Poem for someone dying Woven in fabric, the stories we share, Each thread is a promise, a sign that we care. ’ The sun, the moon, the wind, the stars, will forever be around, Feb 10, 2018 · That’s how the poem begins, but follow the link above to read the full poem, which is the sixth on our list of the best medieval poems. ” “Embrace peace. The verses express the deep sense of loss and longing that accompanies the absence of a loved one, while also offering a glimmer of hope for a future reunion: Feb 12, 2024 · And so, though death has claimed them, they remain, In every joy, in every pain. With courage as needle, and love as the seam, Death is a universal human experience, yet when it claims a young life, it carries a unique weight of sorrow and loss. Family Friend Poems provides a curated, safe haven to read and share Loving. Remember her voice. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. But healing is a process that is better when we show up for each other. Jun 23, 2019 · Poems About Dying. Remember the wind. Poems about mourning the death of family, friends and loved ones by famous poets such as Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, Christina Rossetti, and Ella Wheeler Wilcox. These original poems are religious in nature, so they're best suited for a person of faith but could be used for people who had a general spirituality even if they weren't affiliated with a particular religion. In this article, we have picked 25 of the most meaningful poems about death and dying. You may be familiar with some of these iconic death poem written by the greatest poets of all time. “Requiem” is written from the perspective of the deceased, who is clearly satisfied with the life he lived. Let them know how much they mean to you and how they have impacted your life. 3. “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost. These are much longer and more in depth poems. Rainbow Bridge. ” Words of Encouragement for Family of Someone Dying In Loving Memory is a heartfelt poem that speaks to the pain of losing someone we hold dear. The Well of Grief by David Whyte. Writing your own poem can be a powerful exercise to help heal your heart from a loss. It was a huge comfort. Poetry in the Exam Hall: Exploring the Depths of Test Taking. Sixty-nine authors from eight countries have contributed to this anthology of 149 poems grouped into four stages: dying, death, remaining, and journeying. One could be included as a funeral reading or part of a church service for the deceased. "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson. Mar 20, 2023 · Long Pet Loss Poems. Poems about the death of a son May 4, 2022 · Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go. The death of a son means the loss of more than just a precious life. From the wisdom of literary greats to the insights of everyday people, this collection provides a source of inspiration and healing for anyone grappling with the loss of a loved one. by Dick Underwood. As long as there has been recorded writing, there has been poetry. " Take your time. And if death is a land of unknowing, perhaps we do well to live with uncertainty. A mother's love is irreplaceable, which makes losing her to death an incredibly painful experience. In this article, we will delve into a selection of poems about someone dying that beautifully express the range of emotions associated with loss. Sep 3, 2024 · His poem Requiem speaks from the point of view of someone who is dying, but the imagery of a hunter or sailor returning home is very comforting. These famous poems about death reflect the poet’s unique thoughts and feelings about what happens to us after we die. By Dan Higgins 2024. When someone you care about has lost a loved one, it can be hard to know what to say when sending condolences. In fact, these ideas, discussions and philosophies surrounding death have been the origin of many great works of art. They can be used for memorial and funeral readings. One cannot delve into poems about death without mentioning the renowned poet Emily Dickinson. Jeff235 - In the days following my Sweetie going Home, someone sent this poem to me. Tip: If you're choosing poetry to recite at a funeral, you might be interested in our post-loss checklist. 1 — “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night,” by Dylan Thomas May 3, 2021 · Few people know that Robert Louis Stevenson, author of the famous novels Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Feb 9, 2022 · How to Write a Pet Loss Poem. " Poem 2: "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson. In "For My Best Friend," Grace Butler encapsulates the essence of friendship and the pain of losing someone who understood you like no other. Searching for a famous death quote? Check out those ones by Einstein, Emerson, Aurelius, Mark Twain, Helen Keller, etc. We hope that these poems will help you find comfort during a difficult time, while the right one provides the perfect words to express your feelings and memories about your Mar 4, 2025 · When we are going through a hard time, it can