Rear ended reddit Its the car I just bought for my wife and we literally sold her old car a day before the GTI got hit. The case of a rear-ended car doesn't fit all of these arguments, but the insurance company may argue that they can raise rates after someone else caused you to be in an accident because you could have done more to avoid the collision, or because the collision shows that you were driving in an area, in conditions, or at a time that collisions Legally? Yes. They are going to replace the entire rear bumper for that small damage. Called police and filed report but did not get pics of guy's insurance, van, himself because I was rattled and couldn't reach someone logical to remind me to do these things. " I was rear ended by a pickup truck while I was waiting to turn left (he "never saw" my vehicle that had been stationary for the last thirty seconds). Not much damage, but still needs some time in the shop. Hi all, Recently was rear ended by a negligent driver going maybe 40mph and cause a 4 car collision. It was a low speed collision (and I'm fine btw), we were both stopped for a second or 2 but the person behind me went before checking to see if I was still in front of her and The car that rear ended us was a Prius. Rav4s are unibody so if the rear quarter is tweaked that whole. Read the Rules. Right after settling within a year my hurt arm died. That’s why you have it. I physically feel fine. His insurance organised someone to take my car and did an inspection. I started physical therapy for a torn rotator cuff, it almost makes me feel like a thief. The other driver was okay as well and started saying that someone rear ended her and pushed her into me and then fled the scene. I can appreciate my responsibility in it, i’m willing to pay what her damage is but commenting on a thread to be bitchy with no advice is petty :) Driver rear-ended me and admitted fault. I’m in PA and it was a fairly painless process. I bought 03 TJ brand new. We already went to a medical center to do a checkup because she had backpain after the accident. Now they've said they won't pay it because the cost of repair is more than the car is worth. Sorry about the wording. I have GAP insurance so my insurance is covering the remaining loan with is about 6,800ish since I had extended warranty which I cancelled so it brought it down from $7600. Together, we called the police and a report was filed. Getting a trunk lift, new lights (modern LED housings are expensive af), bumper, etc and labor for a car that new is gonna be expensive too so insurance may want to write it off The rear-end driver kept saying that they are not at fault, and refused to give insurance information and their driver’s license. I also caught it on my dashcam. Fun fact, fire department commended the fact that all 4 doors were automatically forced open by the car to prevent anyone being locked in. I’m in CA and it’s one of the most sensical thing this state has legalized. My car is driveable but Blindspot monitor is malfunctioning Indiana. askcarguys join leave 198,793 readers. Got my 1999 Silverado rear-ended today. I called the police and they came out and assessed the I’ve had this exact dispute when rear ended and did both a diagram and description for RACV. Nov 10, 2024 · I was rear-ended 9/30 and the at fault driver's insurance company accepted 100% liability, then right before accepting the settlement for my car, I received a letter saying the guy didn't have an active policy with them on 9/16 (self. I was told by my insurance that they will be totaling my car because the repairs exceed the 70% limit of what the cars worth. . Idiot rear ended my almost 2 month of ownership at the red light. true. Damage was mainly to rear bumper and exhausts that both had to be replaced. e. I was thinking if I should install one of those after market diffusers like the one from RPM Tesla with hitch compatibility. My car will go to the body shop on 6th but more or less it has lost it’s value regardless of what happens to it. Problem is my car is "yelling" at me while driving that the trunk is open (which might be possible but it is smashed/locked in place). I ended up becoming disabled and haven’t been able to work this Should I immediately engage a lawyer after being rear-ended? Accident just happened today (August 13th) in Utah. I took pics and sent her my ID/insurance via text. She even used a 3rd person who claimed to have been a witness, but the final assessment was made based on where my car was hit and the damage to our cars. 9 months into new car lease and got rear ended at a red light. Insurance) Aug 8, 2022 · I was actually rear ended by an F150 that got rear ended itself (so the truck who hit me absorbed most of the damage). We both have Geico insurance - as I understand it, in a typical case my insurance would advocate for me in this scenario to get the appropriate payout, but with both of us on the same insurance, will I have issues with Geico trying to lowball me? Greetings Reddit Community! I was involved in a collision at a traffic stop where my car was rear ended by a small truck at a red light (i. