Spanish 3 curriculum map Prerequisite: Spanish I R. It includes 10 units focused on hotel stays, city vs. Please bookmark this map so that you can come back to it easily. For 3 more points, come up with examples where Spanish uses the definite article and English doesn’t and/or when English uses the indefinite article and Spanish doesn’t. Nieves-Soto World Language Spanish 3 School Year: 2020-2021 SOMOS 1 CURRICULUM MAP Somos is a Comprehension -based™, Proficiency -oriented, Acquisition -driven curriculum for Novice learners USING THIS DOCUMENT This is the official SOMOS Spanish 1 curriculum map. Express your emotions regarding the outcome of an event. . Novice-Low and Novice-Mid Can-Do Statements are grouped by topics and divided into 4 units and 16 lessons. Please bookmark this map so that you can come back t o it easily. NYS Standard 2: Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. teacherspayteachers Get 20% off by buying the bundle! These No-prep Spanish 3, 4, and AP Spanish Language and Culture Lesson Plans and Curriculum do everything for you! Spanish 3 and 4 include the textbook, the lesson plans*, and every resource needed to teach Spanish Three and Four. 3 Apply knowledge of health and fitness to culturally-derived food These No-prep Spanish Lesson Plans and Curriculum include the textbook, the lesson plans, comprehensible input, and every resource needed to teach Spanish 1, 2, and 3. 馃檪 Students will be able to read with comprehension selected short stories and newspaper and magazine articles. Lesson 10 – Introduction to Spanish-Speaking Countries. Guided discussion using questions provided€ 4. Understand cultural perspectives on family outings. Cultural Exploration and Biblical Perspective. Curriculum Map Spanish 3 furthers the study of grammar, vocabulary and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Back-to-School Bonus Sale: Save up to 25% using promo code BTSBONUS23. Affirmative Action Officer: Zuleima Perez, zuleima_perez@nbpsnj. Describe how different cultures interact 2. Aida Kuhlewind encourages her students to use their developing language skills as much as possible while also helping them become comfortable with a new language. Invest a few hours in your curriculum map – and get back WEEKS of planning this year 1. net — Right-to-Know Officer: Frank LoDolce, frank_lodolce@nbpsnj. This curriculum map will provide everything you'll need to deliver a comprehensive and engaging lesson. Further, the course attempts to increase the students' vocabulary with new words, while re-enforcing the vocabulary that has already been taught in previous years. Apply the concepts, information, and vocabulary in target-language resources that are connected to knowledge in other content areas 3. Lesson plans include comprehensible input, TPRS Lower Cape May Regional School District Spanish III Curriculum Content Area: Spanish Course Title: Spanish III Grade level: 10-12 Unit 1: Soy lo que soy (I Am What I Am) Dates for Units: Weeks 1-3 Unit 2: La rutina diaria (Daily Routine) Dates for Units: Weeks 4-6 Unit 3: ¡Ay, la vida doméstica! (Domestic Life) Dates for Units: Weeks 7-10 KS3 SPANISH CURRICULUM MAP. net — Website Accessibility: information@nbpsnj. Curriculum Map Ms. Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics COURSE CURRICULUM MAP – SPANISH III September October November December January February March April May June TEXTBOOK: Realidades II TEMA 4A & 4B TEMA 5A TEMA 5B TEMA 6A TEMA 6B TEMA 7A & 7B TEMA 8A TEMA 8B TEMA 9A & 9B En busca de la verdad CONTENT / CONCEPTS *Toys and playing with other children VOCABULARY: toys, games & 3. 1 d. pdf spanish 3 curriculum map 23-24 spanish. 2 Así somos, Así lo hacemos, Así pasó, así nos gusta 1. Students are encouraged to continue to Level III in order to complete a 3 year sequence for an Advanced Regents Diploma. 1 a. Usted provee un excelente servicio al cliente también. : math systems, maps, weather patterns and forecasts) b. This class is conducted in Spanish, and students are expected to speak Spanish at all time. These No-prep Spanish 3 Lesson Plans and Curriculum include the textbook, the lesson plans, comprehensible input, videos, Spanish bell ringers, Google Forms, Spanish comprehension reading passages, and every resource needed to teach Spanish Three. With only 18 weeks to complete the Spanish 3 curriculum, there is very little time for review. Students improve listening, speaking, reading and writing oral presentations and written exercises. D Take notes on oral and written discourse dealing with familiar topics. These No-prep Spanish 3 and 4 Lesson Plans and Curriculum include the textbook, the lesson plans, comprehensible input, syllabus, and every resource needed to teach Spanish Three and four. No category Spanish 3 Curriculum Map for 2011 Grade: 3 Subject: Spanish Unit of Study: September/October Topics Big Idea/Rationale Students will recall and practice previously learned Spanish vocabulary words such as colors, numbers, greetings, classroom supplies and Ascendencia Year One Curriculum Map for High School Heritage Spanish. 