be very difficult to let other people in. A shorter poem might be more appropriate for a service with multiple readings, while a longer poem can serve as a standalone tribute. While sons and daughters of all ages carry within their hearts a dull and lasting ache where they once felt love and security, it is important they continue searching for the happiness their mother always desired for them. The poem delves into the tragic fate of a young gunner who meets his demise alone, encapsulated within the belly of an aircraft: Oct 7, 2024 · In addition, words of encouragement are expressions of support, approval, and hope for someone. Even if you've never tried your hand at poetry, you can use these techniques to easily create a heartfelt poem. Remember the dance language is, that Poems about Loss provide comfort for lonely and alone feelings when mourning a loss of a departed family member or friend. ” “Stay strong. Poems about the death of a brother. Whilst death is hard to bear at first, this poem tells us that those who have died have found peace in a “brighter day. Find comfort in these poems about the death of a friend. Through their evocative words, poets like Emily Green and Sarah Thompson offer solace, understanding, and a sense of unity to those who have faced or witnessed the devastating effects of this disease. My mind has been anxious and my body tired from my terminal cancer. Through their evocative words, poets capture the myriad emotions surrounding untimely deaths, encouraging us to appreciate the present and cherish our loved ones. Dickinson's poem contemplates the passage of time, as the Jun 4, 2023 · Sad Death Quotes. “And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief” – William Cullen Bryant “Grief is the price we pay for love” – Queen Elizabeth II Poems of Comfort and Sympathy for Lost Loved Ones . Remember you are all people and all people are you. Encouragement is a significant way to build healthy relationships and communities. It can be hard to express those feelings in words, but these poems do an incredible job of capturing the sorrow and heartache of losing someone close to you. When someone is taken from us too soon, the void they leave behind feels insurmountable. 8. No One Knew. One of the most tragic and traumatic losses life can deal out to a person is the death of a son. ‍ How To Incorporate Poems Into a Funeral or Memorial Service. The following poems by some famous poets are perfect for occasions of grief and sorrow. Short Poems about Ireland: Capturing the Emerald Isle in Verse. Losing a loved one is an experience that brings unimaginable pain and grief. For parents lost are never truly gone, In us, their love and legacy lives on. The tragedies, struggles, losses, and triumphs affects the entire family. 2. Some poets directly address death, while others use metaphors and Symbolism to explore the themes of mortality and the unknown. These aren’t necessarily funeral poems that you would want to use at the service of a loved one, but they could be. Ode to the Unseen Guardian. Apr 30, 2020 · Acceptance; Thank You; I Love You; We Will Be Okay; Life and Legacy; Lightheartedness and Humor; To Family and Caregivers; What NOT to Say; Acceptance According to hospice nurse Tracy Riley, by the time a person has entered hospice care, they’ve accepted the fact that they’re dying, and it’s helpful for them to know that family and friends have accepted this, too. 5. Unknown. One of Thomas's greatest pieces of work, "Do not go gentle into that good night" is about advice after death. A poem helps by showing you empathize, but as a written Heartfelt Poems on Losing Family, Friends and Loved Ones. This poem offers a comforting image of the departed finding peace and rest in a beautiful, divine garden. Nov 1, 2021 · 2. She knows the origin of this universe. Prayer of Peace Jesus, my Prince of Peace, I pray urgently for Your peaceful touch on my soul. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, also penned one of the greatest poems about death. Poems of Comfort and Sympathy for Lost Loved Ones . Your precious daughter/son's memory will forever remain in our hearts. Poetry serves not only as an outlet for personal expression but also as a means to honor those we've lost and find solace in shared This poem really touched me, and so did the comments. Housman’s poem “To an Athlete Dying Young” captures the ephemeral nature of fame and the poignant grace found in an athlete’s untimely death. I remember crying and screaming at the doctors to save her and my mum taking my hand and telling me it was all right and that she was proud of me, and I remember how brave and strong she was in that moment even though she was broken and dying. The following poems for a mother’s death are some of the more famous options, either by someone who is a well-known poet or are poems that are often read at funerals for mothers. But it’s important to say something. Ease of Delivery: Consider how the poem will be delivered. To share the image with the poem on it, simply click on it and select a social media