (not the float height) in the 1928-31 Model A Zenith carburetor float bowl was originally designed at 5/8" ± 1/32" below the fuel bowl gasket surface, per 1932 Ford Service Bulletins page 9, and 1934 Ford Service Bulletins page 227. One Year Warranty. Will work for any year, but carb body is 29 see pictures especially picture 10 of GAV Boss it is "Flat Faced". If you don't want your Model A to break down, just s The illustration below is from the June 1930 Canadian Service Bulletins, and shows the design change progression of the Model A Zenith carburetor A-9545 Secondary Well. Each unit is completely disassembled, all passages hydrostatically cleaned, reconditioned with premium parts and setup to Ford green book specifications. U. ˆ Top of Page Feb 28, 2022 · The Zenith types were the OEM carburetor. do each step. So I am calling it a 100 CFM carburetor. Carburetor Full Gasket Kit • Stromberg 97/48/40 Description: ZENITH CARBURETOR JET SET. engines - Adjustable main Jet - cc = 2 3/8 5/16 thread Jan 16, 2018 · There are links below and a very good article of the Zenith Carburetor. Zenith Model “A” Carburetor Restoration Guidelines. needle seat, 14040 main jet, 14060 cap jet, 14070 Idle jet, 14250 float pin, 14300 float valve, 14370 compensator jet, 14400 idle mixture needle, 14590 drain plug. 865 inch and a choke bore of 1. 14. Will include non damaged choke. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Exact copy of the zenith-1 carburetor. Some good sources, which provide information on theory of operation, specifications, and how to do What is known about the specific carburetor being restored The More Information area is available for those that want to learn about carburetor theory, who manufactured them, and how the design evolved. When the carburetor bowl chamber is filled to the proper level, a float resting on top of the gasoline closes a valve restricting flow from the tank fuel line. _____ Model A Carburetor Rebuilding Kit Zenith - A9595Z. So, much of the information found on this website on the Model A carburetor is directly relatable to the Model B carburetor. Zenith carburetors built from 1932 to about 1980 have a round aluminum or brass tag about the size of a dime riveted to the top of the carburetor. The lower casting on the Zenith 3 is lighter in construction than the Zenith 2. Has there been any testing to see which performs the best? I know the term ‘best’ is subjective. Head Nut Chrome Die Cast Covers Dimensions are 11/16" Across x 7/8" Height The Model A Zenith GAV threads are 1/8-27 NPT pipe thread. Mar 2, 2025 · ZENITH Carburetor with non Original cap. Model A Zenith Carburetor Numbering; Model A & B Zenith Carburetor Jet Sizes & Flow Rates; Model A Zenith Carburetor A-9545 Secondary Well Variations; Model A Zenith Carburetor Float Mass Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ford Model a Original Late 1931 ZENITH 1 Side Bowl Carburetor at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Carburetor Float (Zenith) • 1928-31 Model A Ford $31. Please email directly to [email protected] "Zenith Model 'A' Carburetor Restoration Guidelines" Steve Pargeter. 181 to 1. Carburetor Idle RPM and Idle Air Mixture Adjustment; Using Carburetor to Check Engine Timing; Adjusting Engine Timing; Removing Carburetor From Vehicle » Disassembly of a Zenith Model A Ford Carburetor; Installing Heli-Coils; Lower Carburetor Casting Assembly; Upper Carburetor Casting Assembly; Installing Carburetor Onto Engine; Testing Newly Helpful tips to adjust the Zenith carburetor in your Ford Model A so that it idles better at low speed. A very helpful book on Zenith jets, how they affect performance, and a methodology for measuring jet flow, by Steve Pargeter. 1929 Ford Model A, 1931 Ford Model A, 1930 Ford Model A, Headlight Assemblies for 1929 Ford Model A, Headlight Assemblies for 1931 Ford Model A, 1928 Ford Cars and Trucks, 1930 Ford Cars and Trucks, Ford Model A Cars, Ford Model T Cars, Carburetors for Ford F-150 Dec 12, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1928 TO 1931 Ford Model A Zenith Carburetor Basic Rebuild Kit 20 Pieces at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Zenith's product was one of a small number of different carburetors used on the Ford Model T. Personal checkes are accepted. Comes ready to install with no core Parts for your Model A Ford Carburetor. “The operation of the Zenith Model A carburetor can be affected by the way it was rebuilt and by the use of the correct parts. 