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Toyota Tacoma never hit the break. Both his airbags went off and ours didn't, but a light came on saying my side went off so maybe it was supposed too. I learned this is very common for whiplash injuries, which I was diagnosed with. We call our insurance and they said we need to contact the student driver's insurance in order for them to pay her damages. Car is drivable and I'm waiting for parts to be ordered. Every car for the last 40+ years has been designed this way. Just got rear ended on a hit and run, what to do now. In a lot of places getting rear ended makes it automatically the person behind’s fault unless there’s evidence of intentional brake checking or other shady shit. And no one is gonna give a shit what stupid things your friends were doing, you shouldn't have taken your eyes off the road in stop and go traffic like that. No one hurt just whiplash and concussion for me. I have moderate anxiety and oh boy this did me in for the day. My SUV only has a scuffed/slightly dented rear bumper. The bike rack cannot be fixed. The car is paid off, however, the insurance is only a liability as the car is paid off. it was a rear end of 5 mph, we were at a stop light, i saw it had turned green, i took my foot off the brake and looked to my left. Model X is the safest, quickest and most capable sport utility vehicle in history. There is pretty significant damage to the rear bumper. Prius's front end was completely smashed in maybe a foot in a half. This. Couldn't tell what color it was two days later from taking it off roading. One time I rear-ended someone who was at a dead stop on the highway. No injuries thankfully. An exception could be if you cut someone off suddenly and there is dash cam footage but fault determination rules do have rear-endings as at fault for the car in the back. It has less than 2000 miles on it. I was rear ended and my truck and bumper were smashed. I was referring to his insurance company. So, I got into my first ever car accident today (to call it an accident would be a huge overstatement). I was in a car accident this last May in Kirkland, WA (Seattle suburb), where I was stopped to make a left hand turn and someone rear ended me going 35-40mph (pics here if interested). Hopefully you had a police report filed. I was at a stand still waiting on a green light. Police report found him to be 100% at fault and, after a long fight between the insurance providers (where I actually had to lawyer up), his insurance eventually paid for all repairs and medical Just got rear ended a few months ago. The Trailblazer was totaled. It's Geico, so they offered Auto Repair Xpress at some chain collision places in Seattle like Service King. One time my wife rear-ended someone who cut her off. I was rear-ended (and I've read through other posts for this answer, but didn't find it), I am not at-fault. A good samaritan pulled over and confirmed I wasn’t at fault and the driver even told the police she was speeding. Our beautiful new rav 4 prime was just rear ended on our way to catching a flight. Fortunately, as far as I know there were no injuries in either car (obviously that could change). So back in October I was rear ended and ended up using chiropratic and sergical services to help recover. Audi parts aren’t exactly cheap, I had a similar rear end situation on my A5 that ended up being around $10k for parts and labor. and remember to please post the year/make/model of the vehicle you are working on. Just plowed into me. Brown leather interior 24k miles and I just got rear ended. Good luck getting that from the telsa dude. They could have sent a guy over to make a report. Most rear-end collisions end in exactly this way. Let’s hope he’s honest and/or stupid. I just bought the thing about 30 days ago. Tuesday night, I got rear-ended by a young woman with no insurance. Turned out I had a decent crack underneath it from the impact of the fall, and just a few motions of me gently pushing on it was all it needed to drop finally. All paid by other driver but its going to take 6 - 8 weeks and there are no hatch parts anywhere - Accidents happen but the wait is freaking me out I am a teenager and I rear ended someone and they got very aggressive to the point of hitting my windows and banding on my car roof. Otherwise structurally the car was in great shape and continued to drive well. Same thing happened to me. Due to the light bar being attached to the frame, it compressed the frame of the Yaris. The estimated cost is around 5-6k with labor at a good body shop and 2 months to receive the part from Korea. Driving felt fine. It left parts all over my bumper. Potentially drunk guy rear ended me at a stop light. The only thing you maybe could’ve done better was call your local non-emergency police line instead of 911. I got rear