2, Curriculum Map – Spanish II 1 s t Quarter 2 n d Quarter 3 r d Quarter 4 t h Quarter Review - present tense - adjectives (add more) - hobbies (+) Extracurricular Care of the Home Cultural and Leisure Activities Past Tense People in the Community Climate Simple future Día de independencia de México Kent City High School Curriculum Map for : Spanish 2 Standard 5. These standards are derived from the ISBE Illinois State Standards and the Standards for Foreign Language Learning Preparing for the 21st Century. (Only a few supplemental resources are needed for the Spanish Four curriculum. Much emphasis is placed upon the designation of the different tenses of the language, so that students not only know the language, but also know how it works. 1 Relative pronouns, 3. Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845. Talk about school competitions. Give an opinion about a work of art. 3. Vocab: home and school, sports & daily routines, vacation, shopping and celebrations, city and country, hotels and restaurants. Use words derived from cognates, prefixes, and thematic vocabulary 1. 3 b. org Unit 3: La Vivienda Parts of the house, household chores, table settings 3. net KS3 Curriculum Map – Spanish: Topic Substantive Knowledge This is the specific, factual content for the topic, which should be connected into a careful sequence of learning. Spanish 3 Verbs:-imperfect vs. To foster an interest in and enthusiasm for the culture and customs of the target language country and instil the passion and curiosity which will motivate students to be lifelong language learners. The aim of Spanish 3 is to assure that students can read, write and speak the target language at an intermediate level. 2: Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. Iris Forde, iris_forde@nbpsnj. rural life, future tense, and road trips. We update this map The Ilfracombe Academy Curriculum Overview SPANISH KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM MAP Curriculum Overviews Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 10 *START NEW GCSE - EDEXCEL New Pearson Edexcel GCSE textbook - ¡Viva! *PHONICS A clase Module 1: Diviértete Module 2: Viajes Module 3: Mi gente, mi mundo Middle School Heritage Spanish Curriculum Map. 3, 2. We upda te this map KS3 Spanish Curriculum Map Intent: • broaden students’ horizons, and to provide them with an opening to, and appreciation of, other cultures. Year 13 Spanish curriculum map 2024-2025 – Teacher 1 Curriculum Map : Checkpoint B Spanish 3 NYS Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. James Episcopal School Curriculum Map Spanish Quarter 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 1st conjugations Personal pronouns, estar, prepositions. Talk about the contributions of the Maya and Aztec civilizations 5. Elementary A curriculum design with Can-Do Statements in mind! This product includes a scope and sequence for your Spanish (or any world language) 1 class. 3 The present subjunctive, 3. 1, 1. Scripture References Use audio files for listening activities and dialogue activities 1. Contact Us: 785 Alameda Avenue Astoria, Oregon 97103 HERE’S WHAT SOME OF MY BUYERS HAVE SAID ABOUT THE SPANISH 3 CURRICULUM AND LESSON PLANS: Spanish 3 Curriculum and Lesson Plans . Curriculum Map – Year 10 – Spanish (2024-25) Grammatical skills • Using comparatives • Using the superlative • Using acabar de + infinitive • Using the imperfect tense • Using suelo + infinitive Pearson Edexcel GCSE Module 3: admire Mi gente, mi mundo Spring 1 Topical skills • Describing people and families • Talking about who you Find and save ideas about spanish 3 curriculum on Pinterest. Philosophy Six un derlyin g attributes at th e h ear t of Oak’s curriculum an d lessons. Email: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd. Demonstrate understanding 3. It includes grades K-5. Independent reading€ 7. Curriculum Guide: SPANISH III For the study of Foreign Language, Seneca High School has developed overarching core standards. pdf Astoria School District. Conduct a survey to obtain information about which sports/leisure Curriculum Map- Spanish Below is a curriculum map, showing what is taught at each stage of the year. Check out the I Can