95. Disconnect fuel line from the carburetor with either at 1/2" or 9/16" wrench. The top consists of a flange, which provides mounting to the intake manifold. Part Number K7133. Jun 27, 2019 · Zenith Carb leak Model A (1928-31) If you do not have one - There is a pencil style filter that can be added to the inlet of teh fuel shutoff, will keep teh shutoff from failing due to rust/junk getting into teh valve. 3. The table below shows the major differences between the regular and high altitude versions of the Model B carburetor. Disconnect choke rod from the carburetor by pushing up sleeve (set aside sleeve and spring). The Main Jet is usually the cause of high-speed carburetor problems. 9. x Float is set too high or a pin hole absorbs gasoline into float. The Zenith-Detroit Corporation, the Holley Carburetor company, and the Ford Motor company. 10. Comprehensive Carburetor Jet Tuning Drill Kit for the Spectacular Ford Model A! Factory Resharpened Carbide Drills Comes in Two Sturdy Organzing Cases to Keep Your Drills Safe and Organized! Handy Size Chart on Back of Case for Your Convenience Quantity 20 Pieces / 12 Sizes Material Solid Carbide Shaft Diameter 1/8" Model A Carb. We recommend using an inline filter to prevent dirt getting in your carb. How to identify your zenith carburetor model. Extensive coverage of the Zenith carbs through the online catalog, excellent before and after sale service. Model A Ford Zenith Carburetor Restoration Tips 2007-2010 by Tom Endy Acquisition: Zenith cores are easily found at swap meets. $80 shipped. ˆ Top of Page The Zenith carburetor, which was used on the Model A, is an updraft. This carburetor looks like the original, but allows for better air flow when using an air filter, and will help keep your 1928, 1929, 1930, or 1931 Model A up and running. They have been thoroughly restored using the techniques, found on this website. ˆ Top of Page • Go to Area "The Model A Ford Carburetor" Paul Moller. They are made from cast iron and are relatively easy to ID. ˆ Top of Page Mar 19, 2015 · I have always had a Zenith carburetor on my 30 coupe. 50 B-9590-Z 1932-34 Model B kit 42. Remanufactured. Will work for any year, but carb body is 29 see pictures Read more about the seller notes “1928-1931 Ford Zenith Carburetor. It does NOT come with any kind of guarantee. We carry a Zenith 28/228 1 barrel replacement carburetor, Zenith carburetor kits, floats and many small parts. Multiple Venturi Carburetors Your carburetor is one of the most important parts of your Model A, and MAC's Auto Parts offers you a kit that contains all the basic parts and gaskets to rebuild it. New original and quality aftermarket parts in stock with discounted price from an established supplier. Boosts the Model A's performance by getting more air through. Comes Who manufactured this carburetor? Wizard: Model L131 and L130; Your Carburetor Restored or Repaired; Zenith, Model A Ford Carburetor Description; Zenith: Models 2405N, 2415N Hybrid, 548, and Series 68; Zenith Mileage Tester; Zenith Model 'A' Carburetor Restoration Guidelines; Zenith Seminar - 2002 Zenith Model A Ford Carburetor Restoration Worksheets These worksheets are evolving as a sequential guide to help Model A Ford owners restore their Zenith carburetors. 16. The Information has illustrations which include animation and exploded views of the Zenith Carburetor. Complete and brand new. I know there were several other makers like Tillotson, Schebler, Simmons and others. The one I have now is the first one I’ve ever owned. Model A Ford CARBURETOR - Zenith 1 1928-1931 [P/N A-9510-B1 Nomenclature Upper Body Assembly Hex Head Bolt 3/8"-24 ( 3 3/16) Lockwasher 3/8" (1/16 x 41/64) Bowl Gasket Idle Adjusting Needle Idle Adjusting Spring Idle Adjusting Cap Strainer Assembly Fiber Washer 1/2" (3/64 x 3/4) Throttle Shaft Assembly Fillister Head Screw #8-36 ( x 5/8) 10 12 Model A Ford Zenith Carburetor Drawn by Stan Blinko, Beaver Chapter 19 26 15 2. made kit. In Stock. This rebuild kit is for a Zenith carburetor with a cast iron housing and is certain to keep your 1928, 1929, 1930, or 1931 Model A roadworthy. 00 The Model A Zenith carburetor was fitted to all Model A production from 1928 to 1931. Jun 25, 2010 · Having experienced a carburetor problem on my 1930 Deluxe Coupe, I am inspecting and repairing the ZENITH 2 carburetor. Each carburetor has been road tested. 