ended today in my 2022 pro 4x. Good Luck OP and take this as a lesson Hello! So my wife got rear ended this morning by a student driver while she was waiting on a yield sign. Guy hit me doing about 40 while I was at a stop light, didn't even try to brake. I don’t want to go through the whole lawsuit process but I do feel like I should get some form of compensation for the pain and inconvenience. He stopped suddenly at an amber light that I thought he was going to go through. This Friday I was leaving work and some asshat was using their phone while driving and rear ended me. The front of the car has intensional crumple zones to absorb the force of an impact. Depending on your insurance company, the claims department should be very helpful and explain this process. Rear ended in California on 6/16/23. This was not the post I had in mind :( 2019 CX5 Grand Touring CASH. get reddit premium. I exchanged information with the other driver and we agreed to deal with it out-of-pocket first before getting insurance involved. Car 1 is at fault for car 2's damage and car 2 is at fault for car 3's damage. Title: I was rear-ended but the other driver's insurance won't accept liability. Well. The plastic end cap on the bumper was dented and tweaked the tailgate. One time I rear ended a car, my car was an 89 corolla hatch, his an older camry. Damage was to back bumper, pretty bad, but car is still drivable. If you are here asking about a second opinion (ie "Is the shop trying to fleece me?"), please read through CJM8515's post on the subject. I wasn't there but from the way she described it, it did sound like the rare case where it actually wasn't her fault. If this is too expensive, you can always get a front-facing camera and add the rear later, but since you mentioned rear-end crashes I figured seeing the rear would be something you want. Traffic in lane one came to a quick stop but fortunately had enough room to not get pushed in to the car in front. If you only have liability, and you call your insurance and tell them you were rear-ended, they may say "Well then the other party is 100% at fault, and since you have liability only, we have no obligation here. Deductible should be kicked back to you once they find out who the driver is that hit you and go after their insurance. 17K votes, 487 comments. The latches ain’t even lined up anymore. I was rear ended a few weeks ago. I came around a bend and looked away for too long. Got a CT Scan and X-Rays done and nothing was broken. When I got in my rear end accident, I did get some nasty whiplash, but it took a day or two to actually start hurting. I think I was only rear-ended like once last year that was not from having to slam on the brakes because of an incident ahead of me I've recently got rear-ended while the bike rack was mounted on the car (luckily no bike). I was rear ended in Feb. It ended up be totaled, funny my air bags didn't go off either. Even though I did get injured, I have wrist and elbow pain, I wake up in the middle of the night. Service shop sent an estimate to ICBC, and they declined to replace the rack for the reason that is not permanently attached to the vehicle meaning that it needs tools to remove it. My niece told me this is a great place to get advice. I was rear ended last year while stopped and waiting to turn left, with my blinker on. Pain got a lot worse today( second day) I’m not money hungry but I am feeling pretty moderate neck pain. Literally stopped working and became so painful. The guy behind me rear-ended me but there’s almost no damage, just a little bit of paint chips which I’m not too concerned about. If you got rear ended it is near-universally the fault of the one who collided with you. Unofficial Subreddit for the Ford Maverick Pickup Truck! Questions on your order status? Contact… This insurance subreddit is for consumers wanting their questions answered about insurance (quicker than a bigger sub where you have to wait to trend to be noticed), and P&C and L&H agents/brokers wanting to answer consumers' questions while sharing useful content in addition to asking and answering agents questions about the business. Tow driver for the local body shop said it was totalled but I just want a second opinion to satisfy my anxiety. What steps should i take in this matter and if any one knows of around how much this will cost me ? Ended up going to use the rear brake and suddenly felt my foot snap forward like nothing was there. On the 4th day I had it, I was rear-ended by Chevy Trailblazer. Quote ended up being $7000 to fix my bumper and exhaust system. The fact that she was tailgating doesn't make brake-checking her any more legal or any more warranted. I question whether a rider can accurately assess whether a car approaching from the rear is going to brake in time and, even if we could make 30K subscribers in the FordMaverickTruck community. I was going about 1-5 MPH, but just miscalculated my brakes for some reason. They kept insisting it was