Spanish 1 Curriculum Map and the I Can Spanish 3 Curriculum Map also available in my store. Muchas gracias, Angie, por ayudar con el peso de dar una clase nueva como esta que lo fue para mí este año. Turn weeks of work into just a few hours when designing a comprehensible input and proficiency oriented, ACTFL aligned curriculum! This completely editable level 1 spreadsheet cov Spanish Heritage Speakers 1 Curriculum Map I d e a s d e ma t e ri a l e s p a ra l o s cu rso s p re a p : h t t p s: / / d o cs. 1 curriculum is daunting - use this free curriculum map and class to learn how to better use the ACTFL tools and plan for a year of pro Spanish Language Level 3 Curriculum Map It is crucial that language classes focus on communication. Display pictures to reinforce concepts€ 5. To foster an interest in and enthusiasm for the culture and customs of the target language country and instill the passion and curiosity which will motivate students to be lifelong language learners. 4. Spanish 3 is an opportunity for students to put into practice and reinforce the oral and written communication skills they have honed in years one and two, while broadening their understanding of the Spanish-speaking world through an increasingly immersive classroom. More detailed short- and medium-term schemes of work, not published here, are available by contacting the Spanish Department. Connections language to make comparisons b. Writing letters, journal entries, stories and short descriptions are a focus. Click the button below to download our Middle School Heritage Spanish Curriculum Map. Give your opinion about mysterious events 4. Disciplinary Knowledge (Skills) This is the action taken within a particular topic in order to gain substantive knowledge. Curriculum Map – Year 7 Subject Autumn Term – Spanish Intent Pupils should gain an understanding of the basic grammar concepts of verb conjugations in the Spanish KS3 Curriculum Map 2021-22 Curriculum Intent 1. Spanish 3 builds on the principles taught in Spanish 2 and continues to develop skills in speaking, reading, listening, and writing. SOMOS 1 CURRICULUM MAP USING TSHoImS oD sO isC aU CM oEmNpTr eh ens io n - b ased™ , Pr oficiency- o r ien te d , Ac q u i s i ti on- d ri ven c u rri cul um f or Novice le a rne rs This is the o铿僣ial SOMOS Spanish 1 curriculum map. 6. planned c Learning Spanish – The key aims of our language curriculum Pupils learn the Spanish language in its spoken and written forms. 0, 28 September 2021. Identify resources connected to other content areas in the target language (i. Assign text activities Use the Bible and have students look up passages and explain the biblical teaching regarding strangers 3. To save yourself tons of time and money, you can purchase the “I Can” Spanish 2 Curriculum that follows this map. Each Oct 14, 2013 路 Spanish III- This course is designed for intermediate-level learners of the Spanish language and culture. KS3 and KS4 Spanish Curriculum Map Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 7 Topic Module 1: Mi vida Introducing yourself and giving information about yourself Module 1: Mi vida Introducing yourself and giving information about yourself Module 2: Mi tiempo libre Talking about free time and leisure Module 2: This resource provides a list of topics to be used when teaching elementary Spanish. 1. 1-9. Language is cyclical; so, the topics are often mixed and revisited. We upda te this map 2020 – 2021 St. Recognize features of 3. Assessment: extended pieces of on a past holiday, 3. Agricultural Science. e. My Spanish classes are partnered with the community college to offer students 8 semester hours of dual credit on completion of Spanish 4. Course outline: Spanish 3 Week # Lesson Topics for : Spanish Level III Resources Textbook Chapter Primary Student Activity 1, 2 Adjectives, articles, nationalities, Ser y Estar Textbook Situaciones for all weeks 1 Speaking, listening, reading, writing for all weeks 3,4, 5 Daily routine, stem-changing verbs, reflexive verbs, present Curriculum Map – Spanish III 1 s t Quarter 2 n d Quarter 3 r d Quarter 4 t h Quarter Review of present tense Review of preterite tense Grammar in context: - Parts of speech - Agreement in gender and number “Todo sobre mí” – Project - Introducing self - Review of how to express likes / dislikes / preferences CURRICULUM MAP Course Title: Spanish 3 Duration: February Big Ideas/ Enduring Understanding Essential Questions Students will use the imperfect tense to describe feelings and emotions. activities in Spanish- speaking countries. Narrate an event in the past. I have taught levels 1-4 in a small rural high school, 8th grade