1 year Product Application: Applications: Ford Model A (1928-1931) 185 to 200 cubic in. 00. However, if they are not damaged they can easily be restored. The fuel level (not the float height) in the 1928-31 Model A Zenith carburetor float bowl was originally designed at 5/8" ± 1/32" below the fuel bowl gasket surface, per 1932 Ford Service Bulletins page 9, and 1934 Ford Service Bulletins page 227. Our Zenith 94 Premium Model A Carburetor Kit comes complete with all the necessary components, including high-quality gaskets, seals, needles, and seats, for a full carburetor restoration. xx Float Valve does not seat properly due to dirt, rust or material failure. Depending on the carburetor there are different throttle Bores of 1. Comments: 4 Flowed jets & gaskets. Application: 1928 - 31 $ Application: 1932 - 34 ZENITH Model B $ 3. This fits the original Zenith or Tillotson carburetors. I’ve worked on them since the late 50’s when I took apart my family’s first power mower, an 18” Roto Rugg. These pics show the basic part numbers of the components. MAC's Auto Parts is proud to bring your the Zenith 1 Carburetor for your 1928-1931 Ford Model A. A detailed & helpful DESCRIPTION This convenient service covers all versions of Zenith carburetor 1, 2 and 3. When lifting carburetor out of the engine compartment, use caution so as to not drip gasoline onto the fender. MODEL A CARBURETORS The carburetors for the Ford Model A were produced by three companies. Model a Carburetor; Model a Ford Zenith Carburetor; 2000 Ford Tractor Carburetor; John Deere Model a Carburetor; Ford 94 Carburetor; 1963 Ford Falcon Carburetor Model A Carburetors Sort by. Ford Model A Master Mechanic Bob Guimarin on Zenith carburetors at the June 2020 Sonora A's tech seminar. Most are usually in a cruddy rusty condition. 5. . I have restored many hundreds of Model A Ford, Zenith Carburetors and I try to maintain an inventory of restored ones, which are for sale. What experiences have any of you had with the non-Zenith carburetors? Bill Apr 16, 2018 · BN, we have similar CFMs, and they are in the range of the Number 20 Venturi used in the Model A per the Zenith Company's chart on Vince's site. Lower body (bowl ) Zenith 1310 Model A Carburetor Kit K7133. Quantity : Add to The car is very dependable and with simply mechanical abilities the owner can enjoy many years of Model A driving. It's a cast iron assembly, which is painted black. 15. Quite a few of the parts are interchangeable. There are subtle differences both by year of manufacture, and by company. Very good instructions for doing jet flow testing can be found in "Zenith Model 'A' Carburetor Restoration Guidelines". 50 The following illustrations are taken from the original Model B Ford detail drawing B-9510-A of the Zenith carburetor. As a related note, the inside threads of both the Model A and Model B GAV housing for the needle are also special. The Zenith, Model B carburetor works in much the same way as the Zenith, Model A carburetor (with the exception of the added Power Jet). 1929 Ford Model A, 1931 Ford Model A, 1930 Ford Model A, Headlight Assemblies for 1929 Ford Model A, Headlight Assemblies for 1931 Ford Model A, 1928 Ford Cars and Trucks, Ford Model A Cars, Car & Truck Carburetors for Ford, Ford Model T Cars, Carburetors for Ford F-150 Description: ZENITH CARBURETOR JET SET. The early "late" 1931 carbs were holdover Zenith 2's with the different top. Item In Cart. 7. It will also help eliminate common fuel over-rich issues when running a filter on a stock carb Model A Ford Zenith Carburetor Restoration Tips 2007-2010 by Tom Endy Acquisition: Zenith cores are easily found at swap meets. Choose from Zenith, Tillotson or Marvel Carburetor Parts. US manufactured and ethanol ready. Thanks for any help. The Tillotson model X or XF carburettor is an aftermarket unit that is very near the same function but is shaped a bit differently and is made from zinc die cast. 8 million Ford Model A cars built from 1927 to 1931 [3]) -- reportedly 3. x How to identify your zenith carburetor model. Fitted with a Viton seat fuel valve and a micro-filter, this carburetor will regulate your air and fuel as well as keep your engine's speed steady, ensuring a smooth ride for even the oldest restoration Model A. Model-A. 5 million of them. utqmwr xrnnke mhuc epkecok cboia ywmq ssqlf lhfsub mlhhkb wlez xklru culu zxn hmyjmc faa