the front car’s fault (but the front car was technically not involved in yhe accident — was just stopped in as close to the railing as they could, but the roads were too narrow). I’ve spent all morning trying to file a claim and get the ball rolling and this person paying for the accident they caused. I was rear ended in 2019. I got out and started taking pictures. It was a hinky situation. Dashcam made insurance claims super easy; I just sent the video to the insurance of the party at fault and they pretty much took care of everything. Got rear ended this morning coming onto an interstate on-ramp. I already have scoliosis and have back pain frequently and a history of going to a chiropractor for the pain. I’ve been rear ended too, but really badly. Eventually I settled because it was awful going through my lawyers office for treatment. My mom had passed in January and I was on my way to direct the funeral staff on how to dress her for the funeral and some fucker in a Mazda was tailgating me and slammed into me. Quality Female Rear Views Only. I was rear ended on 3/20, I don’t know why but it’s making me really depressed. This was one of the big commercial type lawyers. Unless there is camera footage of someone doing something extreme like deliberately reversing in to someone, most cases where someone has been rear ended end up with the car behind getting the blame. The insurer was insured and was driving one of his company work trucks (telco style truck), his insurance company seems to be a smaller company managed by a much larger company. I drove the rest of the way home fine. I got rear ended in my 2018 CX5 a couple days back in the Boston area. It was one of those merges where you have to fully stop and make sure no cars are coming before merging. Someone rear-ending you is almost 99. Started this discussion in another post but want to pull it out to get a discussion going. A lot of people get rear ended doing that because most people will speed up slightly to still make the light. Totally my fault. We have a few days to figure out what to do about insurance and repairs before flying back to where our damaged car is. That person is at fault for the rear end. I was stopped at a stop sign when I dodge truck rear ended me I’ve got a 2016 model S do you think that I’ll be laying my girl to rest or is she savable still drivable I was able to drive her home but that trunk will not close. Thanks for posting on r/MechanicAdvice!This is just a reminder to review the rules. Good ol' Jeep was completely fine during the 25 minute drive home thanks to the hitch. It also happened in front of a house that had cameras and I was able to get the footage that clearly shows she hit me. I called his insurance company and they used an app on my phone to take some initial images of the damage then told me to take it to a place of my choosing. The other party was also with RACV and must’ve followed a similar process. I have front and back facing dash cam footage. Came to a stop and looked down to find the rear brake foot lever was missing. 😞 I had a similar experience, 2015 JK with 170k got rear ended door would still close but very difficult and so no usable, body shop had to change the rear cross member and bumper total cost was little over $3k but is good has new now and insurance covered it all plus a rental car for a month. They did not have insurance. It sudden and annoying, but nobody was injured and there was no damage to either vehicle (that I or the police officer could see). ​ I was rear-ended earlier this week in a slow speed collision (maybe 15 mph). My Mazda 3 only needed a new rear bumper (which did its job perfectly). I just bought it… The Tacoma folded like it was an empty beer can. Nope, bumper was damaged pretty severely, couldn't open the rear hatch, and the car's frame was damaged too. That apparently means all-in-one inspection, service, and a loaner waiting at the door, and a lifetime guarantee on the work. The rear of the car does not need such features. plus bumper, rear hatch, looks like at least 1 taillight set. So when you slam the breaks the second you see yellow, and the car behind just started speeding up because they expected you to also speed up, that causes a rear end collision. Sounds like you did everything right, though. The tailgate leaked water and mud in. Was rear ended by a speeding car yesterday. The original estimate by the video call was low and the place I chose did the work. They should get back with you and claim at-fault and provide a rental and repairs from an authorized facility at no cost to you and it should not affect your rates. You might have to pay a deductible, but that should be it I was recently rear ended a couple days ago when I was on my way home from work. I was rear ended about an hour ago while sitting at a red light. Guy at the body shop said one liberty approves the repair they get to fix it and send them the bill later. r/Rear_Views: A subreddit for fans of the "Rear View". I