introductory Spanish, Biology 1, and 101 and 102 at the community college level. UNIT CONTENT STANDARDS ASSESSMENT LITERACY ACTIVITIES SKILLS Review of Spanish I ~3 weeks review of Spanish 1 Communication Cultures Connections 5 Themes of our Spanish Curriculum Curriculum maps detail the sequencing of substantive knowledge through five ‘big ideas’ to enable pupils to build schemata of important concepts Linguistic skills we develop: How we assess pupils’ learning of the Spanish curriculum Teachers assess pupils’ learning of the curriculum on an ongoing basis. Key concepts are the present perfect and future tenses, differences between urban and rural environments in Latin America and the US, and the Pan American Highway. erbs-with-I-Y-spelling-change-in-pr eterite-tense-663319 Unit 6: El secreto trajo no pudo supo la verdad totally irregular preterite verbs https://www. ) Time Frame (Number of Key Sta ge 3 Spanish - Curriculum Map - Version 3. Learning Objectives Curriculum Maps; DASA (Dignity Act) Instructional Plans, Presentations, Forms, & Files French and Spanish Grades 7 and 8. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Year 7 Mi familia y yo My family and me Family members, personal descriptions, family relationships, pets This unit introduces key knowledge about the Spanish language that will be revisited in every future unit. If you've decided to throw out SPANISH I CURRICULUM MAP Unit: the area of study and duration Content: the specific areas that will be taught during the unit Standards: the specific targets of the Nov 5, 2021 路 This prevents curriculum overstuffing and makes sure that you teach the absolute best material, appropriate for a high school Spanish 1 curriculum. Click the button below to download our curriculum map for Ascendencia Year One. ¿Qué haces para estar en forma? ¿Cómo te llevas con los demás? Describe a visit to a national park. Curriculum Maps For further information on what your student is learning, click on the grade level and/or subject area to see the curriculum map which outlines essential learning targets. Folktale story 2: La leyenda del colibrí (The Legend of the Hummingbird) Discover how the Maya gods created the Hummingbird, and the task they assigned to it. September October November December January February March April May June Performance indicators Students will comprehend Curriculum Map – Year 7 – Spanish (2024/25) The National Curriculum for KS3 MFL All Y7 pupils study 2 Modern Foreign Languages from French, German and Spanish for 2 periods/week and Classics for one period/week. ) Digital versions are included f PSD World Language Spanish 3 Curriculum Map(revised Sept 2014) CDE Standards and indicatorsNovice High Range Level Expectation: Communication: Communication in Languages Other Than English Participate Spanish 3 Honors aims at a thorough examination of the Spanish language, from the simple present indicative to the complex imperfect subjunctive. Learn more Jun 3, 2021 路 Planning your Spanish. • aid mutual understanding, a sense of global citizenship and personal fulfilment. Use only what you need by simply clicking on the hyperlinks embedded in the map to jump directly to engaging resources! Specifically, this curriculum map includes: 1. C Meet a number of practical writing needs using lists, notes, short letters, and journals. Each unit includes cultural insights, encouraging students to examine different practices and apply a biblical worldview. Digital versions and digital resources are included 5 Themes of our Spanish Curriculum Curriculum maps detail the sequencing of substantive knowledge through five Zbig ideas to enable pupils to build schemata of important concepts Linguistic skills we develop: How we assess pupils’ learning of the Spanish curriculum learning of the curriculum on an ongoing basis. multiple choice, P,N,P+N, Answer in English, Answer in Spanish); 3 reading questions, 1 translation into English; 1 grammar exercise - Key verbs written in Spanish. 2. They will also become more informed about some of the contemporary problems and difficulties affecting Hispanic communities. 4 Contextos Spanish KS3 Curriculum Map 2020-21 Curriculum Intent At Fortismere, our language department has developed a curriculum that aims to: 1. 