button. It can guide you May 16, 2024 · Condolence Messages for Someone Who Lost a Child "There are no words that can express the depth of sorrow I feel for your loss. And if death is a forested land, it would be good to learn trees. Death poems to read at your mom’s funeral. A Popular Cancer Poem. Death Quotes That Are… The Most Famous Death Quotes. Poems offer up a space for you to understand and explore your own emotions through the words and experiences of others. Poetry about remembering the dead serves as both a mirror to our grief and a guide through it. Aug 9, 2022 · May death come gently towards you, Leaving you time to make your way Through the cold embrace of fear To the place of inner tranquility. This heartfelt poem serves as a tribute to the unbreakable bond shared between best friends and the void left in their absence. In my opinion, some of the most powerful words about death exist in quotes. They remind us that life's tapestry is often woven with unpredictability and fragility. Furthermore, the way we think significantly influences our behavior. In his haunting poem "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner," Randall Jarrell portrays the stark reality faced by soldiers in war. I am, at this moment, a mess. I thought that I would miss you so, and never find my way. May 31, 2023 · What To Write To Someone Who Is Dying. Share a happy memory or a funny story that you both shared. Poetry has long been a source of solace and contemplation, offering a space for introspection and reflection on life's most profound experiences. This makes them ideal for an inscription or epitaph. When confronted with the reality of death after a long illness, poets have often sought solace and meaning in their verses. Grief and I must complete our journey, And then maybe I’ll find happiness again. These works ranged from simple laments to more complex meditations on death and the afterlife, as seen in poems like “The Wanderer” and “The Seafarer” in Old English literature. Poems about dying explore the big questions we all have about life and death. The Black River: Death Poems is an anthology of poems for people who are grieving and for use in death rituals. 1. While the pain of parting is undeniable, the poem reminds us that one day, we will be reunited with our cherished pets, never to be separated again. Dec 30, 2019 · 289. A Song of Living Amelia Josephine Burr, American poet, 1878 Sep 7, 2016 · A few of my favorites are “Let Evening Come,” a poem about letting go of this life, by Jane Kenyon; and “Lost”, a poem about how we can never really be lost, by David Wagoner; in “Soaking Up Sun”, you have a poem about the love shared between a grandfather and his grandson and the simple beauty of their family farm. Great suffering, such as when a loved one dies, drives us to find release and comfort through connecting with others who have experienced what we are going through. poems and stories that help heal and offer catharsis through good times and bad. Those who will not slip beneath. Threads of Courage. "Healing takes time and you are doing the best you can and that is perfect. Nov 18, 2024 · Length of the Poem: The length of the poem is important, especially considering the flow of the funeral service. ” “We cherish you. Their love, the sun that follows rain, A bond that death cannot detain. Some poems are filled with Sadness and loss, while others offer comfort and acceptance. When a family member is dying, the whole family is plunged into despair. This is a popular poem that has helped many. The poem’s personification of death as a calm, almost gentle companion offers a unique perspective on mortality, providing comfort to those who fear or mourn death. com) • Michiko Dead by Jack Gilbert (Poetry Foundation) • Grief by Raymond Carver (Poetry Foundation) • And Death Shall Have No Dominion (Poem by John Donne) • Recommended reading, viewing, and listening Many people find that funeral poetry helps them express emotions that they have difficulty expressing on their own. Aug 9, 2024 · Since your death, I’ve been lost in the fog, Too burdened with sorrow and care. And if death is a foreign state we should loosen allegiance to this one. Emily Dickinson's poem, "Because I could not stop for Death," offers a unique perspective on death as a gentle companion. ” This softer phrasing can sometimes help both parties ease into the discussion of death. May death come gently towards you, Leaving you time to make your way Through the cold embrace of fear To the place of inner tranquility. Living under the shadow of death isn't easy. Read carefully through each of these poems about death of a loved one to find those that reach into your soul and echo what you’re feeling. People tell me my sadness will fade, And my tears will reach their end. Jun 23, 2019 · Cancer's Journey: Poems from Patients and Loved Ones Navigating the Struggle. The profound experience of witnessing a loved one's suffering and ultimately bidding them farewell can evoke a range of emotions that find expression in poignant and deeply moving poetry. When choosing poems for funerals, memorial services or celebrations of life, you don’t need to limit yourself to poems explicitly written about death or for funerals; any poem that speaks to you and feels appropriate is fine. Through these poignant poems, we are reminded that despite the depths of grief, memories endure, love persists, and the human spirit prevails. Conclusion. ” “Find comfort in love. 2K. Encouraging words when someone is dying could go a long way in reviving the person. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. the still surface on the well of grief, Feb 17, 2023 · 15 Beautiful Poems about Death . W hen a loved one passes away, it can feel like all joy leaves the world with them, as well as any words to articulate that grief. Anthony Wilson April 27, 2013 January 17, 2018 Blood Cancer, Cancer, 3. Due to my faith, this poem resonates with me. RELATED: 16 Beautiful Poems About Loss To Help You Grieve. Feb 2, 2022 · Funeral poems don’t have to be about death or grief. And if death is a kingdom, it would be good to practice service. Sad Poems and Inspirational Poems about cancer. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. ” “We’re here for you. Funny Poems About Movies: A Hilarious Take on the Silver Screen. I do not sleep. It is dear to me. From heartfelt expressions of love and memories shared to reflections on the journey of life and the hope of reunion, these poems offer a way to honor your brother’s life and find solace in the grieving process. It’s the oldest poem on this list of mourning poems, dating back at least six centuries to the late fourteenth century, though it may be even older. Mar 23, 2020 · Poems About Love and Death; Uplifting Poems About Death; Here are some poems about death and dying. "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas. In this article, we delve into the realm of death-themed poetry, exploring a few examples that have left an indelible mark on literary history. But hold on, who said it’s gotta be all doom and gloom? To write an amazing poem about dying too young, dare to dive deeply into the sea of emotions. Here are some things you can write to them: 1. These quotes reflect that sadness and the pain death brings to those it affects. I am glad to again find this poem. "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" by Randall Jarrell. Go to table of contents. Dec 20, 2024 · It will generate a relevant poem, and you will just have to modify it according to your will. Death Poems contains many of our most read and commented on poems. If you have been tasked with saying a few words or reading a poem at Grandma’s funeral, we’re here to make your job a little easier, with 21 beautiful poems for Grandma. Feb 10, 2025 · For those who have experienced an expected loss, sudden death or an unexpected loss of a son, reading through poems and quotes can be a way to find comfort in your grief. Remember you are this universe and this universe is you. Meaningful funeral readings to remember and memorialize your loved one. ” “You’re in our hearts. Oct 31, 2024 · A. Zen Poems About Life: Finding Serenity in Simplicity 2. Composing poems about young death or any tragic events can be a bit heavy, to put it mildly. ” “You are cherished. The echoes of our laughter linger near, In hearts we loved, our stories intertwine, Though we may part, our memories remain dear, In every tear, a spark of light shall shine. Famous Poem. Funeral Poems express grief, mourning and bereavement. Jul 9, 2013 · Then when I was 6 I was taken to a hospital and was told my mum was dying and she was going. If you know someone who is battling cancer please take the time to let them know that you are thinking of them. Poets throughout history have sought solace and understanding in grappling with the subject of young death, creating poignant and thought-provoking poems that capture the fragility of life and the complexities of grief. "Dog's Death" by John Updike. The best and most popular poets have a gift for putting what we are feeling to words. This perspective offers solace and a broader philosophical understanding of mortality. We feel unhappy knowing someone we sincerely care for is in a hospital receiving treatment and wishing they get well soon. Jun 9, 2020 · Thinking about death doesn't need to be something we live our lives avoiding. Writing to someone who is dying can be a difficult and emotional experience. A Happy Man. Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you. May death arrive only after a long life To find you at home among your own With every comfort and care you require. ” “Your life matters. Express your love and gratitude for them. We need to be there for one another and share in each other’s struggles. After a death, one of the best ways you can comfort someone is to offer words of support. ” That’s a reassuring thought for those who mourn. Popular Comforting Poems to help with Grief, Coping and Life After Loss. Another metaphor that family members often use when they inform one another about a loved one’s death is “slipped away. It is heartbreaking to see a once active relative lying in a hospital bed hooked up to machines. While the concept of dying may evoke a sense of fear or sadness, there are also poems that portray death as a peaceful and serene transition. I am a thousand winds that blow. Its philosophical approach to the afterlife has made it a timeless meditation on loss. Healing looks different for everybody. — Romans 6:23 There are poems written to grieve a lost loved one or for those pondering the cycle of life and death. In these moments, we often end up This poem portrays the importance of community and collective strength, suggesting that together, people can create beauty and hope even in the face of hardship. the appeal of poetry is universal and has long been used as a way to express our feelings and offer comfort in difficult times. Brainstorm Feb 15, 2014 · 7. Zen Poems About Life: Finding Serenity in Simplicity Yet death's embrace is but a whispered call, A door that swings to realms we cannot see, From ashes rise, our spirits break the fall, In every end, a start of what will be. Feb 10, 2025 · Religious Poems About Death and Dying. Poems for Funerals Readings for Funeral, Memorial Services and Eulogies. If you or someone else plans to read it Oct 30, 2023 · 2. E. Renowned author John Updike penned a heart-wrenching poem, "Dog's Death," that captures the raw emotions associated with losing a canine companion. In these moments of heartache, poetry becomes a powerful medium for expressing the depth of our emotions and finding solace in shared experiences Dec 2, 2024 · Several poems, such as Tennyson’s and Dickinson’s, frame death not as an end but as a transformation or passage to another state. Famous Poems About Death. Aug 7, 2024 · Touching Funeral Quotes to Give Your Final Goodbyes Saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult, and a farewell quote at a funeral may be the kind of expression you need to give you and your loved ones some closure. Here are a few ways to incorporate goodbye poems about death into your tribute: Beautiful Poems About Death; We hope that you find our ultimate collection of death poetry helpful. These poems about death and loss will make you feel understood, help you remember, and maybe even help you find some closure. The following list of funeral poems about mental health are for those who may have struggled with mental health issues during their life. May your leave-taking be gracious, Enabling you to hold dignity Through awkwardness and illness. By Edwin Arlington Robinson; When these graven lines you see, Traveller, do not pity me; Though I be among the dead, Let no mournful word be said. Healing. " It's why I find solace in these quotes about death and dying, and hope you will too. Poems about Losing a Loved One to Cancer. Brainstorm. I can only pray that it doesn't strike me again. I'm a survivor of cancer but mine was a very aggressive one so I'm really afraid it'll come back anytime. Her poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death takes a unique approach to the topic, personifying death as a gentleman caller. Remember language comes from this. A poem helps by showing you empathize, but as a written Feb 16, 2025 · In the following poems, you'll find words that speak to the pain, love, and enduring presence of a brother who is gone but never forgotten. listen to them. Poems for the death of a mother have varied messaging and have different ways of providing comfort and hope. Sorrowful and beautiful classic poems about death from throughout history. Five Ode Poems About Dead Parents 1. No one knew the torment that you were going Family Friend Poems provides a curated, safe haven to read and share Loving. In the British Isles, the tradition of the elegy, a poem written in honour of someone who has died, became a prominent literary form during the Middle Ages. When an animal dies who has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. May 29, 2015 · Since the beginning of time, people have been expressing their thoughts on death in many, many ways. It is hard to imagine that this is the same individual who was previously so active and full of life. It is vital because how we feel about ourselves is the foundation of our thinking. And if death, too, is a change of being perhaps action counts. Tap into the Heart of Emotion. It has been six years since Sweetie went home. This remarkable piece paints death as a carriage ride through life's stages, with the lines "We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess – in the Ring –" reminding us of the joys and memories that accompany Poets throughout history have grappled with the complexities of losing someone dear, capturing the essence of this profound experience through their heartfelt verses. It can also serve as a wonderful way to honor your late pet or the lost pet of a loved one. Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep" by Mary Elizabeth Frye. "I know now that we never get over great losses; we absorb them, and they carve us into different Feb 28, 2020 · 16. Many people turn to others after losing a loved one – not just for comfort, support, and help, but also for validation and acknowledgement of their lived experience. And then I heard the angel say ‘She's with you every day. When a special person in your life dies, you will traditionally engrave a headstone, grave marker, cremation urn, or memorial plaque with their name, dates, and a brief inscription. Memorial poems and friendship poems about grief and mourning can also be used in a celebration of life ceremony or as a tribute message to a dead friend. Heartfelt Poems about Grief, coping and sorrow after death of family, friends and lived ones. Our exclusive review process, which blends quality and popularity, has led to the creation of our proprietary collection of over 8,000 poems that deeply resonates with our readership. Knowing the right things to say at a funeral, especially when you or your loved ones are filled with grief and pain, is hard. When we […] Poems about dying too soon are both heartbreaking and thought-provoking. Funeral poems are a way to personalize a service and create a lasting memory for those who attend. When I read this poem I thought of how my daughters will feel when I go. Make a note of the poems that stand out for you. Each death poem captures the essence of the brotherly bond and the impact of losing such a significant person in our lives. Spanish Poems About Flowers: Celebrating the Beauty of Nature. From tribute poems to rest in peace poems, these messages offer a way to honor and remember a dear friend who has passed away. Poems about loss for when someone you love dies. It represents the loss of future experiences and future hopes. In absence, you are not gone, Mar 27, 2023 · Funerals can truly be augmented by a poem that is apt and fitting for the person you have just lost. Apr 27, 2013 · On reading poetry to dying people. Jean de La Fontaine. Feb 27, 2020 · This short poem is a popular choice for funerals because it reminds us that despite the death of someone we cared about, the darkness of our grief will pass. Sympathy Poems Offer Words From the Heart These poems are a testament to the power of poetry in capturing the emotions and experiences surrounding the profound journey of dying from cancer. Feb 8, 2025 · Famous poems about the death of a mother. Sep 17, 2023 · Short Words of Encouragement for Someone Dying “You are not alone. These In Memory Of quotes are brief and to the point. Memorial Poems for Losing a Son. Here are 20 powerful prayers for someone dying of cancer. . Grief Expressed Through Poetry. These poems about death can help you express your thoughts in the hopes of bringing healing. Written as part of his larger work, “A Shropshire Lad,” it reflects on themes of youth, glory, and the transient nature of life. Dec 25, 2020 · 7. — Maya Angelou. Funeral poems for the grieving. Join us in reflecting on these poignant words that capture the essence of love, loss, and the journey of healing. Jun 20, 2020 · Knowing that you are dying from a disease that you have no control over can leave you feeling frightened and defeated. 19. Touching. Death almost always brings about unhappiness and despair for those who have lost someone. Part 2. Slipped away. The loss of a mother is a theme that has moved many famous poets over the centuries. There's a great fear of dying, but if we talk about it, and listen, we'd hear the truth: that "mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things. We strive to remain accessible to "real people, real life" while also providing a resource to students, teachers and all those who love popular poetry. They are alive poems. Aug 6, 2023 · Tips For Writing Your Own (Poems About Dying Too Young) 1. This poem may have been a favorite of your mother’s because of its popularity. Mar 22, 2011 · Family Friend Poems provides a curated, safe haven to read and share Loving. Losing someone to cancer leaves an indelible mark on our lives. Image by Beate from Pixabay. John Donne, ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’. Instead, you can choose a poem for your mom’s funeral that would remind others of the special person you lost. This is the time that they discover who their real friends are. Sep 2, 2023 · Most of us feel sad and awkward when we think about what to say to someone in hospice care who has days or months to live. I just now looked up this poem because I needed to read it again. These poems about death and dying serve as a testament to our shared human experience, offering solace, understanding, and a way to navigate the unknown. • Fifty Famous Poems (many related to death, dying, loss, and bereavement--Famous Poets and Poems. ” “You inspire us. Poem 3: "For My Best Friend" by Grace Butler. One such experience is the inevitability of death. Sep 19, 2019 · Short Quotes About Remembering Someone Who Died. With over 15 years of experience in online poetry publishing, Family Friend Poems is renowned for discovering and nurturing talented poets. ukzn iegqtf tqx krzwlb camqq umopgr hxfq ekulhu wfllywm jhj lxsgoe jnxeh pgmkmj fvsqixk kecmcdl