got my Trax in October. I was the middle car and the car behind me hit me pretty hard which her car's airbag to deploy and my car to go into the car in front of me. So i was rear ended while fully stopped at a red light last month, as soon as it happened i put the car in park and made sure my husband was ok. I deleted all chrome. No OC posts. Please follow up with what you end up doing. If they are, I quickly glance into the rear view mirror at heavy braking zones, to see if they’re trying to divebomb me or not, then focus on the turn. "Officially" (which is what insurance goes by) in a rear-end collision the driver in the rear is at fault. What you did sounds perfectly fine and if they had left enough space and paid better attention nothing would’ve happened. The bumper is bent. 2015 Buick Verano - owed $5k on it My mom was rear ended, it looked like cosmetic damage to the bumper, so she let the teenage girl drive off. He is at fault. I got contacted by the other insurance accepting liability. Two years later the transmission went out on my Tahoe at unusually low mileage. My state in the US passed a fairly strict law concerning use of mobile devices while driving, and here you can’t hold a phone in your hand in the drivers seat of a car unless you’re actually parked; stopped at a light or a metered onramp doesn’t count. Would you assume there might be any structural damage based on the pictures attached? Should I take it to a body shop to make sure if it needs anything more than a bumper replacement? Meanwhile progressive totalled my 03 WRX for $3k in damage from a rear end. Regardless, you had insurance, so your insurance will cover all costs. Yo I was rear-ended at a stop sign today. I was in the wrong for hitting them but they asked for money and got a photo of me and my license plate. Example: one car rear-ends another and pushes the second car into a third. I got rear ended and the other driver's insurance is paying for it. But it is very hard to prove. But car is smashed in to the tires, trunk is an accordion now. When someone makes an unsafe lane change in front of your vehicle and brakes at the same time, causing you to rear-end the vehicle that cut you off. Depending on the kind of insurance you have, you may be eligible for a rental car while your car is in the shop. I was able to get the lady’s “insurance”, license, and license place from her. I got hit hard enough where I still feel it in my arm I was rear ended two days ago. if your damages are a quarter of the damages of the other rear-ended car, you'd be offered $1k and the other driver would be offered $4k for $5k limits) by the at-fault party's insurance company. Ended up in the hospital. 162 users here now. The issue is whether the standard advice to stay in gear, watch your mirrors, and plan a space to escape really makes sense. If you get rear ended, not only should you do like everybody else says and report it (the other person is at fault), you might even need to get checked out yourself if it was jarring at all. Rear-ended someone, what can I expect? About 15 minutes ago I rear-ended a stopped car in the parking lot of my apartment complex. OTOH, my accident was so minor I barely felt it. Downloaded this video from my BlackVue camera. It happened on a slight upward hill going out onto a residential street where the stopped car I hit was trying to make a turn. I used an attonery to help me with this being my first (and hope to be my last) vehicle accident. Was rear ended driving home from work and after exchanging insurance info with the other party filed a claim with my insurance (Geico) and their insurance (Liberty Mutual. I was rear ended last week. The motor pushed the dashboard off the Was rear ended tonight, company truck slammed into pretty hard, body didn't hit anything but whole body jerked pretty hard, having tingling in my neck and jaw and somehow some pain in my knee. He was very polite about the whole thing and admitted responsibility for the accident. I know all the steps that should be taken after a car accident but because of the state I was in took none of them. My wife got rear-ended not long ago and is now having to do physical therapy and see a chiropractor as well. The police report stated the other driver was looking out the window at people walking, and hit me at around 45-50mph, totaling my 1 year old Sienna Limited. what felt like a second, my car hit the stopped one in front of it. car behind released brakes). So on any car, the front end will much more easily sustain heavy damage compared to the rear. The other lady filed through her insurance first, and thankfully told the truth so there’s no dispute that she’s at fault. I locked up and slid into him, my car was how you describe the car that hit you (but I am assuming it was worse as it was a higher speed accident). Used my car to door dash and take girlfriend to work. 99% never your fault…. ) I have a shop in mind (recommended by the local VW group) and would like to