6/7 Grade STEM. French Grades 9-12. Spanish 1, 2, and 3 curriculum is kid-tested and refined during 30 years of teaching. Recite single-word or high-frequency responses to visual cues 3. Skills Disciplinary knowledge: This is the action taken within a particular topic in order to gain substantive knowledge. Through these core approaches, we teach pupils how Spanish 3/4 Semester 1- in a quarter on a Hybrid Block – Para Empezar – year round. Spanish Grades 9-12 May 3, 2017 路 Spanish st1 Grade Curriculum Map 2017 Literacy Language Math Science & Social Studies Wonders (English) Interconnections & USBE Calle de Lectura (Spanish) Counterbalance Spanish Language Structures Hacer Notar Reconocimiento Práctica Guiada Práctica Comunicativa Spanish Proficiency Speaking: NM Listening: NM Reading: NM Writing NM Spanish 3 Curriculum Map for 2011-2012 (PHS only) June 2011 Descubre Chapters Suggested pacing Preliminary Chapter 9/1 – 9/23 Chapter 1 9/26 – 10/28 Chapter 2 10/31 – 1/6 Chapter 3 1/9 – 3/9 Chapter 4 3/12 – 5/4 Chapter 5 5/7 – 6/19 Descubre Lessons 9. I hope you learned your vocabulary! Spanish Curriculum Outline 2024-2025. • provide students with a deep linguistic and cultural experience, through the use of Montgomery County Public Schools. It has what topics to teach each month with a few activities/craft examples for a few topics. Spanish 4. The more a target language is used during class time, the easier its acquisition. This is the third course in the traditional 3-year sequence of Spanish and it builds upon the language skills learned in levels I and II. These easy-to-follow plans will guide your instruction from Day 1 to Day 180 while still giving you room to be creative. 3 Apply knowledge of history to describe the roles of Spain and Latin America in world history ON GOING ON GOING Late April Presentation Test Quizes Text, Realidades 1 Teacher materials Web sites Library Research Small Group Work Reporting Connecti ons 3. This outline provides a long-term overview of the knowledge and skills developed in this subject. Unit 3: La Vivienda Parts of the house, household chores, table settings 3. By the end of the course Spanish IB Curriculum Map ¡A sí se Di ce! S pani sh 1 (McG raw Hi l l ) S tan d ard s Co n ten t S ki l l s/ P racti ces Materi al s/ Reso u rces Assessmen ts (Al l ) Dai l y/ Weekl y/ B enchmarks Ti mel i n e (Mont hs/ Weeks/ Days) CS 1, CS 2, CS 3 CUS 4, CUS 5 Cap í tu l o 5 - Dep o rtes - Tal k about sport s - Descri be a soccer SPANISH 3 CURRICULUM MAP _____SPANISH__3___ Textbook: Asi se dice Level 3, and Situaciones: Spanish for Mastery Level 3 __TENTH GRADE_ Course Title Grade Levels Title or Topics (Unit organizing idea) Concepts (understandings) Skills (What students actually do) Major Assessments (Tests, projects, etc. Identify types of dance in the Spanish-speaking world such as meringue, tango, rumba, and salsa. Record your score out of 23. Furniture vocabulary, prepositions, gender of nouns, adjectives. Spanish is produced and understood through speaking, listening, reading and writing. g o o g l e . Jun 16, 2012 路 I worked with one of the teachers this summer to rewrite the Spanish 3 curriculum and had hoped to work on Spanish 1 also, but time did not permit that. preterit -all command forms -conditional -future -passive voice -gustar-like verbs -present and past perfect Santa Barbara is now on the 4X4 block so it is very important for students to have a solid grasp of vocabulary and grammar concepts covered in Spanish 1 & 2 before entering this level 3 class. This Curriculum includes seventeen (17) complete units, 3 cultural units, and 4 quarterly assessments. Exploratory Ag 8th grade. The study of grammar is further advanced and completed. After my busy months of June and July with trips and conferences, I will have a few short weeks that I hope to work on the curriculum for Spanish 1 on my own time. Have students interact with the Page 1 of 9 Curriculum Map - World Languages - Spanish 1 (3rd Edition) Curriculum Map: Realidades Level 1 4 Week Unit Plan Unit of Study Concept/Topic Key Content Standards Spanish in the work force Standard: 1. Compare leisure time activities between the US and Spanish-speaking countries. Vocabulary is expanded and the present, past and future tenses are emphasized. 3 c. The document will continue to be improved with more detail as the year passes. co m/ d o cu me n t / d / 1 NX r-3 DCk6 wh D7 F 1 wP u A B f P b -Z z5 zl 3 zZ cF DMB E A xH9 A / e d i t T e ma F e ch a s d e e n se ñ a n za A p u n t e s/ co me n t a ri o s Spanish to show information learned€ 3. Mrs. A curriculum design with Can-Do Statements in mind! This product includes a year-long scope and sequence for your Spanish 3 , or combined level 3/4 class. Talk about the arts. Available to: all qualified students, see placement requirements link on the World Language Department page. The AP Spanish curriculum includes KS2 Spanish Curriculum Map - Overview educational journey. 1-1. Sale ends in 26 hrs 26 min. 4 Subjunctive with verbs of will and influence Mayúsculas y minúsculas En detalle: El patio central Perfil: Las islas flotantes del lago Titicaca Lectura: Bienvenidos al Palacio de Las GarzasOye Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. 4 Subjunctive with verbs of will and influence Mayúsculas y minúsculas En detalle: El patio central Perfil: Las islas flotantes del lago Titicaca Lectura: Bienvenidos al Palacio de Las GarzasOye Jul 12, 2020 路 I began teaching Spanish in Illinois in 1994. 8th Grade STEM. Novice-High and Intermediate-Low Can-Do Statements are grouped by topics and divided into 4 units and 12+ lessons. 2021-2022 MFL Curriculum Map: Spanish Key knowledge & skills to be mastered by students Year 7 Learning Period 1:1 Autumn Term Learning Period 1:2 Autumn Term Learning Period 2:1 Spring Term Learning Period 2:2 Spring Term Learning Period 3:1 Summer Term Learning Period 3:2 Summer Term Topic title In class Free Time My family, friends and I It will help you provide focus, consistency and continuity in your curriculum. SOMOS 2 CURRICULUM MAP Somos is a Comprehension -based™, Proficiency -oriented, Acquisition -driven curriculum for Novice learners USING THIS DOCUMENT This is the official SOMOS Spanish 2 curriculum map. 2 Formal commands, 3. Students practice various tenses in realistic scenarios, like storytelling and giving devotionals. Teaching both Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 during the exact same block was quite a challenge. Lesson 27. 1. g. Career Jimtown Jr High School Curriculum Map (Spanish 1-Asi se Dice level 1) Unit Topic 1st 9 Wks State Standards Essential Questions Skills Assessments Review/ KS3 Curriculum Map – Spanish: Year 8 Topic Knowledge Substantive knowledge: This is the specific, factual content for the topic, which should be connected into a careful sequence of learning. Jr. Kitchen vocabulary, verb Classroom vocabulary, cognates, definite articles and gender, ABCs Curriculum Maps - Select a Program - Art and Design Education Bible Education Early Childhood English Language Arts Foreign Language Library & Media Mathematics Music Education Physical Education Science Social Studies Technology and Engineering Education Spanish 1 Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide; Spanish 2 Curriculum Map & Pacing Guide; Spanish 3 Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide; Spanish 4 Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide; Who doesn't like receiving something for FREE? If you would like try before you buy - these units are FREE to you: Spanish 1 Unit 6: School Vocabulary 'Mi escuela es excelente Curriculum Maps and Guides Spanish 3. Explain the significance of a mural in the world of art. net — District Anti-Bullying Coordinator: Dr. High STEM. B Write simple discourse of more than one paragraph on familiar topics. german 3 curriculum map 23-24 spanish. Curriculum Map – Year 8 – Spanish (2024-25) The National Curriculum for KS3 MFL All Y7 pupils study 2 Modern Foreign Languages from French, German and Spanish for 2 periods/week and Classics for one period/week. It was my largest class, and it had a huge range of proficiency levels. Spanish III culminates in the NYCDOE World Languages Comprehensive Exam in Spanish. Assessment: 3 listening questions (variety of potential question styles e. Spanish 3 emphasizes verb mastery with interactive exercises. Evaluate resources connected to other content areas in the target languages (such as fine arts, music, and media) b. The curriculum map outlines a Spanish 3 course covering various topics related to travel in Latin America. E Express in writing personal information, ideas, thoughts, preferences, and opinions. Connections and basic phrases 4. 2, 1. ABIERTO Spanish 3 Curriculum. Students read aloud Page 2 of 7 Curriculum Map - World Languages - Spanish 2 (3rd Edition) This is a detailed curriculum map for Spanish III using the "Asi se dice" level II book: Conrad Schmitt · McGraw-Hill Education · Hardback · 616 pages · ISBN 0076604241 and the level III book: Conrad Schmitt · McGraw-Hill Education · Hardback · 592 pages · ISBN 007660425X The curriculum map table i Type: honors available. Compare some myths and legends from the Spanish- speaking world with those of the United States VIDEO FOCUS: Famous archaeological Sites in the Spanish- speaking world 1. 2 a. Este recurso incluye muchísimo contenido. Students will learn about Aztec culture by reading about Teotihuacán. Assessment Opportunities Folktale story 1: El tlacuache y el coyote (The Opossum and Coyote) Discover the amusing tale of a foolish coyote and cunning opossum.
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