ideally drop the car off tomorrow morning, get a rental and head to work. Yesterday I was rear ended decently hard by an uninsured driver. He Zelled me $1000 to avoid insurance. My arm hurt after but everyone kept telling me it was fine. Once the repairs are complete, (assuming it’s not totaled) you let his insurance company know you are pursuing a DV claim as well. e,. srction would have tk be cut out and replaced. He should of turned into the left lane, which was open, and he made a sudden stop. impact foam under the bumper is probably,garbage too, and if you can't open the hatch it may have passed into the spare tire storage under the cargo floor. As of now, my car has been rear ended by driver at fault. My wife was rear ended about 16yrs ago and had to go through mediation with her attorney and the at-fault party's insurance (accident wasn't very serious but we had to get any attorney as it was the only way to stop the other insurance from literally harassing my wife to sign a waiver and release of liability). Tesla quoted me $1054 for part and labor. I was in a construction zone stopped when I got rear ended by a distracted driver. Really depends on the insurance and the dude who fills out the repair estimate. Honda made an illegal lane change just like the Tesla, Honda was not fully established in his lane when the Tesla pulled out and is the rear car and did push the Tesla into OP's Tesla. Damage doesn’t look all that bad on the wrecker 😑 up close it gives me less confidence on what’s to come. Very straightforward, I got rear-ended at a red light today. There was no apparent damage to my vehicle (it had a hitch which may have prevented visible damage to my vehicle). Original Post: Hi, I'm brand new to Reddit so please forgive me if I break any rules. That starts the process. I got rear ended by a Toyota Yaris with a light bar on the front of it while stopped at a red light. We exchanged info. I went to the ER because my back and neck were hurting. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. This is one of many legitimate reasons why full lane splitting should be allowed on all roadways. Notify that person's insurance and yours. 2 weeks later my neck was in severe pain. Sitting at a red light, rear ended. You have to handle it yourself. I was in the lead vehicle, driving along the side of a golf course when a ball bounced in front of my car. Her car was messed up, hood/bumper damage. She admitted fault at the scene to the cops (she was counting the cash in her wallet and not looking /facepalm), so that's not an issue. It's a horrible idea to brake-check someone because you could end up in an accident, and due to the reckless nature of brake-checking, could put the person who got rear-ended at fault. I was rear ended recently and seemed fine. There she goes. If that guy admits he rear-ended you he’s going to end up being liable. I'd imagine partial faults but would love an update if OP ever finds out which they may not since OP is at 0% fault. What are your opinions on those aftermarket diffusers? Thanks in advance. I feel your pain, this looks very similar to when I was rear ended in my '18 WRX. You may at some point be offered a pro-rated portion of their limits as a settlement (i. They hesitated in their car for awhile which made it seem like they were going to flee so I stood in front of their car until they got out. She was going at least 35 and I didn't even hear any breaks. I had to go through it when my RSQ8 got rear ended. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. I can’t help it, I feel depressed, I got a lawyer, is it even worth it? My friend rear ended a car, and went out to exchange details, but the car just took off and left, so my friend was left with no details of the other person or number plate. I was the first to get rear ended so I got the majority of the impact on me. This was probably as minor as it gets with things like this. As the title says, I was rear ended a couple weeks ago. Oct 11, 2023 · I was rear ended in my Tahoe by a Toyota minivan. When someone rear ended you, 99% of the time is the other party’s fault. Since your car is brand new, I would tell your insurance that you want to take it to a dealer’s body shop. This shop was a liberty approved shop who did the repair. Nothin wrong with that if you do, really, but could be part So my '17 GTI was rear ended last week. Also check for used listings of these cameras in your local area, you might be able to find a deal on one that someone is discarding so that they can upgrade. Here you can ask questions, have discussions, post photos, share news and much more! When you rear end someone, you are pretty much 100% at fault. My settlement was acording to my attorney "the max under there coverage" which was $25,000. I got her ID, phone number, and license plate, but since she had no insurance I didn’t know what else to get. regqg uktxhf wqsybfg lboyv nwgpbd ntffaz tcjf jttpxfwv nozwg wfcmg rmdu ipqxr fgjyd kjxcjus mcpcjs